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India presses on with Myanmar defence supplies in show of support

India presses on with Myanmar defense supplies in show of support
SAM Staff, September 22, 2017

India is considering supplying arms to Myanmar’s government in a sign of strong support for a neighbor that faces criticism for its crackdown on Rohingya Muslims.

The arms were discussed during a visit by the chief of Myanmar’s navy, Indian officials said on Thursday. The two sides also talked about training Myanmar sailors on top of the courses taught to its army officers at elite Indian defense institutions.

India’s decision to discuss enhancing military cooperation with its eastern neighbor appears part of a push to counter Chinese influence in the region.

It comes at a time when Western countries are stepping up pressure on Myanmar’s government for violence against Rohingya Muslims in its northwestern Rakhine state.

Myanmar rejects the charge, saying its forces are tackling insurgents of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army who it has accused of setting fires and attacking civilians.

Britain said this week it was suspending its training program for the Myanmar military, demanding it take steps to end the violence against civilians.

On Wednesday, the commander-in-chief of the Myanmar navy Admiral Tin Aung San met Indian Defence Minister Nirmala Sitaraman and the chiefs of India’s army, navy and air force.

The two sides are discussing the supply of offshore patrol boats, a military official said. The Myanmar navy chief also visited the naval ship building site in Mumbai as part of the four-day trip that ends on Thursday.

“Myanmar is a pillar of our Look East policy and defense is a large part of the relationship,” said the official.

In 2013, India offered to supply equipment such as artillery guns, radars and night vision devices to Myanmar’s army. Since then, the focus has shifted to naval cooperation as India seeks to push back against Chinese influence in the region.

The two sides are expected to increase coordinated patrols in the Bay of Bengal that help the two navies operate together.

“The fact that the Indian government is receiving a high level military officer at a time when the international community is criticizing the military sends out a signal,” said K.Yhome who specializes on India’s neighborhood policy at the New Delhi-based Observer Research Foundation.

“The message is (that) India is with the Myanmar government so far as the Rohingya issue is concerned,” he said.

Since the crisis erupted in Rakhine last month, New Delhi has been supportive of de facto leader Aung Saan Suu Kyi, condemning insurgent attacks on security forces that prompted a military crackdown against the Rohingya.

Only later as international criticism mounted, India expressed concern at the flight of hundreds of thousands of refugees into neighboring Bangladesh.

China has also stood by the Myanmar government. This week Foreign Minister Wang Yi told U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres that it supported Myanmar’s efforts to protect its national security and opposes recent violent attacks in Rakhine.
Who is selling weapons to Myanmar?
Most of Myanmar's military imports come from China, Russia, India, Israel and Ukraine.
Shakeeb Asrar | 16 Sep 2017 04:35 GMT | Myanmar, Rohingya, Interactive, Charts, War & Conflict
  • Myanmar army has shaped the country's politics and external affairs since it gained independence from the British in 1948.

    For more than half a century the army ruled with an iron fist. Since the early 1990s, it was subject to various embargoes and sanctions from the European Unionand the US.

    READ MORE: A visual explainer to the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar

    In 2012, as the country underwent a so-called democratic transition some of these sanctions were eased, though an EU arms embargo is still in effect.

    The following graphic shows which countries have provided weaponry to Myanmar since 1990, and identifies China, Russia, India, Israel and Ukraine as its major arms suppliers. Majority of Myanmar's fighter aircraft, armoured vehicles, guns and naval ships come from China, while Russia is the main provider of surface-to-air missiles.


RSS complicity in Rohingya Muslim genocide
Abdul Majid Zargar

A SILENT genocide of Myanmar Muslims is in progress. Such is the urgency shown by Burmese government to annihilate its Rohingya Muslims that it has even used Gunship helicopters to fire lethal and heavy ammunition on fleeing Muslims. The international community is a mute spectator to the organized holocaust and 57 Muslim Countries, except with the honorable exception of Turkey, is watching the carnage with disbelieving eyes. UN has issued a warning to Mynamar sans any action. It has also issued an advisory to Myanmar to accord a legal status to Country’s Muslims without any response.

Indian Prime Minster, Narendra Modi, in his recent visit to Myanmar, has endorsed and supported the Burmese leadership in dealing with the unfolding humanitarian crisis. This amounts to a clear signal to the leadership to go ahead with its ethnic cleansing pogrom. In an earlier tweet, Modi had extended cooperation to ruling dispensation to deal, among other things, with counter-terrorism (read Muslim persecution) operations.
RSS wedded to its ideology
People who expected a different response from Modi tend to forget that he is basically and essentially an RSS man wedded to its anti-Muslim ideology and bound by an oath to spread it nationally and internationally. And the present anti-Muslim pogrom in Myanmar has definite & explicit connections with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) founded in 1925. Widely regarded as the parent organisation of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the RSS is one of the principal organizations of the Sangh Parivar group.

Traditionally Buddhism has remained a peaceful religion with around 500 million followers around the globe. But in India’s vicinity, RSS has made deep inroads to radicalize the Buddhist society in Myanmar, Sri-Lanka and our own Ladakh. To achieve the objective, RSS and its tributaries use the time tested weapon of spreading falsified version of history to convince them about the injustice meted out to Buddhists during Mughal empire rule. The self-exiled Buddhist community from Tibet and living in Himachal Pradesh is also used as grist to the propaganda mill of RSS. Incidentally the capital of Tibetian Govt. in exile is in Macleod Gunj, a small hill resort in Himachal Pradesh.
RSS has a branch in Myanmar
Few people know that RSS has a branch in Myanmar fully beholden and dedicated to promotion of its wicked ideology. It is known as Sanatan Dharma Swayamsevak Sangh (SDSS). This organization has developed close relations and rapport with military dictators in Myanmar who have propped up characters like Ashin Wirathu to propagate hatred for Muslims in the country. This organization is freely allowed to indulge in political activities. How close RSS is to the military junta can be measured from the following report which appeared in ‘Organiser , the official organ of the Indian RSS, in its February 28 and March 5, 2000 issues:

“The 50th anniversary of the Sanatan Dharma Swayamsevak Sangh (SDSS) was held at the National Theatre on Mayoma Kyaung Street, Yagnon, recently. Secretary of the State Peace and Development Council, Lt. Gen. Tin Oo attended the meeting. The programme was attended by ministers and senior military officers. Minister for Commerce Brig. Gen. Pyi Sone; Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, Maj. Gen. Sein Htwa; Minister for Health, Maj. Gen. Ket Sein were among the prominent persons who attended the function…The Secretary delivered speech at the function.

This report appeared with two photographs. In one photograph five military Generals including second in command of the military junta, Lt. Gen. Tin Oo, were seen standing on the stage in the midst of SDSS leadership wearing khaki shorts. In the other photograph leading lights of the Burmese military junta were seen sitting in the front row of the auditorium.
‘Bodo Bala Sena’ in Sri Lanka
Besides Myanmar, RSS has also made a deadly alliance with ultra-orthodox Buddhist organization ‘Bodo Bala Sena’(BBS) in Sri Lanka for cleansing minorities in general and Muslims in particular.
The marriage of ideological convenience with this anti-Muslim extremist organization can be gauged from the following Facebook post dated March 28, 2013 of Mr. Ram Madahav, one of the important functionaries of RSS.

“The Muslim population in Sri Lanka is growing fast…There are mosques and madrassas sprouting everywhere in the country. A rough estimate suggests that of the 1.2 million Muslims, every 50 households have a mosque. In Colombo itself a new magnificent mosque is coming up, so are in many other places. Increasing number of ‘burqa’-clad women and skull cap-wearing men can be sighted on the streets of Sri Lankan cities and towns now.”

Ram Madhav also noted that Muslims in Sri Lanka have been insisting on halal products. He noted approvingly that “the BBS essentially talks about protecting the Buddhist culture of the country from foreign religions. By this it also means the Christian missionaries who are trying to convert people”. He was happy to note that “the BBS has maintained that Hindus and Buddhists of the country should work together on these issues.” He ended by commending, “So far, the issues raked up by the BBS are worthy of active and sympathetic consideration”.

On Twitter, Madhav wrote: “Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) is able to capture the attention of the Buddhist population of Sri Lanka.” Bodu Bala Sena: A new Buddhist Movement in SRI LANKA.
The relations between Sri Lankan Buddists & RSS can further be measured from the statement of Sri lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesing when he visited India in September 2015. At his only public address, he said: “There were only two appointments in Delhi I wanted to confirm: one with Prime Minister Modi, and the other with the India Foundation.” India Foundation is a Delhi based core strategic RSS think tank.
RSS spreads hate among Ladakhi Buddists
In our own state, RSS is spreading hate & venom among the Ladakhi Buddists. As Ajay Shukla writes in rediff.com on April 21, 2016:

“Identity politics have spread to Ladakh, with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh instigating Buddhist groups there against the Muslims who comprise half of Ladakh’s population.
We, should, therefore, be least surprised if we witness more anti-Muslim pogroms in Sri Lanka, Ladakh etc. in near future.
The author is a practicing chartered Accountant. Feedback: abdulmajidzargar@gmail.com
Recognizing india is enemy - is the biggest accomplishment for Bangladeshis

Recognizing india is enemy of Bangladesh - is the biggest accomplishment for Bangladeshis, that was the assessment made by popular English daily editor. Nurul Kabil who represent ultra-secular camp in Bangladesh made his observation when a TV talk show asked questions about india Bangladesh relation and latest visit of Hasina.

He clearly spelled out, india can keep few puppets but absolute majority of Bangladeshis see india as enemy. According to the editor, his observation is based on meeting and talking to people from cross section of Bangladeshi society – ordinary people, political leaders, professionals and youths. Renowned editor made case by case analysis how india made itself enemy to people of Bangladesh and to Bangladesh as a country.

1) India depriving Bangladesh from rightful share of water in common rivers using one pretext after another.

2) India blatantly interfered in Bangladesh election, installed an autocratic regime and destroyed democratic process.

3) Bangladesh is source of $15 billion dollars export and remittance earning for india. Yet, india prevent Bangladesh export of even few million dollars using tariff, para tariff and using other flimsy excuses.

4) India relentlessly killing Bangladeshis at border.

5) India gained corridor through Bangladesh using awami league regime, in virtually free of cost.

6) But india prevents Bangladeshi companies to do business with Nepal and Bhutan by putting condition and asking to do business through indian companies.

7) India blatantly interfered in Bangladesh election and installed an autocratic regime.


When asked how about loans india provided to Bangladesh. Editor explained indian loans is just another way india trying to increase sale of indian goods and services and create a captive market. Because condition for indian loan is buying Indian good and services with the money. According to the Editor, indian foreign policy establishment and policy heavily directed by age old “Chanyka” and that cannot be base for any friendship with any country, specially with South Asian countries.

Video of the interview:

Muslims everywhere have this habit of playing the victim card by promoting & displaying hatred, for violence against other communities. In the middle East their first hate is Jews then others. In the West their first hate is Christians. In East Asia it's Buddhists & Taoists. In the sub-continent it's Hindus. Why?

Everywhere you threaten others with revenge, war, nuclear attacks or terrorist activities. Why?

Can't you people just live in peace. Sort out differences peacefully without making threats or hue & cry?

If there is a problem in Myanmaar, rather than sorting your problems with them, why pull India into everything just like Pakistan does. The more you build hostility, you are going to lose your trade with other countries like Pakistan.

We have no problem or hatred with Bangladesh, but you people are doing the same mistake Pakistan did from independence & now they are getting the same medicine in multi fold. We are cutting them off from the world & their economy is collapsing. You don't realize, if we wanted to oppress BD, we would have occupied it in 1971 after defeating Pak forces.

This is the same hostile language Pak used to promote of war, terror & destroying India. They started wars with India, they started terror attacks in India. Did they win. Now when things have reversed & India is using the same strategy, they are crying India is a war monger & they are very innocent souls.

Hatred is always promoted mostly from the BD end against India. Even look in this forum how much hate you people carry. You are a small country, which will be crushed from all sides if you make a enemy of India. If you don't see Pakistan's neighbor hood now, go ahead build hostility till you have a similar neighborhood. Live in peace, talk language of love & praise for others to see growth & happiness. It applies with every country.

Regarding trade you have similar trade deficit with China. Let me remind you, India is not even half of your trade problems you have with Thailand. You import from Thailand between 9-10 Billion $ every year. They buy almost nothing from you. But people will make noise about India & Hindus.

Pakistan & BD never have guts to talk about others, but will show their hatred for India & Hindus for everything.

Now go through the links below.


If you want to live in peace stop blaming others, try & keep good relations at every cost. It will show the country's image. Bhutan is considered the happiest & peaceful country in the world, because the people genuinely speak the language of love & peace & they don't get involved in talks which involve building hatred & violence. Look at Doklam, their voice was hardly heard. And whatever arms or military you build, India will any day crush you in few days. So what will you gain.

Muslim refugees never go back to their country after given asylum, on top they will blame the country giving refuge they are not good & soon attack the same country who gives them asylum. See what's happening in Europe who has given refuge to Syrians, Arabs & other refugees. These people are continuously doing terror attacks. So they are also deporting back the refugees & Muslims. You people need to ask this question why it happens only with Muslims rather than blame others for everything.

I have nothing against Muslims, but over time anybody will feel hostile if we do our part but on the other side you always get hostility. Anyway no use, you will continue with your hate speeches. Go ahead, if you think it will solve problems & give mileage. You people don't learn from other Muslim countries. At-least learn from Indonesia & Malaysia. Good Luck
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Good going India. Good job!

Bangladeshi people doesnt have any more confusion! This is an eye opener for the military strategists to formulate future plan.
After the way BD people on this forum leave no stone unturned to disrespect India, you have no right to claim victimhood.

We have to tilt somewhere else to maximize our benefit.Our policy of maintaining equal relation with Indian and China making us nobody's friend.India will interpret that as pro-China bias if you try to maintain equal good relation with both.Remember, even after widespread acknowledgement of AL's pro India bias,Indian former top diplomat Kanwal Sibal accused us for importing arms from China and joinjng OBOR.I think he is speaking the Indian mind frankly due to his former status.They still resent the so called our 'balanced' relation with both China and India.They want a Bhutan like dependency from Bangladesh to consider us as a 'friend'.

There is nothing in this world as 100 percent neutrality.Even Switzerland maintain some pro-western bias.We need to learn from myanmar.Their relationship is much more strong with China than India.For our case, it should to be even stronger with China, because India is much more a threat to Bangladesh than Myanmar.If you think, you are everybody's friend than you are actually nobody's friend.And all of them will give you a bamboo when you need them badly.

I don't care whether China have any natural love for Bangladesh or not.And they will certainly try to use Bangladesh for their geo-political gain.But we have to consider that, China's geo-political interest make us stronger against our immediate threat that is India.Indian goal is to make Bangladesh another Bhutan, and our quest should be to resist that at any cost.

And Pakistan is not a slave of China,It is the most enduring and strong geo-strategic partnership in Asia which is shielding Pakistan from a lot of harmful posture from the West and India.I don't care how you interpret that relationship, Many people say UK being the slave of USA. But the main point is Pakistan is getting a lot of benefit by that close relationship.China help made Pakistan a nuclear armed regional power, and what we will get by cultivating close relation with India? Another Bhutan.Do you think, India want a strong Bangladesh? But China want that for their own benefit.That's also happen to be our own benefit.

Whether you like it or not, our geo-political interest closely match that of China.We need investment, loan, trade,weapon and political support.And Bangladesh will gain these things much more with aligning with China than any other country in this world.Destroy our relation with China, even India will not give us any dime then.Because they don't need to.

I will tell you this, India and China differ in the pressure they apply to twist the elbow when it comes time for payment.
No matter what the current scenario is, it is only the ALs of BD that help use our common ancestory to ease some of that pressure. BD is a gold mine for Indian business interests aside from all the security reservation we have.
China is a harder partner to negotiate with.
Hope your foreign policy makers show more tact than emotion in charting the next steps of where BD should be.
You have a bright future in terms of economic growth and your strategic geo-location, don't let it go to the dogs
We have to tilt somewhere else to maximize our benefit.Our policy of maintaining equal relation with Indian and China making us nobody's friend.India will interpret that as pro-China bias if you try to maintain equal good relation with both.Remember, even after widespread acknowledgement of AL's pro India bias,Indian former top diplomat Kanwal Sibal accused us for importing arms from China and joinjng OBOR.I think he is speaking the Indian mind frankly due to his former status.They still resent the so called our 'balanced' relation with both China and India.They want a Bhutan like dependency from Bangladesh to consider us as a 'friend'.

There is nothing in this world as 100 percent neutrality.Even Switzerland maintain some pro-western bias.We need to learn from myanmar.Their relationship is much more strong with China than India.For our case, it should to be even stronger with China, because India is much more a threat to Bangladesh than Myanmar.If you think, you are everybody's friend than you are actually nobody's friend.And all of them will give you a bamboo when you need them badly.

I don't care whether China have any natural love for Bangladesh or not.And they will certainly try to use Bangladesh for their geo-political gain.But we have to consider that, China's geo-political interest make us stronger against our immediate threat that is India.Indian goal is to make Bangladesh another Bhutan, and our quest should be to resist that at any cost.

And Pakistan is not a slave of China,It is the most enduring and strong geo-strategic partnership in Asia which is shielding Pakistan from a lot of harmful posture from the West and India.I don't care how you interpret that relationship, Many people say UK being the slave of USA. But the main point is Pakistan is getting a lot of benefit by that close relationship.China help made Pakistan a nuclear armed regional power, and what we will get by cultivating close relation with India? Another Bhutan.Do you think, India want a strong Bangladesh? But China want that for their own benefit.That's also happen to be our own benefit.

Whether you like it or not, our geo-political interest closely match that of China.We need investment, loan, trade,weapon and political support.And Bangladesh will gain these things much more with aligning with China than any other country in this world.Destroy our relation with China, even India will not give us any dime then.Because they don't need to.

Our immediate enemy is Myanmar and will remain so as long as Rohingyas problem is not sorted. I am sure Myanmar took blessing from China before started their genocidal campaign in Rakhine state.

It will take a long long time to sort this $hit out. So we cant really make any strategic move with China at this moment.

In the Rohingya issue, India will not be any help as long as they have a xenophobic and islamophobic government in place. They will not allow Rohingyas to gain any sort of autonomy which will adversely affect the psycho of the NE muslim where a sizeable geographical areas are muslim majority. They will rather join Rohingya genocide than helping them out.

In the meantime BD needs to augment its defense capability by aligning with the west and Turkey. Diversify while staying close with the Chinese and Chinese defense industry. We have to prepare for a short and decisive military expedition in northern rakhine state to create leverage and permanently solve the issue. It has to be done unilaterally with the local population in our side. Only then Security Council will come forward with a resolution which will be fair to every stakeholder in the conflict.
days of indians hiding behind China and whomever, is over. Bangladesh relation with China or any other country is different. But india has proven again and again, it is an existential threat and eternal enemy of Bangladesh.

How is Indian Myanmar relations a threat to Bangladesh ? Myanmar has no conflict with Bangladesh as far as i know.. Unless that is that Bangladesh do admit Rohingya are actually Bangladeshi migrants by default

India, China and Thailand are the 3 other neighbors of Myanmar, Non of them will put their national interests above the Rohingya issue, Which is essentially a internal conflict
Good. We have massive commercial interests in Myanmar. Rohingyas or whatever are not our concern.

We stand with Myanmar like Russia and China.

India, China and Thailand are the 3 other neighbors of Myanmar, Non of them will put their national interests above the Rohingya issue, Which is essentially a internal conflict
Exactly. We are not good going to interfere and spoil relations with Myanmar over their internal affairs. No one will.

It's only the jihadi Bangladeshis who think otherwise. But they get scared and can never criticize Russia or China. So they vent out at India for the same thing that China and Russia are doing.
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For what?
I presume the decision to send supply was taken before the flareup, rohingyas provide little or no threat to myanmar army.(that we need to send supplies for).
If that is true, we could have delayed the supply. It looks like we are supporting the oppressive regime in killing innocent civilians.
To become a militarily capable state including an indigenous defence industry, we need China more than anyone else.West will not help us in defence matter and they will be the first in arms embargo, if Bangladesh had to go to war with anybody.Turkey can play a secondary role in modernizing our defence force.But our main source will have to be China and Russia, whether you like or not.China has an added interest to help Bangladesh militarily which no other country has except may be Pakistan.We have to capitalize that.Do you think,west will give us sophisticated military hardware by ignoring powerful Indian lobby to not to do so?It is only in China and Pakistan were Indian lobby against Bangladesh will not bear fruits,if Bangladesh become close with them.

We are not a rogue state and should fear for arms embargo.. I dont think we will see military takeover, nuclear proliferation or anything of that sort to be subjected to arms embargo. West will rather arm us more if we attack MM a Chinese puppet.

We can certainly get cheap technology from China and Russia but will we be able to use them against MM?
05:50 PM, September 22, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 06:19 PM, September 22, 2017
India using chilli sprays, stun grenades to dissuade Rohingya influx

A Rohingya refugee child cries as others queue to receive aid in Cox's Bazar, September 22, 2017. Photo:Reuters
Reuters, New Delhi

India has stepped up security along its largely porous eastern border with Bangladesh and is using "chilli and stun grenades" to block the entry of Rohingya Muslims fleeing from violence in their homeland of Myanmar, officials said on Friday.

Border forces in Hindu-majority India, which wants to deport around 40,000 Rohingya already living in the country, citing security risks, have been authorised to use "rude and crude" methods to stop any infiltration attempts.

"We don't want to cause any serious injury or arrest them, but we won't tolerate Rohingya on Indian soil," said a senior official with the Border Security Force (BSF) in New Delhi.

"We're using grenades containing chilli spray to stop hundreds of Rohingyas trying to enter India ... the situation is tense," added the official, who declined to be identified as he was not authorised to speak to media.

More than 420,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh since Aug. 25, when a coordinated attack by Rohingya insurgents on Myanmar security forces triggered a counteroffensive, killing at least 400 people, mainly militants. The United Nations has called the assault a "textbook example of ethnic cleansing".

Densely populated Bangladesh is struggling to shelter all the refugees desperate for space to set up shacks, sparking worries in India that the influx could spill into its territory.

RPS Jaswal, a deputy inspector general of the BSF patrolling a large part of the border in India's eastern state of West Bengal, said his troops were told to use both chilli grenades and stun grenades to push back the Rohingya.

A chilli grenade makes use of a naturally-occurring compound in chilli powder to cause severe irritation and temporarily immobilise its target.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist government is growing increasingly hostile towards the Rohingya in India, with Home Minister Rajnath Singh calling on Thursday for their deportation as illegal migrants.

Seeking to get legal clearance for the deportation plan, the home ministry told the Supreme Court this week it would confidentially provide it with intelligence information showing Rohingya links with Pakistan-based militants.

Most of the peaceloving refugees had no link to criminal activity, two Rohingya men protesting against the deportation move told India's top court on Friday.

An official of India's federal investigations agency said it was seeking help from Muslim religious leaders to step up surveillance of the Rohingya.

Police have arrested a suspected al Qaeda member they believe was trying to recruit Rohingya in the country to fight security forces in Myanmar. More than 270 Rohingya have been in Indian jails since 2014.

"Our investigations have revealed that Al Qaeda wants to use India and Bangladesh as their base to start a religious war against Myanmar," said New Delhi police official Pramod Singh Khuswah. "Clearly they are a threat to our security."
We are not a rogue state and should fear for arms embargo.. I dont think we will see military takeover, nuclear proliferation or anything of that sort to be subjected to arms embargo. West will rather arm us more if we attack MM a Chinese puppet.

We can certainly get cheap technology from China and Russia but will we be able to use them against MM?

There is no "kill switch" that would stop planes from flying.

China would not even think of compromising the source codes as then it will have made an eternal enemy out of BD.

They may not resupply in times of war but BD should have enough for a certain period of time and will also have weapons from other sources like Turkey to keep going.

BD can also make ammunition for rifles and tank shells and so will become more self-sufficient over time.

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