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India puts up 'Death Trap' at border, Pak sees RED

so if you still haven't learned your lesson in kargil then when will you people learn?

Looks like you were born after the kargil event. That's why your perception about that is based on the distorted history books of Pakistan. Try reading some neutral accounts or even the accounts of some of your own leaders like NS

india cant ever and i mean ever even touch pakistan without getting blown to bits.

:lol: what happened in 1971 ?
So you admit your govt backs terrorists tryin to infiltrate into India with the intent to kill innocents?

Where did you see the word government in all of this? Just because your government uses and pays our idiots does not make it any better either.

Border fence, visible from the space.

Breathtaking view!
Looks like you were born after the kargil event. That's why your perception about that is based on the distorted history books of Pakistan. Try reading some neutral accounts or even the accounts of some of your own leaders like NS

:lol: what happened in 1971 ?

what happened in kargil?
we still have the highest peak in kargil under our control. we killed more of your soldiers as well.
So you are saying Pakistan openly said they will vacate, and then they did not vacate? Is that what you are saying?
yeh i guess, and you people cant seem to do nothing about it, dont believe me though look it up your own fellow indians will tell you.
yeh i guess, and you people cant seem to do nothing about it, dont believe me though look it up your own fellow indians will tell you.

Tell him what? That we own roughly two lakh square km of your Kashmir since 1948, also the complete Siachin Glacier since 1984 and we carved a new nation out of you back in 1971? Compared to that a solitary mountain seems good bargain.
Tell him what? That we own roughly two lakh square km of your Kashmir since 1948, also the complete Siachin Glacier since 1984 and we carved a new nation out of you back in 1971? Compared to that a solitary mountain seems good bargain.
we carved a nation for our selves out of india, then we took half of kashmir as well then bangladesh won its independence from from us, then in 98 we attacked you and killed hundreds of your soldiers and took the highest mountain in that region putting as in a position to destroy your highway. when ever we want cutting you off from rest of the country.
we carved a nation for our selves out of india, then we took half of kashmir as well then bangladesh won its independence from from us, then in 98 we attacked you and killed hundreds of your soldiers and took the highest mountain in that region putting as in a position to destroy your highway. when ever we want cutting you off from rest of the country.

Don't brag about losses on our side when your Generals were bailing out on their soldiers leaving them at the mercy of our soldiers and the elements. The lies of bodycount that your Government feeds you mean nothing this side of the border where our soldiers have the displeasure of burying your soldiers and countless mercineries from your country.

Your soldiers were dying with bullets to their backs since Indian Army trapped them from all sides and buried them in unmarked graves, and here you are gloating on the lies of your government.
As per intelligence reports, there are over 300 militants waiting across the LoC to infiltrate for the past three to four months, but they are unable to cross over due to fencing and increased vigilance by troops and ground surveillance equipment.
Well, they can keep waiting till the cows come home! :P

But hey, we should allow a few yahoos to come in so that our recruits from the The Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (JAK LI) Center at Avantipur can have on-the-job training in firing at live targets! :sniper:
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