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India Pushing Tejas to BAF?

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Pakistan was the first to arm militants on 1947 when Kashmir was independent.
Afghanistan?You must be high as freak..We can see who is openly funding Taliban in Afghanistan & supporting their govt..
Don't always blame our apex people.If really they are working under the shed of RAW then your people bunch of living sold outs..Blame them,not India..

Kashmir since the day 1 was a Muslim Majority region and wanted to be part of Paksitan. Following the very same principle Pakistan supports Kashmir and their freedom from Indian occupation.

And Kashmirs hate Indians. Even 3-4 years old sing Kashmir banega Pakistani before Indian soldiers despite being in the middle of 100 days long curfew! Shame on you for calling this region as your own and shame on you for mistreating its people in the name of "owning it".
India shall subsidize 90% of LCA sales to BAF using Indian tax payer money. To make a head start, India shall make some sacrifice and take it as some marketing fee paid out. :enjoy:
sri langa was fighting with Local tamilans and sri langa tamilans created LTTE, India helped sri langa that's why they killed Rajiv Gandhi,(reed History then comment, don't comment if you don't know the History)
Pakistan created Terror group against India which now Baiting back to you,
Read your History from the beginning,

India supported terrorism of Talim Tigers in Sri Lanka and they were butchers, ruthless murders. Pakistan helped Sri Lanka defeat the and the day Sri Lankan won its war against terrorists, there was a party in Pakistan GHQ.

Here, this is from your own media about Pakistan's support of Sri Lanka.
India shall subsidize 90% of LCA sales to BAF using Indian tax payer money. To make a head start, India shall make some sacrifice and take it as some marketing fee paid out. :enjoy:

It just beats me how slow and unweieldy JF 17 looks in all flight videos.
1.India overestimates herself and underestimates us. Dumbo Duval through his constant bragging misleads all. India should be finding out that SHW is, after all, a smart and slippery cat. They should also realize by now that it has been fatal to put all eggs in one basket. That basket is hated by her own people, and she wants desperately to alter that. Dumbo Duval ought to have understood SHW couldn't just snap links with Uncle Pranab or Aunty Sonia.
2. And lets not underestimate also the people living in the Hindu Kush
Do agree . . hindutva is the potential threat to Bangladesh . why would they buy from them ?:)
India supported terrorism of Talim Tigers in Sri Lanka and they were butchers, ruthless murders. Pakistan helped Sri Lanka defeat the and the day Sri Lankan won its war against terrorists, there was a party in Pakistan GHQ.

Here, this is from your own media about Pakistan's support of Sri Lanka.
Tamil tigers are no more.
Secondly, it was internal matter and a result of civil war. Which affected India too.

It was finally India who lost its PM not Pakistan. Get this thing clear in your head.
Kashmir since the day 1 was a Muslim Majority region and wanted to be part of Paksitan. Following the very same principle Pakistan supports Kashmir and their freedom from Indian occupation.

And Kashmirs hate Indians. Even 3-4 years old sing Kashmir banega Pakistani before Indian soldiers despite being in the middle of 100 days long curfew! Shame on you for calling this region as your own and shame on you for mistreating its people in the name of "owning it".

They didn't want to join Pakistan but wanted an independent Kashmir..They can shout whatever they want.
You had already militarized terrorized & captured what you called AJK.India intervened after letter of annexation & stopped you from letting capture the rest..Kashmir is rightfully ours & who opposes is should be considered anti nationals.
Flying gobar tejas hahaha very well said by our Bangladeshi brother.
Listen gullu butt,
First go and learn how to build a needle and use that to stich your raptured whole out of fear of India developing jets.

What have you developed so far? do you even have fa ility to develop microcontrollers and IC? No

NIE ( National Institute of Electronics ) and
Silicon Research Institute, which have been set up by the federal govt.
for the promotion of electronics/computers, provide nothing more than
lip service.
HUH!!! you cannot event develop a small embedded IC based circuit monitoring flight operations onboard.

Jet ki baat kartey hai
Some Biharis and Jamatis got left out in BD. Pakistan did not accept them.
And yet......
They didn't want to join Pakistan but wanted an independent Kashmir..They can shout whatever they want.
You had already militarized terrorized & captured what you called AJK.India intervened after letter of annexation & stopped you from letting capture the rest..Kashmir is rightfully ours & who opposes is should be considered anti nationals.

Kashmiris in their chanting for freedom (from India) wave Pakistani flags, not that of Independent Kashmir. Its another Indian lie that Kashmiris want to be free only and not part of Pakistan. That is actually India's fall-back strategy that even if had to let go Kashmir, it would make it Independent and not part of Pakistan. But India is failing on Kashmir and failed ones do not dictate outcomes.
Listen gullu butt,
First go and learn how to build a needle and use that to stich your raptured whole out of fear of India developing jets.

What have you developed so far? do you even have fa ility to develop microcontrollers and IC? No

Jet ki baat kartey hai
You should ask according to
Kashmir is international disputed region and Baluchistan is not. And you will still shamelessly support BLA but refuse to acknowledge Kashmir even as a dispute. LOL. Laughable for me because BLA is already beaten and Kashmirsis are growing on their influence.

Pakistan still finds Afghan Taliban have a legitimate role to play there, even Americans accept it. So Americans too recognise what you fail to see - but its not your fault.
Kashmir is an international disputed region where Pakistan is considered a shameless occupier, we just extended our moral support to Balochistan for their freedom struggle.
Balochis are being beaten on dialysis basis, not sure about bla. But surely we are making kashmiris strong and progressive enough to move away from pakistan who is their real enemy.
Taliban who tried to occupy your country was being given soo much importance--- speaks of your attitude.
Tamil tigers are no more.
Secondly, it was internal matter and a result of civil war. Which affected India too.

It was finally India who lost its PM not Pakistan. Get this thing clear in your head.

Tamil Tigers are no more or not, Indian crime of supporting terrorists still exists. Sri Lanka was a small country who could not hold your collar back - but Pakistan has not forgotten nor forgiven Indian terrorism in the country. India will pay for its crimes.
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