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India pursuing ‘K for K’ policy.

India persuing K for K policy and the thread is some bigoted opinion on weapons situation in Karachi. 70% of the Karachi is peaceful because it is under rangers control . The 30% areas dominated by MQM and ANP are always disturbed..I say make Karachi a politically neutral zone and ban all parties from operating there. The economic stakes are much higher than soo called democratic right of politics.

Cannot understand how a city can be ' peaceful' in percentages .

Banning political parties amounts to banning thoughts, what is needed is efficient intel & admistration not to mention Govt control.The commercial hub of Pak is not the Pak Af border region where the writ of Ismamabad hardly runs.
If only this was true.. That is the Indian leaders had to courage and will to respond to a terror attack with a similar terror attack, India wouldnt have been such a soft target..

Well said...

Thanks for laugh..:lol:

K for k ,B for K,I for k , L for k......:eek:

Still more to come..:tup: Just keep reading the news. :P


What does the International Tribunal opine?

Who cares what Tribunal says when one has Zaid and Zia on the TV...:lol:
Come on Pakistani friends...dont make RAW so powerful to allege that they are involved in Karachi Killing....It is like pur Congress party allege after each bomb blast that ISI involved in the blast...
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