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India plotted Mumbai attacks: Leaks quote Zardari

Yes, non-state actors. But some indians here are trying to say the pakistani intelligence was involved. wtf?


and ur agency is involved in supporting afghan taliban ,creting difficulties for nato,bombarding the indian embassies,earlier creted terror structure in indian punjab etc,so wtffff??
The head of the same government Mr Zardari is saying

when it floats your boat, he is right, when not he is lying?

Then why the court over there are conducting a trial based on that..

Part of the drama joke ?? huh???:what:
Zardari may be right on this one, we just have to verify and see.......
Then why the court over there are conducting a trial based on that..

Part of the drama joke ?? huh???:what:

Forget it, he's stuck on 'toothpaste', thats all he found from the wider body of evidence meticulously collected from the crime scene.

Need we say more about 'them'? They are complicit.

Abt Zardari, he probably does not even know where the family of kasab is being kept in hiding. He's only the Prez, not the army.
Forget it, he's stuck on 'toothpaste', thats all he found from the wider body of evidence meticulously collected from the crime scene.

Need we say more about 'them'? They are complicit.

Abt Zardari, he probably does not even know where the family of kasab is being kept in hiding. He's only the Prez, not the army.

I have read some dossiers aswell, that sounded more like a bollywood script, instead of proofs.
Pakistan wanted to put Kashmir on the world map by pulling off a spectacular attack.

Not after 9/11.
A massive terrorist attack would not gather sympathy for anyone's cause.

In fact, Kashmir is a plausible argument for Indian involvement, if anything. GOI wanted to link the Kashmir struggle to terrorism.
The head of the same government Mr Zardari is saying

when it floats your boat, he is right, when not he is lying?

What Jardari said officially matters, not what he said in his private discussion.

I think most Pakistanis out there believe that 26/11 an inside job, that makes the whole investigation and court cases a show-off. Sad, there can be no peace till the terrorists brought to justice.
Not after 9/11.
A massive terrorist attack would not gather sympathy for anyone's cause.

In fact, Kashmir is a plausible argument for Indian involvement, if anything. GOI wanted to link the Kashmir struggle to terrorism.

So terrorists attack carried all over the world post-9/11 are all inside job to draw sympathy is it?

Same way, a plausible argument for Pakistani state involvement in the bombing that's going on all over Pakistan, is that, Pakistan wants to prove that they are also victim of terrorism and wants to draw sympathy from rest of world.
well mumbai attacks were definetly on the same scale as 9/11 so if you believe 9/11 was an inside job you should believe that indian attack was also an inside job!

Mumbai attacks came at a time when pakistan was itself destabalized! a former PM had died a year back! the sitting government was unstable! pakistan was already being blamed of supporting terrorism!


This is contradictory. Why would India inflict a self wound when Pakistan is weak and NOT take advantage. What advantage did India get? Lot of the politicians lost their jobs, so why would they take a risk like that....

If you want to turn your back on mountains of evidence, acceptance of complicity. Acceptance of involvement in these acts and such as Mussaraf in 2002 and deny involvement wrt Headley...its your choice.

If terror as a policy tool has been adopted by the PA and Govt because of 71 and the aftermath, then it must be said the wrong lessons were learnt.Justified or not,there were valid reasons for 71 acts and dismembering Pakistan has never been a foreign policy goal of India; notwithstanding whatever you want to say or believe about this.But the Pakistani actions have their people's support and have an overarching objective of dividing India.

This terror factory as a foreign policy tool will blow in the face of Pakistani leadership the moment the right regime comes to power in India. That process is on and should be complete in couple of years.

Ofcourse, big powers like US and China ;who want to dissect India will use Pakistan to their own gains. The problem is India will lose sleep and maybe 1% GDP growth rate each year but Pakistan is losing much more...a whole generation.

I also disagree Pakistan had a lot of lose with 26/11 and here's how -
Post 9/11, probably by 9/15 Mussharaf had to take a U turn on Taliban under pressure from Bush and his with us or against us policy.

Mush agreed only tactically and till the last day of his office played on both sides..by hiding extremists but fighting them when pressured.Peace with India and growing of civilian ties was also done by Mush to appear like a dove to India and US.But he always played on both sides and likes of LET and others flourished.In this backdrop, Headley and others plotted 26/11 as has been well documented. Just around the time of 26/11 India was close to an agreement on Kashmir with Pakistan. But the terms of that agreement are much more pliable to India than Pakistan and to ensure that this doesnt happen a terror strike is a good way to make India stop talking.

By Mid-2007, it was clear that Bush was a lameduck and ofcourse Pakistan was de-stabilised and the peace talks were going on frantically so as to ensure India (wrong perception) doesnt take advantage and closed in on these deals. But Obama's election changed things. Unfortunately, all these events were too close to each other and the strike went ahead.

Pakistan has played on both sides and has been very clever, eg Miandad getting Chinese involved in cricket is quite a clever move but Pakistani elites while being clever think others are stupid and will not see through their games.Ofcourse, patriotic Pakistanis will fall for this 10 out 10 times.
I think all the bomb blasts in your country are inside job too.. Government trying to kill its own people.

On a serious note, the drone attacks are in fact inside jobs.

Wiki leaks diplomatic cables also revealed it was a failure of indian forces and indian intelligence and all points confirms 26/11 was an inside job.:confused:
So courts have no credentials and are playing their part in the so called drama. :no::no:

Courts cannot convict some one no matter how much international or national pressure is on them, the stage was set all that required was Solid Proofs, sadly none were given except some dossiers.
So terrorists attack carried all over the world post-9/11 are all inside job to draw sympathy is it?

Same way, a plausible argument for Pakistani state involvement in the bombing that's going on all over Pakistan, is that, Pakistan wants to prove that they are also victim of terrorism and wants to draw sympathy from rest of world.

I am not suggesting that GOI orchestrated 26/11.

I was only responding to the Kashmir angle. GOP or Kashmiri sympathizers would never do 26/11. It is counter-productive.

Most likely it was carried out by people to trigger a Pak-India war. There are enough crazy people on both sides who want that.
Wiki leaks diplomatic cables also revealed it was a failure of indian forces and indian intelligence and all points confirms 26/11 was an inside job.:confused:

If it's a failure of intelligence agencies to pre-empt the strike, how can it be an inside job?
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