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Modi has his brain in his ankles. Kindly bring back MMS. He was an experienced leader who bought respect and fast tracked indian economy into a successfull one and modi is just reversing indian gains of MMS tenure!
No wonder you could see only balls in my post, did i step on your tail or what?

See you can't take your own metaphor .... All I was asking is, do you think Nawaz is/will have better strategic planning compared to Modi ????
This terrorist PM of India destroyed indian image no one is saying word about shining india anymore.. he will lead to place where indian media create so much mess and put mody where he wanted to against the wall the he will do what normal people dont think a attack..
Full fledge war is not out of table even us and europe are telling india to stop this craziness. But if he wont do how will he win next election. Congress is taking full advantage why not.. with all this bullcrap he created.
For Pakistani its a good thing we are more united and ready to deal this craziness.
It's BS. India does not believe in direct war, but proxy. Its neighbors know it better than its own people.
For sure they believe in proxy but hey even that wont be workable since we caught their monkies they are fully exposed.
Now they will try to feed parties with in Pak like achakzai ANP will raize greater Pakhtoonistan paying more to BLA keeping culprits like Bramdad..
Its their last move after that they have to think another plan.
This war mongering country is the sole reason why we have so much terrorism in this region and so many conflicts.

Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka etc are so unlucky to have this war mongering "child in elephants body" as a neighbor!
i also agree my sources are saying the same as well. lekin it still doesnt show anything at all.
one of the oil refineries has army engineer corps on standby......Diesel and Aviation fuel in 100℅ stocks, commerical orders will be put on hold at given moment ... i will not name the refining unit though..
Agreed. India does believe in ganging up - expect a request from India asking the Banglas to help them. Please don't. We don't need another 1971.

Bangladesh will never involve into India's war, except our compromised govt will be barking from the side line. Still maximum Bangladeshis or 60 to 70% will morally and for religious reasons will support Pakistan on Kashmir issue as per my observation in social media.

But in case any war breaks out and if there any easy donation system is available, you will see a massive fund raising by Bangladeshis for Pakistan/Kashmir to fight against India.

This war mongering country is the sole reason why we have so much terrorism in this region and so many conflicts.

Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka etc are so unlucky to have this war mongering "child in elephants body" as a neighbor!

In my opinion, Pakistan always made mistakes when the time was crucial. For example, when Pakistan joined US for WOT in 2001/2002, India joined US for nuclear deals, and started the process to set a stooge gov in BD. But today, in this crucial time PK looks promising to some extent. Let's see.
More BS from India. For war India needs balls, at the moment Modi seems to be struggling with managing his chest.

Someone "WITHOUT" Balls, created Two Halfs in 1971 while Converting 90000 ( WITH BALLS ) POWs !
An OLD man ( Vajpayi , Peace Lover ) Ruined the General , in 1999

Modi.... I leave it to your imagination.
India needs to improve ammunition levels to stipulated 40day WWR levels. The current levels are to low. Some order given regarding this which is being spun to show jingoism.
Pakistan dont need to waste its money and resources to be par at India level , we only need to fule 200+ missiles and attach them with nukes ...make sure all to be depart at one time...lol I already started digging an underground barrack in my lawn... ;)
For sure they believe in proxy but hey even that wont be workable since we caught their monkies they are fully exposed.
Now they will try to feed parties with in Pak like achakzai ANP will raize greater Pakhtoonistan paying more to BLA keeping culprits like Bramdad..
Its their last move after that they have to think another plan.

Yes they executed Pilkhana/BDR in 2008 instead of directly attacking BD after the Paduya incident in 2001
This war mongering country is the sole reason why we have so much terrorism in this region and so many conflicts.

Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka etc are so unlucky to have this war mongering "child in elephants body" as a neighbor!

China ? Myannmar and Nepal ? Im wondering why u forgot Bhutan ( And may be even Moon and Mars .... Hint : Mangalyaan and Chandrayaan )

I agree to you... Trust me....The Irony being... Despite of our Hardwork, we could not match Pakistan in Getting Stars like OBL , Hafiz Saeed and Nuclear Proliferators like AQ Khan !

Someone "WITHOUT" Balls, created Two Halfs in 1971 while Converting 90000 ( WITH BALLS ) POWs !
An OLD man ( Vajpayi ) Ruined the General , in 1999

Modi.... I leave it to your imagination.
We already taken half of Kashmir from u dude , we already did a successful surgical strike in 1999, so it was pakistan who called indias nuclear bluff first , stop vomiting and get off from khan sb dick now , surgical strike dream is over bati bujha air so ja..hahaa

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