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India puts up 'Death Trap' at border, Pak sees RED

Check out Pakistani terrorist infiltration levels into Indian Kashmir before and after the fencing,
ur right about the decrease in infiltration level but it's not entirely because of the fence .... The ISI has enough on its plate. and ISI along with Freedom fighters has been under enormous pressure from the civil government after Mumbai attacks but u'll see that the 2014-15 will be game changing years in the history of kashmir ;) !!!
ur right about the decrease in infiltration level but it's not entirely because of the fence .... The ISI has enough on its plate. and ISI along with Freedom fighters has been under enormous pressure from the civil government after Mumbai attacks but u'll see that the 2014-15 will be game changing years in the history of kashmir ;) !!!

Infiltration levels went down considerably since 2004, not since the Mumbai massacre. The reason those Pakistani Punjabi terrorists (or "freedom fighters", if that's what you prefer) had to come by sea was precisely because of the fencing.

Anyway why wait for 2014? If it is a "freedom fight", shouldn't the native kashmiris be doing it right now, regardless of what is happening in Afghanistan? Why do you want afghans and arabs and Pakistanis to do a freedom struggle? Shouldn't freedom fight, by definition, happen in their own lands?

This constant threat by Pakistanis that after 2014 they will do something in kashmir which they haven't in the past 67 years, is clear admission by them that the Kashmir militancy has nothing to do with "freedom fighting", but everything to do with foreigners stirring trouble where they don't belong.

Anyway, bring your worst. Afghans, chechens, Pakistanis - it doesn't matter. The electric fence will take care of them, and for the (un)lucky ones that pass through, our army and Kashmiri policemen have prepared lots of space for their graves.

And as I asked before, what were these mighty "freedom fighters" doing before NATO invaded Afghanistan? If they haven't gained an inch of land from India in the past 67 years, with the terrific border sealing and COIN force that India has now established, they will not gain an inch in the next 670 years either.
wow, indians really cant take criticism of their country lmao, it burns them up so much thank you god.

it was not the militants -fyi it was pakistan special forces

if our army comes into kashmir you will know it, we have bigger things to take care at the moment in our own country.
it was not the militants -fyi it was pakistan special forces
Sir , Professional Armies don't pull stunts like that !!!

And as I asked before, what were these mighty "freedom fighters" doing before NATO invaded Afghanistan? If they haven't gained an inch of land from India in the past 67 years, with the terrific border sealing and COIN force that India has now established, they will not gain an inch in the next 670 years either.
If you really want a serious answer and not some BS argument like yours than take a hint .......

India will pay for siding with the wrong side in Afghanistan !!!
Sir , Professional Armies don't pull stunts like that !!!

Yea, agreed. PROFESSIONAL ones don't.

If you really want a serious answer and not some BS argument like yours than take a hint .......

India will pay for siding with the wrong side in Afghanistan !!!


if our army comes into kashmir you will know it, we have bigger things to take care at the moment in our own country.

True. Holding your own country together is more important. If only Pakistanis had realized this 67 years back...
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wow, indians really cant take criticism of their country lmao, it burns them up so much thank you god.

if our army comes into kashmir you will know it, we have bigger things to take care at the moment in our own country.

we have seen in so many wars- including kargil, even in 1948..it was the pak army and not the tribesmen which were revolting//

Sir , Professional Armies don't pull stunts like that !!!

If you really want a serious answer and not some BS argument like yours than take a hint .......

India will pay for siding with the wrong side in Afghanistan !!!

with all due respect..it is the "professional armies only" , Sir
we have seen in so many wars- including kargil, even in 1948..it was the pak army and not the tribesmen which were revolting//

so if you still haven't learned your lesson in kargil then when will you people learn?

india cant ever and i mean ever even touch pakistan without getting blown to bits.
so if you still haven't learned your lesson in kargil then when will you people learn?

india cant ever and i mean ever even touch pakistan without getting blown to bits.

we dont like to touch you anyhow..please be seated in your country..that is why we have these traps laid up..since you guys dont like to sit back
so if you still haven't learned your lesson in kargil then when will you people learn?

india cant ever and i mean ever even touch pakistan without getting blown to bits.

India doesn't want to "touch" Pakistan- NO ONE does. This is a myth you people have told yourselves that somehow Pakistan is the most desirable nation on earth and everyone wants a bit. India would much prefer to be left alone by you people- there's nothing you guys have that it needs, nothing but trouble.
[Bregs];4732663 said:
Better to solve Kashmir issue and avoid spending huge amounts on these security apparatus

It is not about Kashmir problem. It is about the mentality of Pakistani army. it will never change until they make their country a hell. What ever you see in Pakistan is a result of misdeed of Pak army and ISI. They are using terrorissm as a policy tool of their military doctrine. They will never give up supporting terrorism even though Kashmir Problem is solved.
Anyway why wait for 2014? If it is a "freedom fight", shouldn't the native kashmiris be doing it right now, regardless of what is happening in Afghanistan? Why do you want afghans and arabs and Pakistanis to do a freedom struggle? Shouldn't freedom fight, by definition, happen in their own lands?

This constant threat by Pakistanis that after 2014 they will do something in kashmir which they haven't in the past 67 years, is clear admission by them that the Kashmir militancy has nothing to do with "freedom fighting", but everything to do with foreigners stirring trouble where they don't belong.

Bloody well said.
Sardar Patel did everything possible to ensure that Pakistan gets created and this is why...

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