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India provides money, targets to terrorists in Pak: Terrorist claims on video

Well well. Now this is something. Not surprised to see indians in denial (not talking about indianrabbit by others) by spinning this and bringing out-of-context topics to shy away from the topic at hand.
There is a famous saying my friend, "When your house is on fire, don't waste time commenting on others". Its time to act buddy. See your house is burning because of dogs which were fed by you and now they are shitting on your heads only.

Now mind telling me where they are getting their "****" from and where the "fire" is coming from?
Absolutely no reason why. But you're getting very desperate with comments like that since you got no other way to defend.
All those terrorist involved in these attacks represents only one nation....i mean attacks in both India and Pakistan... So the truth people in pakistan lacks tolerance and fails to love each other...
maybe Dawood ibrahim is giving terr some money. Since Dawood is indian living in pak, the terr mama thinks that india is sponsoring.
Hmm.... Things have started to come our as thought. We'll be seeing more of this shortly.
All rubbish - no Pakistani I know of has 'celebrated' blasts in India, and no ISI chief I am aware of has 'celebrated' or acknowledged support for terrorism in India.

Hmm..I'm not too sure about the 'not celebrated' part - perhaps privately. Hamid Gul(ex-ISI chief) is known for his militant views on India. And of couse, his support for taliban/jihadi outfits is no secret.

According to US military intelligence officials, Hamid Gul was directly involved in the Mumbai attacks.

Long War Journal
January 2009

The Pakistan-based handlers of the Mumbai terrorists ordered the murders of civilians over the phone and cheered after hearing the gunfire, according to the dossier of evidence India provided to the Pakistani government.

The documents, provide a cold, calculating, and chilling look at the masterminds behind the late November military-style assault on the Indian financial capital of Mumbai. More than 170 people were killed and hundreds wounded during the 60 hour terror spree that shut down the city. The Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan-based terror group allied with al Qaeda and supported by powerful elements within Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence agency and the military, carried out the attack.

Six Pakistani handlers monitored the news coverage from Mumbai and kept in constant touch with the terrorists holed up in Nariman House and the Taj Mahal and Trident hotels during the three day siege. The handlers are identified as Zarar, Kafa, Wassi, Jundal, Buzurg, and “Major General.”

Zarar has been identified as Zarar Shah, the Lashkar-e-Taiba communications expert who set up the network that allowed the Mumbai terrorists to speak with Lashkar-e-Taiba commanders in Pakistan during the attack. He also served as a key liaison between the terror group and Pakistan's Inter-Service Intelligence agency. Zarar is currently in Pakistani custody and has admitted to his role in the Mumbai attacks.

The identity of the other handlers has not been provided, but India has accused elements within Pakistan’s intelligence service and the military of supporting the attack. The handler identified as “Major General” implies the involvement of a current or former military officer. The Inter-Service Intelligence agency is a branch of the Pakistani military. The ISI chief and Army corps commanders achieve the rank of Major General or Lieutenant General.

A senior US military intelligence official familiar with the dossier said that the "Major General" is indeed Hamid Gul, the retired former chief of the ISI. "It's Gul," the official told The Long War Journal. "This is why the US is trying to get him on the UN list of terrorists." In December 2008 the US attempted to get Hamid Gul and other former military and intelligence officials added to the UN list of designated terrorists but has so far been rebuffed.
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People in india are devious, treacherous and evil.

Your lasting in this forum for 2 yrs and 8 months with 3000+ posts, out of which 100s of posts are of similar nature, while sensible Indian poster like EjazR, Garib Nawaz etc. getting banned over single outbursts, does give a very wrong impression on the (un)biasness of moderation here sometime (phew... that was a long sentence!!!)

@ Topic: I would not jump into any conclusion (either way) with this kind of half cooked claims of a hard-core terrorist whose arsse is being kicked well by the PA. Till the time PA's (including ISI of course) attention was riveted on India (Pakistan's one and only arch enemy), all were hunky dory for these mofos. Heck they were even enjoying being apple of GOP's eye for all my money's worth. The moment the world (hence GOP also, unwillingly if I may add) turned hostile towards these mofos, their arch enemy (yes, India) have been tagged now as these mofo's mentor. By whom?? I guess only by the mofos themselves and by the people who still want (some may want it VERY VERY discretely) these so call jehadi groups to survive the royal pounding been lashed by PA to fight another day against, ya, you guessed it right- India of-course. India ought to be punished for its illegal occupation of Kashmir, IA's atrocities including indiscriminant raping and killing of the Muslim fraternity in Kashmir particularly and throughout India in general (throw some caste-ism, racism in, you can say in general, for being such a evil country in all the respect).

I rest my case!!
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I think that the general Indian attitude here is that if you raise a rabid dog and feed it and if your landlord (USA) wants you to kick that dog out and it starts biting you , is it really necessary to start screaming at your eastern neighbor that he is responsible for your troubles. To certain Pakistanis here such as Jana and Omar, remember that terrorism of any form is a rabid dog including those so called "Kashmiri militants" whom you pet so often. These are not organised disciplined armies but suicide minded men who have no real loyalty to anybody else except their commander. When their commander decides that Pakistan has infuriated him, they will not hesitate to bite you back. But why am I telling you something you already learnt? Perhaps it is because the lesson has not really awoken you to reality
I think that the general Indian attitude here is that if you raise a rabid dog and feed it and if your landlord (USA) wants you to kick that dog out and it starts biting you , is it really necessary to start screaming at your eastern neighbor that he is responsible for your troubles. To certain Pakistanis here such as Jana and Omar, remember that terrorism of any form is a rabid dog including those so called "Kashmiri militants" whom you pet so often. These are not organised disciplined armies but suicide minded men who have no real loyalty to anybody else except their commander. When their commander decides that Pakistan has infuriated him, they will not hesitate to bite you back. But why am I telling you something you already learnt? Perhaps it is because the lesson has not really awoken you to reality
There was no "rabid dogs" in 1965 or 71 when your military and govn't were covertly supporting the Mukti-Bahni in Bangladesh to destablize and divide Pakistan, now was it?

You seem to be so selective in picking out faults in Pakistan that you forget your own history and become completely oblivious to the "insurgencies" instigated by your govn't against all of her neighbouring countries, LTTE, Mukti Bahni, Baloch rebels, anti-Pak karzai and his henchmen educated n brainwashed in India, to name a few. And Being the largest so called "communal democracy" on earth it faces more insurgencies than any other country on the planet. And how do you muster up the courage to deny this?

So much of your denial and ignorance is quite appalling. I wonder if your ignorance and selective denials of your own historical misadventures are deeply rooted in systematically instituted hatred of Pakistan or complete ignorance of your government's and militarizes misadventures. Be honest and tell us which one is it?

Better wake up now and smell the coffee before it's too late.
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were is video ? i want to hear it my self. I guess just a fake news
Hmm..I'm not too sure about the 'not celebrated' part - perhaps privately. Hamid Gul(ex-ISI chief) is known for his militant views on India. And of couse, his support for taliban/jihadi outfits is no secret.

According to US military intelligence officials, Hamid Gul was directly involved in the Mumbai attacks.

You are going to use a quote from LWJ to substantiate your claims?

This is the site that refused to publish the original video of Musharraf's interview that was distorted by the ToI to imply that he said 'aid was diverted and he (Musharraf) didn't care whether the US knew about it'.

He ran with the ToI story and blasted Musharraf and Pakistan and I sent him the video link plus the translation of the interview. All of a sudden he stopped corresponding with me and refused to publish any of my comments, while continuing to publish anti-Pakistan rants from other members.

So DO NOT post garbage from that blog on this forum.

What is 'perhaps privately supposed to mean'? vs Indians reveling in the terrorism in Pakistan in public on major Western and Indian news sites and forums? What is the comparison here?

Try again with substantiating your POV.
Your lasting in this forum for 2 yrs and 8 months with 3000+ posts, out of which 100s of posts are of similar nature, while sensible Indian poster like EjazR, Garib Nawaz etc. getting banned over single outbursts, does give a very wrong impression on the (un)biasness of moderation here sometime (phew... that was a long sentence!!!)
I believe his comment was a response to this one from rocky2:

"So the truth people in pakistan lacks tolerance and fails to love each other"

Both comments were derogatory generalizations, you cannot ignore the Indian's negative comments and only focus on the Pakistani who responded to them.

In any case, both have been deleted.

Any further issues with moderating need to be taken up through PM, not on the forum.
One other thing with respect to Hamid Gul, even if he is guilty of cavorting with extremists, he is no longer in the military.

We cannot control what people do in their private lives, and if he has chosen to associate with shady characters, then he has done so as a Pakistani civilian, much like Baitullah Mehsud has chosen a particular path as a Pakistani civilian.

Their actions do not automatically reflect on Pakistanis as a whole nor on the institution of the military.
Did that guy mention his handlers name(s) (just like Kasab was able to).

Did that guy was able to mention how he communicated (Oh sorry! he just said that they received funds).

Did Pakistan's intelligence agencies were able to identify the mode of communication used by this terrorist and trace them to India.

Whole world knows the Pak's intelligence agencies do not have any proof, so your ISI and Army are forced to make gimmicks like this to malign India, because it is your policy that if Pakistan sinks then India too. This is just an exhibition of that policy.

Your civilian administration will say they have already given the proof and then they will say that our PM has already accepted the proof given by Pak and then again they will say they are waiting for a AUSPICIOUS time to give proof to India.

Friends please take care that your country dose not become a international comedian.

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