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India playing long game in South China Sea

hey guys.....its a report from GLOBAL TIMES...why dont you come with a CPC mouthpiece next time?????

pakistan can beat india if they went to war right now.

pakistan is now fully armed unlike before.

india is a very disorganized rag tag military, its got massive divisions since sikhs, tamils and hindus all hate eachother.

india will split into many different countries once the tamils and sikhs get richer, they will deman independence from the hindus

dreaming and delusional...

by the way...as India stated..SCS is belong to World...not CCP govt...because if China captures SCS,next time we see that india is claiming a vast stretch from straight of Homuz to the beach of madagascar,Egypt claiming Suez canal,USA claiming entire pacific and atlantic...by the way,its weird to claim an entire EEZ of more than 1000 kms...right????maybe not for delusional chinese guys...but for rest of the world..
India can beat china if they went to war right now.

India is now fully armed unlike before.

China is very disorganized rag tag military,its got massive division since uighurs, muslims and hans all hate each other.

China will split into many different countries once the uighurs and muslims get richer, they will demand independence from hans:p:P
Good one :)
Our issue with you is not about land but rather about internal hatred. India will always be our enemy period.

The 65 war taught you how Nationalist we are. You may laugh now with all the stockpiling you're doing with your weapons, but at the end of the day, we are still the same. Even back then, your weapons were far more advanced than us without a doubt, but the achievement here that i'm proud to say to you that we have proved you wrong as being an 'inferior society'.

History should not be forgotten! Hindus used to laugh at us when Pakistan was made particularly saying that it won't last for more than 4 days. It was true, we were Bankrupt in 47, however, the point is that even then we have shown you our power as nation and not something through substance.

Settle down plz.As far as weapons technology is concerned the pakistanis in 1965 had the best tank in the world the patton tank comapred to our shermans and handful of centurions,and f-86 sabres in the air compared to the folland gnat.

Now onto people laughing at people,actually it was ayub khan who boasted before operation grandslam that hindu morale wouldn't last a couple of hard blows at the right time and place.And of course his operation failed miserably.
well,even our "corrupt" politician doesn't compromise on national integrity,who the hell are we??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
pakistan can beat india if they went to war right now.

pakistan is now fully armed unlike before.

india is a very disorganized rag tag military, its got massive divisions since sikhs, tamils and hindus all hate eachother.

india will split into many different countries once the tamils and sikhs get richer, they will deman independence from the hindus

And still you trust your IQ? Tamils, Sikhs and Hindus... Wonderful .
there are no line buddy...only dashes...who on this earth draw a boundary with dashes????stupidity on his hight :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well, it's ambiguous as the dreams of the Chinese!

You did loose the 65 war to us, which you were not expecting. Don't worry i see your point about being ignorant. While you may think i was referring to some video game, it certainly looks like you on the other hand just watched sh!t loads of Bollywood propaganda movies.
if you're not referring to any video game then why don't you come up with the details of your claim?
or is it really the video game?
They (Indians) also didn't learn lessons from 1965 war with Pakistan.
I call these people a disease.

It doesn't matter what you call us, because nobody believes you guys. Pakistan is regarded as the epicenter of terrorism by the world which is spreading like a disease and you regard Indians as a disease? Very laughable. When a terrorist act takes place in the west guess who get rounded up for investigation? Pakistanis. eg. London bombings. In a book written by an American, Obama was quoted describing Pakistan as a cancerous Tumor. Can't recall the name right now otherwise i would have mentioned it. Please do some research about the 1965 war. Refer to neutral sources and you will realize that what you believe is not the truth.
pakistan can beat india if they went to war right now.

pakistan is now fully armed unlike before.

india is a very disorganized rag tag military, its got massive divisions since sikhs, tamils and hindus all hate eachother.

india will split into many different countries once the tamils and sikhs get richer, they will deman independence from the hindus

LOL. DELUSIONS IN CAPITAL!!! Good! keep on overestimating your all weather friend and underestimate us.

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