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India PMO unconcerned about scientist deaths


Mar 18, 2010
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United Kingdom
While there has been substantial international media comment on the unnatural deaths of several scientists working in Iran's nuclear program, similar attention has not been paid to the (much larger) number of unnatural deaths that have taken place of scientists and engineers working in India's own nuclear program. The latest casualties were discovered on 7 October, when the bodies of K.K. Josh and Abhish Shivam were discovered near the railway tracks at Penduruthy near Vishakapatnam Naval Yard. The two were engineers connected with the building of India's indigenous nuclear-powered submarine, Arihant. They had apparently been poisoned and their bodies placed on the tracks to make it seem like an accident. However, they were discovered by a passer-by before a train could pass over the bodies. In any other country, the murder of two engineers connected to a crucial strategic program would have created a media storm. However, the deaths of the two were passed off both by the media as well as by the Ministry of Defence as a routine accident, with only the ordinary police officer tasked with investigations into the cause of death. The inquiries went nowhere.

Scientists working in the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) have been particularly liable to "suicides" and murders, with several being reported during the past five years. In each case, the unnatural death in question gets passed off as either a suicide or an unexplained killing. This far, there has been no report of the police having identified any of the perpetrators of the murders of personnel whose brainpower has been crucial to the success of several key programs. On 23 February 2010, M. Iyer, an engineer at BARC, was found dead in his residence. The killer had used a duplicate key to enter the house and strangle the engineer in his sleep. Interestingly, efforts were made by some of the investigating police officers to pass the death off as a suicide. Finally, the Mumbai police decided to register a case of murder. However, as is usual in such cases, no arrests were made and the investigation ran into a stonewall. Forensics experts say that in all such unexplained deaths of scientists and engineers involved in the nuclear program, fingerprints are absent, as also other telltale clues that would assist the police in identifying the culprit. These indicate a high degree of professionalism behind the murders, such as can be found in top-flight intelligence agencies of the type that have been so successful in killing Iranian scientists and engineers active in that country's nuclear program.

Unlike Iran, however, which now protects its key personnel, thus far the Government of India has not taken any appreciable steps to protect the lives of those active in core strategic programs relating to the country's nuclear deterrent.

While it is true that at least one of the unnatural deaths — that of former BARC scientists Uma Rao on 29 April, 2011 — seems to be a case of suicide, the other suicide verdicts are challenged by the families of the deceased engineers and scientists, who say that there was no indication that their loved ones were contemplating such an extreme step. What is surprising is the inattention of the Government of India towards what many believe to be a systematic outside effort to slow down India's march towards nuclear excellence by killing those involved in the process. Such a modus operandi differs from that followed in the case of the cryogenic engine scandal in 1994, when key scientists working on the program to develop an indigenous cryogenic engine were picked up by the Intelligence Bureau and the Kerala police on false charges of espionage, together with two Maldivian women. The Bill Clinton administration had sought to scupper the Russian sale of such engines to India, but Russian scientists friendly to India had secretly handed over blueprints relating to the making of such engines. This soon became known to the CIA, which is believed to have orchestrated the plan to paralyse the program by sending its key scientists to prison. Although the charges were found to be entirely false, that vindication took a decade to come about, and in the process, the Indian program was slowed down by an equivalent number of years. Thus far, none of the IB or Kerala police officers who acted as the apparent catspaw of a foreign intelligence agency in slapping false charges on key scientists has suffered even a minor punishment, much less be arraigned for treason.

According to the Government of India, over just a three-year period, there have been at least nine unnatural deaths of scientists and engineers at just BARC as well as the Kaiga nuclear facility, of which two have been categorised as suicide, with the rest unexplained in terms of bringing to book those responsible.

PMO unconcerned about scientist deaths
Perfect way to kill a country's indigenous progress in key fields.....but then, we deserve it....
What sensationalist reporting.

There is likely nothing going on other than highly stressed individuals and isolated cases of extreme misfortune.
What sensationalist reporting.

There is likely nothing going on other than highly stressed individuals and isolated cases of extreme misfortune.
This is very much a fact , We have too many traitors living in this country
What sensationalist reporting.

There is likely nothing going on other than highly stressed individuals and isolated cases of extreme misfortune.

the 1994 incident which is mentioned was a reality
not sure if there is any foreign power behind the unnatural dealth of our precious scientists or it is just a coincidence!
But my question is that isn't it equally possible that these people could have been actively involved in espionage? I am wouldn't it be rather strange that the GoI would actually try to sabotage it's own nuclear programme?And also I do not think that there is as wide a foreign espionage network present in India so as to carry on murders of such epic proportions although I am not sure.More over if at all these killings were carried out by foreign agencies then why would the GoI try to hush it up instead of making and offensive and raking up the issue.Don't you'll think that putting these events deliberately on the backburner conclusively proves that these were state sponsored elimination?:close_tema::undecided: :sad::fie::unsure:
But my question is that isn't it equally possible that these people could have been actively involved in espionage? I am wouldn't it be rather strange that the GoI would actually try to sabotage it's own nuclear programme?And also I do not think that there is as wide a foreign espionage network present in India so as to carry on murders of such epic proportions although I am not sure.More over if at all these killings were carried out by foreign agencies then why would the GoI try to hush it up instead of making and offensive and raking up the issue.Don't you'll think that putting these events deliberately on the backburner conclusively proves that these were state sponsored elimination?:close_tema::undecided: :sad::fie::unsure:

state sponsored elimination..hmm ..but for good or bad.....do Indian secret agencies carry out such operations within our country.....I dont believe....but u made me think!
But my question is that isn't it equally possible that these people could have been actively involved in espionage? I am wouldn't it be rather strange that the GoI would actually try to sabotage it's own nuclear programme?And also I do not think that there is as wide a foreign espionage network present in India so as to carry on murders of such epic proportions although I am not sure.More over if at all these killings were carried out by foreign agencies then why would the GoI try to hush it up instead of making and offensive and raking up the issue.Don't you'll think that putting these events deliberately on the backburner conclusively proves that these were state sponsored elimination?:close_tema::undecided: :sad::fie::unsure:
actually i also thought about this angle
state sponsored elimination..hmm ..but for good or bad.....do Indian secret agencies carry out such operations within our country.....I dont believe....but u made me think!
Atleast in this case I am not ready to give it any political color!! And also I could easily rule out Sonia and Rauls involvement!!!:sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:
And as far as the bold part of ur question is concerned I seriously think it's for the "good" mate!!
Except 1994 incident, I am not sure about others. Just because somebody is working in BARC or DRDO doen't mean that they are some key people (there is a joke, DRDO and such organisations have only two titles, Scientist and Sweepers). Until their exact or atleast ballpark expertise level and involvement is revealed, it is not convincing that some foreign intelligence was involved. Similar thing have happened in UK too. 2 years ago, some code breaker's body was found inside a bag in his house, and nothing came out of the 2 year investigation...
Atleast in this case I am not ready to give it any political color!! And also I could easily rule out Sonia and Rauls involvement!!!:sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:
And as far as the bold part of ur question is concerned I seriously think it's for the "good" mate!!
If any scientist who publishes a paper about the safety of Indian Nuclear Program and amount of foreign involvment in selling us reactors of poor quality is detected, the stake holders (politicians and buracrats) send hit squads in INDIA.
This incident is a pure inside job and its not for the good of the country, but to cover the a$s of some who are involved in kick backs in nuclear deals.
If looked at the big picture, even the countries involved in selling us their reactors would be hand in glove in eliminating the treat that they see.
kindly go with my post in the

US-Iran clinch interim nuclear deal: Blow to Israel and Saudi Arabia; relief for India

You may seen how Israel Mosad took actions, I think its need to take harsh steps against such operation and to learn a strict lesson to the enemy country.

The Mosad of Israel Attacks on the Iran to stop the Nukes (courtesy: General Knowledge Magazine from India – SAFARI | Harshal Publications (Gujarati))

(1) In Iran in the Tehran (in capital) two persons came in the Hasem Street, talk to each other, the time was 4:30, one door of one house open, the bikers start the bike and rapidly drive it, and get the revolvers out from their jakits and kill the person, as gun has silencer not make voice, the both run away with their bikes, the case was of not simple murder, person was physics professor, name Deriyush rezei nazad.


He was with the nuke programme of the IRAN, he was given the work for making the printed circuit for nuke bomb. (killed on 23 July 2011
Iran condemn the work of Mosad

(2) Before that on Navember 23, 2011, at morning 07:45 in Tehran one motor cycle went near one car in which DR. Majid saharyari was in the car, the motor cyclist stick something on the windshield and run away on bike, after few second blast killed the physics scientist Dr Majid saharyari, and also injured his wife worst.


he was also working for the nuke programme of the Iran.

(3) At the same time the same type incident occured in the Tehran at Atashi street, where motor cyclist stick something on windshied of car, and blast killed the Dr. Feredun Abasi, who has good role in the nuke programme, however he was lucky and did not die.


(4) the meeting was held in the Dubai in 1987, where in meeting eight people where their, Three Irani, Teo pakistanis, and Three European, they talk about something and after few days the handsome figure amount reach in the account of pakistani scientist Dr Abdul Kadirkhan who gave the blue print of nuke bomb to the Iran, Dr kadirkhan theft the technology as he was appointed in the Urenco Company of Europe. the company was of Britain, west germany, and netherland.

(5) For making the nuke there is need to get Urenium -235. in nature we found the Urenium-238 but for nukes it need to get the Urenium-235. the urenium-238 is only 0.7% in the natural findings, so need to get more and hence it is Enriched by the Centrifuge which run at the speed on 1,00,000 rounds per minute and the heavy U-238 get down and U-235 go up. and enriched the Urenium to make nuke bomb. the centrifuge must be of high quality and must run on high speed. at this speed simple material breaks as they are not able for the Centrifugal running. and such design is provided by abdul kadir to the Iran.



Iran search the parts to built it, Iran also take care to distribute work by making more centres so in case of attack all the centres does not destroy, (like Iraq nuke centre destroy by Israel).

Iran made two centres in underground which covered by the concrete wall with 1 meter thick.
the two centres for centrifuge are Abas and kum. the seperate simple parts where built at the Masad city. the Heavy water centre was at Arak city, and nuke research at Tehran.

and Israel had destroyed nuke centre of Iraq on 15 march, 1981. which was not possible in Iran as there are many centers.

Israel Prime minister Ariel Sheron give the responsibility to the Mir Dagan leader of Mosad.


(6) on 2006 one big jet plane distroy in middle Iran all the passengers died on board. the passengers where the Revolutionary Guards of Iran. many senior officers and commander Ahmed kazami was also killed in that accident (sabotage) the nuke programme was running under the Revolutionary guards supervision and guidance, and also related with the long range missile programme. in iran it is stated that accident was due to the bad weather but infact their was a sabotage.

(7) Before that accident one month before one plane had lost its all command, and at Tehran that plane collapsed with a building, and which killed 94 passangers on board, all where Revolutionary Guards.

(8) in November 2006, one more military plane after few second of take-off and collapsed. 36 Revolutionary Guards killed.

Russia was helping Iran at the Busehar by making one nuke centre. on February 2005, one blast destroy the gas pipeline which was supplying the gas to the nuke centre. delayed the programme for three month.
the other blast destory one centre which was making the starting instrument which was very important to blast the nuke.

(10) on April 2006, at Natantz nuke experts, soldiars of Revolutionary guards gathered and all where happy as the thousands of Centrifuge where going to start to work, and which had to give the supply of the U-235, the button was pressed to on the process and on the second(two) second, the underground cetres shaken due to bomb blast, when the smoke reduce all seen that the centrifuge network was havily destroyed. that blast had destroyed all swithes etc. and due to there is requiring to start form first.

(11) As iran need to purchase the good for centrifuge Israel starts its action again the supply chain, as US and UNO has sanctioned on Iran they can not purchase the good in open market, so they keep eye on black market of the previous countries of Soviet Union, and East Europe. Mosad open the forged companies their and give the details of items to iran by their own way, On Jan 2007 Iran purchased the Insulated pipes, when they received that they see that the design was not proper and not useful, which delayed the programme.
System purchased for cooling at Buseher nuke centre was also found defective. the new system did not found till two years after that.

(12) Israel Mosad gave the threat to some black market companies, and tell them to open them to the government so some company did not make contract, and some sold the defective good. one Swiss Company owner Fedric tinner, who give the order of Presure Pumps, he gave the order to one German company Feifer Vecume, the Inner design was changed, and due to which they make the 50 Centrifuge useless.

(13) on second Year one ship named Arctic Sea left the finland and went to algeria, as per the books there where furniture wood on it, and the flag of Malta country was their on it, but the people where Russian and which had to actually going at the Iran, under wood their was Urenium, on July 24 eight people hijack the ship, ship lost forever. no news came of it after that.

(14) Mosad also keep killing of the scientists, on January 12, 2010, Professor Masud Ali Mohamadi killed, he as per rutin, in morning at 7:50, for going to the Sharif University of Technology go near car, and as he open the car door by key, the blast kill him and also distroy the car. he was the expert of physics, and also the honourary member of Revolutionary Guard.


(15) one more scintist Dr.Ardesir Hosenpor killed by radiation poision.


the work to make the Urenium as Hexafluraid gas was running under his guidance and has given number of awards. However the Ahemed Nizad was not ready to give the credit to Mosad, and he announced that he died due to the fire at his home.

(16) In 2010 other five scientists were killed and also to the experts of missiles. In the Iran at Zagros mountain range, there was one secreat plant, where the research on sahab missile was going on, and test the different missiles as the vehicles. In October 2010 there were many blasts killed 18 technicians.

(17) IN February 2007, the Defence Minister of Iran Ali Raza Asagari, went to the Istambul at turky, and lost and never returned, is was related with the nuke programme, after some week the Seniour officer of Revolutionary guard, Commander Mohhamad Soltani, went to foreign and lost. Iran blame the Israel for kidnapping the both.


Ali Raza Asagari

(18) In November 2010 where many centrifuge made by Simens company where running at Natantz centre, and the machine controing the speed of the Centriguge per milisecond, and maintain the speed of 1,00,000 RPM per second, even not bare, 99,999. Israel made virus (possibly with help of US) one computer Virus "Stuxnet", which only affect to the control unit computers and not affect others, so no attack be found and so not possible to found computer virus, one time the speed of Centrifuge increased 33% and done till 15 minutes, technicians can not know why that was happened. after that speed reduced. the plan was to increase the speed and to damage the centrifuge but result was unknown, Stuxnet stop working for few days to hide itself, after 27 days its again start work and lower the speed about 50% result in to failure to make the U-235, Virus had changed its structure mean which and work for the month, due to which more than 1000 Centrifuge become absolute and useless.


on Jan 6 2011 mir Dagan retired and in meeting of ministers, Primeminister Nitenyahu thank him for all Zeus.

The new Mosad leader Tamir Pardo is also not less than him. On December 2011, he destroy the test ground of sahab missile, by remote controlled bomb. the Dr.Mostafa Ahmedi Roshan nuke scientist was also killed.


Dr. Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan.

It may be believed that this all acts are like terrorist, but it is require to taken into consideration that Iran and Ahmad Nizad Continuously stated that their bomb is again the Israel. the area of Israel is 21,056 sq.km., less than State of Gujarat of India. And hence as the Survival of fitest they act in harsh way, their acts are therefore justiciable.

US may make any policy, but it is true Iran will never be able to make nuke, till Israel and Mosad is there.
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