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India playing long game in South China Sea


Apr 8, 2007
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Challenging China's objections to India's exploration projects in the South China Sea, India's External Affairs Minister SM Krishna said Friday that the South China Sea is the property of the world and trade in the region must be free from any national intervention. China has never objected to the freedom of navigation and legal trade and economic activities in this region. Describing the South China Sea as global property is a mistake.

Other countries can't denote one country's territory as global property. China claims sovereignty over the disputed area between itself and Vietnam, and according to international law, the rights of freedom of navigation and free trade in the South China Sea cannot surpass the sovereign right of the relevant country. Since US strategic attention refocused on the Asia-Pacific region in 2009, the internationalization of South China Sea disputes has been increasingly obvious. This not only changes the external environment for neighboring countries in solving the disputes, but also provides opportunities for non-involved countries to intervene. India is not directly related to the South China Sea disputes, but its involvement and intervention could increase its stake when handling relations with the US, Japan, China, Vietnam, and other ASEAN countries..

There are still border disputes between China and India. India sees China's strategic relationship with Pakistan and Myanmar as geographical containment on India. Therefore, taking a stronger role in South China Sea disputes and taking advantage of China's territorial conflicts with its neighboring countries are India's strategic means to counter China.

Intervening in the South China Sea disputes also contributes to expanding India's "Look East Policy" and enhancing policy coordination at the global strategic level between US and India. Currently, the global US strategic focus is the Middle East and East Asia. The US strategic advances in the Persian Gulf region have potential conflicts with the India strategy that emphasizes that the Indian Ocean is India's sea. India enhancing its strategic input in the South China Sea disputes could increase its strategic coordination with the ASEAN countries, Japan and the US and help build strategic mutual trust with the US on multiple levels. India's intervention in the South China Sea has not been done on a whim. For India, the strategic benefits brought by it are much greater than the realistic interests gained from the joint oil exploration with Vietnam.

The choice is rooted in India's East Asia policy. Even if the South China Sea dispute hadn't been heated up by US influence and intervention, India would have looked for other opportunities to carry out similar strategic actions. India's joint oil exploration with Vietnam in September 2011 is an important way for India to intervene in the disputes, but given India's existing military and security relationship with Vietnam, the one-time joint exploration is not a simple event.

Currently, when some international scholars discuss possible solutions to the South China Sea disputes, they tend to pay much attention to the disputes themselves, focusing on details such as the divergences in territorial claims, the application of relevant international laws and the construction of a joint exploration mechanism.

However, from the perspective of macro-strategy, the South China Sea disputes are just the epitome of accumulated conflicts in the changing process of the strategic pattern in the Asia-Pacific region. That's the fundamental reason why it is so complicated.

How should China deal with the strategic containment under the traditional Asia-Pacific pattern dominated by the US-Japan alliance during its peaceful rise? This is the real test the internationalization of the South China Sea disputes brings. Facing the question, China should not only strive to realize its rise, but also fulfill its commitment of sticking to a peaceful way to solve the dispute.

Whether the South China Sea disputes could be solved in a short time or whether China can exert control over the dispute through military strength is not so important for today's China. When China establishes itself as economically, politically, and culturally attractive to its neighboring countries, the South China Sea disputes will not be a problem, and the intervention of external countries will not influence the order of the area any more.

it is tit for tat attitude by Indians...unless china stop interfering in ***; they are looking for similar news in the future...
it is tit for tat attitude by Indians...unless china stop interfering in ***; they are looking for similar news in the future...

I must say the whole Asian continent belongs to Indians.

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikstan, China, Bangladesh, Nepal, Burma, Mynamar, Sri Lanka.

And now you guys can also add seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, mountains, etc to your list
... :rofl::rofl:
To someone with even a casual interest in global affairs & international politics it would be evident that what we see is posturing and jockeying which is routine and something the foreign office is paid to do.

Nothing to fuss or cuss about.

P.S. The rider here is that those who attempt such manoeuvrings far from their shores must do so from a ' firm base' of economic & political dimensions at home.

This alone rules out many .
india tried a very similar sort of thing in 1962, thinking their military power was superior to china and acting belligerent.
indians acted the aggressive country just like it is doing now by encroaching into chinese space and china crushed the indian military. we gave them multiple warnings before we hit them right between the eyes in 1962.

china is giving multiple warnings now, there will come a time when china says enough is enough and unleash a devastating blow to india. india are messing with the wrong country in military warfare.

india is writing checks it cant cash.

india will not know what hit them, just like in 1962.

indians can brag and laugh all they want, but they know, if china and india go to war, india will get murdered into shreds.
india is militarily totally outclassed in every single way.
india dont even have their own industries, it will be impossible for them to have a protracted war with china.

the current leaders of china are very diplomatic, but the next group of leaders will be hawks.

china can fund and arm sepratist groups in india as india is formed with many different ethnicities and fully arm pakistan to help china if needed. india wont know what to do or where to look.

and if it goes nuclear, chinese nuclear arsenal and delivery capabilites are VASTLY superior to india.
basically, china can turn india into dust particles.

india should just concentrate on economic development and stop being the asian nazis trying to invade and be a rogue state.

indians are extremely belligerent, that have hegemonic goals in asia.
i think pakistan, sri lanka and bangladesh are moving closer to china due to this.
I don't think we should meddle in china's backyard.But neither should we tolerate chinese interference in ours.Let china stay in china and india in india.
china has NEVER interferred in india's backyard.

india is the aggressive state, interferring in every single country.
you need to get out from p o k and we'll think about getting out of south china sea. or else- like India says- south china sea is the property of the world.
Tit for tat: The whole land of India should be the global property.

Apparently India did not learn the lesson from 1962 when India trod China's territory. Now India is meddling our sovereignty again and China should not let India get away with it easily. The best answer to the provoking India is sweep the India as a nation into history.
Tit for tat: The whole land of India should be the global property.

Apparently India did not learn the lesson from 1962 when India trod China's territory. Now India is meddling our sovereignty again and China should not let India get away with it easily. The best answer to the provoking India is sweep the India as a nation into history.

They (Indians) also didn't learn lessons from 1965 war with Pakistan.
I call these people a disease.
Tit for tat: The whole land of India should be the global property.

Apparently India did not learn the lesson from 1962 when India trod China's territory. Now India is meddling our sovereignty again and China should not let India get away with it easily. The best answer to the provoking India is sweep the India as a nation into history.

And what do you think your nation is doing in the disputed territories and In the Indian Ocean?? Apparently the lesson learnt in 1962 helped us stop the Chinese aggression in various incidents after the war.

They (Indians) also didn't learn lessons from 1965 war with Pakistan.
I call these people a disease.

Please educate me what did you do to us in 1965?? How much of the land were you able to capture?? 1/4th of what we did probably??

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