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India Pushing Tejas to BAF?

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Tamil Tigers are no more or not, Indian crime of supporting terrorists still exists. Sri Lanka was a small country who could not hold your collar back - but Pakistan has not forgotten nor forgiven Indian terrorism in the country. India will pay for its crimes.

is this thread about tamil tigers? NO
Kashmir is international disputed region and Baluchistan is not. And you will still shamelessly support BLA but refuse to acknowledge Kashmir even as a dispute. LOL.
I'm all for a plebiscite in the whole of J&K but strictly according to the UN Resolutions of 1948 which CLEARLY and UNAMBIGUOUSLY state in Para 1 of Part II that Pakistan must first withdraw ALL troops and tribals used for the purpose of fighting in Kashmir before a plebiscite is held.

So, when would Pakistan adhere to this caveat before a plebiscite is held and withdraw all its troops from Pak Administered Kashmir and GB? 70 years on and we're still waiting for Pakistan to comply with the UN Resolutions!
I actually meant this very video. This was supposed to be a publicity shot and the thing was literally dragging itself. Looks like a power issue to me. No one will call it 'quick'
Havent seen the video, only pics.

It has a 1:4 TWR, so not really any power issue.
Kashmir since the day 1 was a Muslim Majority region and wanted to be part of Paksitan. Following the very same principle Pakistan supports Kashmir and their freedom from Indian occupation.

And Kashmirs hate Indians. Even 3-4 years old sing Kashmir banega Pakistani before Indian soldiers despite being in the middle of 100 days long curfew! Shame on you for calling this region as your own and shame on you for mistreating its people in the name of "owning it".
A Kashmiri and a Muslim can become the Prime Minister of India but the PM of your occupied J&K takes instructions from a secretary appointed by Islamabad. We don't own J&K, its part of us. We are not ashamed of Kashmir, we are proud of it. A handful of terrorists and separatists even if supported by enemy nations, cant do anything other than killing some civilians.

Flying gobar tejas hahaha very well said by our Bangladeshi brother.
dont worry, they have already rejected the flying shit jf-17.
You should ask according to

Kashmir is an international disputed region where Pakistan is considered a shameless occupier, we just extended our moral support to Balochistan for their freedom struggle.

State of Jammu and Kashmir is the disputed territory. If your claim is only Pakistani part of Kashmir is disputed then you are totally lost. Pakistan doesn't have any part of Jammu - and still dispute is that of Jammu and Kashmir. LOL. Now re-imagine which part of Kashmir is disputed.

On what ground do you support Baluchistan and its terrorist fraction? It was never a disputed territory between India and Pakistan. Your talking of Baluchistan is as if Pakistan would talk of Liberation of Nexal States.
A Kashmiri and a Muslim can become the Prime Minister of India but the PM of your occupied J&K takes instructions from a secretary appointed by Islamabad. We don't own J&K, its part of us. We are not ashamed of Kashmir, we are proud of it. A handful of terrorists and separatists even if supported by enemy nations, cant do anything other than killing some civilians.

dont worry, they have already rejected the flying shit jf-17.

Don't worry Mr. Kashmir is neither India's part as per Indian constitution nor Kashmirs accept India as their country. You are lost on legal, moral and military fronts. Charon Shany Chit!

Its actually so comfortable topic for to talk about Kashmir because Indians are out naked and out of reasoning for it. Now go and read Indian constitution to know what is legal status of Kashmir before yo come and speak to me at PDF.
Kashmiris in their chanting for freedom (from India) wave Pakistani flags, not that of Independent Kashmir. Its another Indian lie that Kashmiris want to be free only and not part of Pakistan. That is actually India's fall-back strategy that even if had to let go Kashmir, it would make it Independent and not part of Pakistan. But India is failing on Kashmir and failed ones do not dictate outcomes.
We have seen last 70 years how outsiders try to fuel up Kashmir issue time to time & India knows how to manage it.There are several groups of people possessing several mindsets..Some want to be part of India same are joining Indian army & beating the craaap out of other Kashmiris,some wants be independent (Your authorities know very well & it is the same reason Pakistan took U turn regarding integration of Gilgit Baltistan else whole thing would backfire,Same separatists also gave verbal protest against it),some want to join Pakistan...
But the fact is we don't mind.Whatever the freak you think nuclear war is the only solution to Kashmir.If you can you should take it..
I'm all for a plebiscite in the whole of J&K but strictly according to the UN Resolutions of 1948 which CLEARLY and UNAMBIGUOUSLY state in Para 1 of Part II that Pakistan must first withdraw ALL troops and tribals used for the purpose of fighting in Kashmir before a plebiscite is held.

So, when would Pakistan adhere to this caveat before a plebiscite is held and withdraw all its troops from Pak Administered Kashmir and GB? 70 years on and we're still waiting for Pakistan to comply with the UN Resolutions!
Sorry, that option is obsolete and no longer applicable. After both the countries agreed to resolve it bilaterally and not involve a third party in Simla Agreement 1972. That's the reason UN never intervenes in the bilateral matter of Kashmir.
I'm all for a plebiscite in the whole of J&K but strictly according to the UN Resolutions of 1948 which CLEARLY and UNAMBIGUOUSLY state in Para 1 of Part II that Pakistan must first withdraw ALL troops and tribals used for the purpose of fighting in Kashmir before a plebiscite is held.

So, when would Pakistan adhere to this caveat before a plebiscite is held and withdraw all its troops from Pak Administered Kashmir and GB? 70 years on and we're still waiting for Pakistan to comply with the UN Resolutions!

Good to know Indians finally getting to realisation that Plebiscite is needed and recognise Kashmir's right to decide its future.

You are talking about modality, the mode of plebscite. Pakistan does not trust India and India doesn't trust Pakistan. Thus Plebiscite must happen under UN - agree. And at the same time, Pakistan doesn't trust India another time because of Indian ill-treatment of Kashmiris over the years. Thus Pakistan cannot leave Kashmirs under Indian administration because of bad Indian history. Now solution lies in conducing Plebiscite in both parts of Kashmir under UN and not under Indian authorities. And that is the best step forward.
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