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India possessed “enough fissile material … for more than 2,000 warheads.”

Underlined portion: How will that happen? One nuclear bomb rendering all useless? Seriously I would like to know your physics and logic.
Rest of it I wont even bother to write about

When there would be no more subcontinent left (or whatever left wud not be worthy of being called a country) then where would U use the remaining nukes?. Seems U didnt grab the catch here.
I think India is more focussed on future fleet of SSN, SSBNs, ICBMs and SLBMs....those will require hugh amount of 'fissile' stuff. Till then Its holding itself and going slow.
Nuclear stockpile is one thing. Able to make hydrogen bomb, miniaturize it and have a true heavy payload ICBM with MIRV is another thing,
Look at the picture from post 1 and you don't need to read any further. China only have 250 warheads since 1981?

Actual figure 1000 but India has projected most of reactors to guards.
SOURCE: THE BULLETIN By Elizabeth Whitfield

How many nuclear weapons can India make with its existing fissile material stockpile? Recently, two different sources have produced wildly divergent estimates. In September 2015, the Pakistani newspaper Dawn reported that India possessed “enough fissile material … for more than 2,000 warheads.” In contrast, a reportreleased by the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) in November 2015 concluded that India’s stockpile of fissile material was only sufficient to make approximately 100 nuclear weapons. What accounts for the order-of-magnitude difference between these estimates?

Estimates of fissile material have significant real-world policy implications. Pakistan, for example, seems to base requirements for its own nuclear weapons program in no small part on the projected size and composition of India’s nuclear arsenal, as well as perceptions of Indian conventional military superiority. At a time when both India and Pakistan seem increasingly at risk of sliding into an arms race, in spite of their efforts and protestations to the contrary, inflated nuclear weapons projections run the risk of inflaming the public discourse and heightening this competition unnecessarily.

Estimating stockpiles. The estimate reported by Dawn that India has enough fissile material to produce 2,000 nuclear weapons can be traced back to a 2014 assessment by Mansoor Ahmed, a Pakistani nuclear analyst. He estimated that at the end of 2013, India’s fissile material stockpile included 800 to 1,000 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium, 2 metric tons of highly enriched uranium (HEU), and 15 metric tons of reactor-grade plutonium. Assuming that 4 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium, 50 kilograms of HEU, or 8 kilograms of reactor-grade plutonium would be necessary to make one nuclear warhead of each type, Ahmed estimated that India could produce 250 warheads from weapons-grade plutonium, 40 from HEU (gun-type implosion devices, not thermonuclear weapons), and 1,875 from reactor-grade plutonium—for a total arsenal of 2,165 nuclear weapons.

In contrast, the recent report from ISIS concluded that at the end of 2014, India likely possessed about 550 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium, 100 to 200 kilograms of HEU intended for use in thermonuclear weapons, and 2.9 metric tons of separated reactor-grade plutonium. The study assessed that this fissile material was sufficient to produce about 75 to 125 nuclear warheads, with 100 nuclear weapons as the median estimate. ISIS arrived at this number mainly through an appraisal of India’s weapons-grade plutonium stockpile; the authors assume that India would not use reactor-grade plutonium in nuclear warheads, and that HEU would only be used to produce a handful of thermonuclear weapons at most. ISIS also considered that some plutonium is in weapons production pipelines or held in reserve, meaning that only about 70 percent of India’s stockpile is available to be made into weapons. Consequently, assuming that it would take 3 to 5 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium for each warhead, ISIS calculations yielded an arsenal that could range from 75 to 125 nuclear weapons.

Reactor-grade plutonium. The biggest difference between these two estimates comes from their assessments of, and assumptions about, reactor-grade plutonium. Not only does the ISIS study discount the possibility that India would use reactor-grade plutonium in its nuclear weapons, but its estimate of India’s reactor-grade plutonium stockpile is also significantly lower than Ahmed’s: 2.9 metric tons as opposed to 15 metric tons.

Interestingly, Ahmed himself has given much lower estimates of India’s reactor-grade plutonium stockpile in other instances. In a post on the Stimson Center’s South Asian Voices blog, also from 2014, Ahmed cited India’s reactor-grade plutonium stockpile as just 5 metric tons rather than the 15 metric tons that he posits in the Defense Newsarticle. In a private email communication with me, Ahmed explained that this disparity is due to the distinction between separated plutonium and plutonium found in spent fuel. Ahmed clarified that he estimates India possesses 5 metric tons of reactor-grade plutonium that has already been separated, and an additional 10 metric tons in spent fuel that has not yet been separated. The estimate of 2,000 nuclear warheads reported by Dawn included both of these types of reactor-grade plutonium, whereas Ahmed’s lower estimate included only the 5 metric tons of plutonium that he estimates has already been separated.

Other estimates of fissile material stockpiles typically do not include plutonium in spent fuel that has not been reprocessed, for the good reason that such fissile material is not available for use in nuclear weapons. Reprocessing is complicated and expensive, and India in particular has historically had trouble achieving consistent operations in its reprocessing facilities. One of the most highly respected sources on fissile material stockpiles, the International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM), recently released a report that sheds useful light on this question. In its Global Fissile Material Report 2015, the IPFM does not include unseparated plutonium as part of its estimate of India’s fissile material stockpile, citing the historically poor performance of India’s reprocessing plants at Tarapur and Kalpakkam.

The report notes that India’s reactor-grade plutonium stockpile is most likely intended as fuel for the country’s Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor—not for nuclear weapons, as Ahmed assumes—but that the reactor’s start date has been pushed back several times. This is likely due to difficulty that India has reportedly experienced in separating sufficient plutonium to fuel the reactor. Considering this historically low rate of separation and the problems it has caused for India’s fast breeder reactor program, it seems difficult to imagine that the country’s reprocessing plants will support a future sprint to rapidly separate its remaining stockpile of reactor-grade plutonium from the spent fuel and turn that fissile material into an exponentially larger nuclear arsenal.

Assessing motivation. Setting aside the question of capability, would India decide to make nuclear weapons from reactor-grade plutonium? As the name would suggest, reactor-grade plutonium is not as suitable for nuclear warheads as weapons-grade plutonium. Weapons-grade plutonium is irradiated for a shorter period of time in order to maximize the proportion of the more desirable plutonium 239 isotope. In contrast, reactor-grade plutonium is irradiated much longer to maximize its energy potential, and consequently contains a lower level of plutonium 239 and a higher concentration of plutonium 240. Weapons made from material that contains a higher amount of plutonium 240 are much more likely to fizzle (to produce a much smaller explosive yield than expected) and require a larger amount of fissile material for critical mass. Although it is possible to make nuclear warheads from reactor-grade plutonium, experts consider it more complicated and risky than using weapons-grade plutonium.

Nuclear weapons tend to be viewed in India more as political symbols than as usable weapons, and they occupy a less salient place in India’s national security strategy than is the case for many other nuclear weapons states. Given that, it seems unlikely that India’s leaders would feel the need to use reactor-grade plutonium that is otherwise intended for fast breeder reactors in order to make lower-quality warheads when they already have the capacity to make 100 or more from superior weapons-grade plutonium alone. India has committed to a doctrine of both “No First Use” and of credible minimum deterrence, and accordingly seems to place much more importance on developing a secure second-strike capability than on the size of its arsenal.

India values its international reputation surrounding nuclear weapons—it has reaped dividends from being perceived internationally as a responsible nuclear power. India’s leaders seem unlikely to risk this carefully maintained image by engaging in a rapid nuclear weapons build-up that might alarm the international community, particularly when substantially greater numbers of warheads are not viewed in India as strategically necessary or even beneficial. In light of these attitudes, it seems doubtful that New Delhi would feel the need to manufacture large numbers of weapons using reactor-grade plutonium.

Revising the math. What is the most plausible estimate of India’s fissile material stockpile and the number of nuclear weapons that it could build? After discounting unseparated plutonium in spent fuel as a source of proliferation in the near future, even Ahmed’s generous estimate from the South Asian Voices blog post is only equivalent to a potential Indian arsenal of 844 nuclear warheads—a significant number to be sure, but nowhere near 2,000 weapons.

If one discounts reactor-grade plutonium entirely, that estimate drops even further to an arsenal of just 219 weapons. In addition, it is likely that much, or even most, of India’s HEU is intended for use in naval reactors rather than in nuclear warheads. It is also clear that some of India’s weapons-grade plutonium was already used in nuclear tests or is contained in process waste. Taking into account those factors, the estimate quickly begins to drop to something much more along the lines of the ISIS estimate of roughly 100 nuclear warheads. This estimate is in the same ballpark as the September 2015 estimate by Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris in the Bulletin, of 110 to 120 nuclear warheads.

The implications of estimates. Fissile material estimation, particularly when based on open-source information, is an inexact science. The uncertainty in such estimates must be properly contextualized in order to make sound projections of an adversary’s future arsenal. Because nuclear arsenals are the result of political decisions as well as scientific ones, it is important to consider a country’s strategic calculus rather than focusing on technical capabilities alone.

Much like the imaginary missile gap fueled public fears and heightened the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, improperly contextualized estimates of India’s fissile material stockpile risk skewing the public discourse and pushing South Asia toward a competition that both countries wish to avoid. The stakes are high: nothing less than a nuclear arms race on the subcontinent could hang in the balance.

Utterly irrelevent, this is not something to be proud about at all- it is a dirty little secret.

+ It's weird to me the attention and spin being used here and specifically singling out India , what is the agenda at work here?
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Man,I just do not understand the reasoning behind these so called estimations by these so called 'analysts'!!I mean,these blokes somehow deduced that the amount of weapons grade plutonium in Indian possession to be around 500 kg,enough for roughly 100-110 warheads of some 25-30 kts (if not treated with Tritium and beryllium) during year 2000,come 2005 the number remained same as near 100,in 2010,same 100 and now it's 2016 and it still somehow remains stagnant at......................you guessed it correct,exactly one hundred!!Do they really think that India has ceased to increase its arsenal of fissile materials??Frankly speaking,at this point,I've really started having serious doubts not just about the credentials but about the very mental integrity of these so called analysts.Frankly speaking,they are just spewing nonsense and pulling out stories from their arses to hide their incompetence unless of course there is some games being played which we are not seeing.
I'd take both figure of 110 and 2000 with a pinch of salt. I've always maintained we have enough fissile material for somewhere around 400-600 warheads.

The number of weapons is between 80 to 120. There is some stockpile of weapon grade plutonium which has not been made into weapons.

they have lots of non-weapon grade plutonium. But lot of this may be under international safeguards especially after the NSG waiver.

India has not really built a massive plutonium producing reactor since the mid-1980s. For all practical purposes the Indian nuclear program has been capped.

Man,I just do not understand the reasoning behind these so called estimations by these so called 'analysts'!!I mean,these blokes somehow deduced that the amount of weapons grade plutonium in Indian possession to be around 500 kg,enough for roughly 100-110 warheads of some 25-30 kts (if not treated with Tritium and beryllium) during year 2000,come 2005 the number remained same as near 100,in 2010,same 100 and now it's 2016 and it still somehow remains stagnant at......................you guessed it correct,exactly one hundred!!Do they really think that India has ceased to increase its arsenal of fissile materials??Frankly speaking,at this point,I've really started having serious doubts not just about the credentials but about the very mental integrity of these so called analysts.Frankly speaking,they are just spewing nonsense and pulling out stories from their arses to hide their incompetence unless of course there is some games being played which we are not seeing.

there is three types - plutonium in weapons, weapon grade plutonium not in weapons and non-weapon grade plutonium. The third category has increased a lot in the past 20 years.
The number of weapons is between 80 to 120. There is some stockpile of weapon grade plutonium which has not been made into weapons.

they have lots of non-weapon grade plutonium. But lot of this may be under international safeguards especially after the NSG waiver.

India has not really built a massive plutonium producing reactor since the mid-1980s. For all practical purposes the Indian nuclear program has been capped.

there is three types - plutonium in weapons, weapon grade plutonium not in weapons and non-weapon grade plutonium. The third category has increased a lot in the past 20 years.
Well India is just getting started....our first fast breeder reactor is just completed and it will produce 140 kg plutonium/ annum...and we'll have 6 of these. Besides that we have 10+ reactor who have nothing to do with international safeguards.
India is planning to have 5 SSBN each of which will have 6 VLS for K4/5. or 36 VLS for K-15 per sub. This means a total of 36 to 180 Nuclear armed missiles only in the water.

This is assuming we will not have MIRV. If we assume at least 3 Nukes per K4/5 then the total Submarine based Nukes grows to 108 to 180 Nukes ONLY for Submarine based launch.

We can assume the same number for IAF and IA and Strategic command.

So how many Nukes does that add up to ?

Good assessment :)

on a normal scale, I'd multiply that by 2x for land deployed assets. and 0.5x for air deployed.

Yes, I agree to your point. But refining Uranium beyond 97% (which is required for nuclear bombs) is a very expensive proposition, and storage is another concern.

I don't think India uses HEU for devices any more, as miniaturized systems are usually based on HEPu.
India does not need hundreds of Nuclear weapons.
It does not make any sense to have that many.

There is only one country that is threatening us and for that country we have more than enough as of now.
Nuclear stockpile is one thing. Able to make hydrogen bomb, miniaturize it and have a true heavy payload ICBM with MIRV is another thing,
Yes and amount of funding that india spend on its reactors give you hint

India already maintained improve design of its RV series MK1 to 6 type of warhead

India already possed capabilities of an icbm
With extensive research in space technology
& R&D both contrary to each other
The primitive ICBM like ,Atlas ,titan or R-7 all are derivatives of their countries SLV's project

Mechanism of releasing sat into orbit is similar to MIRV

So its more about political will than scientific
Since every test which conducted by non permanent members will raise concern's

Yes the size of actual warhead and its capability in TnT + MIRV + capability of ICBM + cruise missile quality and efficacy levels matter.
stock pile matters but that technology is already renowned of both Pakistan and India (its childish to compare the tons---- who knows Pakistan --- as always been very secretive compare to indians). Talk for the next practical capabilities of true warhead and delivery sys.
Really secretive don't matter the point which matter the most is funds spends on nuclear R&D programs by country

And technology mechanism related to nuclear delivery and the way india Aspiring to became nuclear triad hint that it already passed that sage

And developed it own small reactors for its SSBMs show how commited india is towards this goal
Yes, I agree to your point. But refining Uranium beyond 97% (which is required for nuclear bombs) is a very expensive proposition, and storage is another concern.

Weapon Grade Uranium generally refers to uranium enriched to at least 90%.
there is three types - plutonium in weapons, weapon grade plutonium not in weapons and non-weapon grade plutonium. The third category has increased a lot in the past 20 years.

Do not forget about the unsafeguarded reactors m8!!
Yes and amount of funding that india spend on its reactors give you hint

India already maintained improve design of its RV series MK1 to 6 type of warhead

India already possed capabilities of an icbm
With extensive research in space technology
& R&D both contrary to each other
The primitive ICBM like ,Atlas ,titan or R-7 all are derivatives of their countries SLV's project

Mechanism of releasing sat into orbit is similar to MIRV

So its more about political will than scientific
Since every test which conducted by non permanent members will raise concern's
India hydrogen test yield is less than expected. Your MK 1 miniature warhead is still on the drawing board and yet to prove so as your 10000km ICBM. Talking about political will is just an excuse to mask your deficiency compare to the Big 5.
India hydrogen test yield is less than expected. Your MK 1 miniature warhead is still on the drawing board and yet to prove so as your 10000km ICBM. Talking about political will is just an excuse to mask your deficiency compare to the Big 5.
The Test Was Conducted in 1998 You India Still Judging 18 years old Primitive Design's. Warhead is Already Upgraded Their Various Cold Test And Virtual Mock tests.
RV Mk-1 is on top Agni-1 Missile
RV MK-3 on Agni-3-5
RV-MK 5 on Shourya Missile
RV-MK-6 & 4



What Is The Difference Btw PSLV & GSLV And ICBM As I posted Above The All US & Soviet ICBM were a Derivative of there SLV Programs

R-7 Semyorka

The Atlas missile was the first US ICBM. First launch 1957, successful launch 1958


HGM-25A Titan I
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