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India plans to set up satellite tracking station in Vietnam

Well I am White too so,i am surely offended.

There is nothing racist in my post. You are too fake and retarded. (Tomorrow, u will say "i am black, i am offended". Well, American police openly refers to citizens as "black american" and "white american", using skin-color as racial identity is quite COMMON in USA. So, get over it, kid.)

The truth is, you want to fight my argument by trolling admins. Admins are mature here, they know you are trying to provoke them, by acting like a victim, when clearly you are not hurt. You have exposed urself, by going this way.

Whatever i said in my post, is very commonly spoken in USA. Watch Farrah Khan's lectures. Noone arrests him in USA for talking(he uses million times more audiacious language for white people.;))

Lastly, reply my post with sanity, humility and proper argument. But since you have none, you are behaving like a loser. :rofl:
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I'm glad to you your country rebuke you for racism against white people. I don't need to report you as others already had.

Ok, plz join him and start "we are offended by a comment on PDF" club. Or, maybe start a blog or website. Come on, make me famous, guys. :rofl:
As long as India remains committed to passive projects then it is all good, I don't particularly want to see India selling/gfting the Bhramos to the Vietnamese- the LCA and some small patrol ships are okay.

India isn't the world's or even the region's policeman and long may it stay tis way.
Nope, that's a very short sighted attitude to take.

For the past decade China has been highly proactive, even aggressive in their policies towards India. They haven't lost a chance to poke us in the eye - be it with border incursions, involvement in Azad Kashmir, arms supply to Pakistan, ad infinitum. So why should we be passive in following our strategic goals? It is naive to think that the Chinese will play nice in return.

It is not about acting as a policeman - it is simply good strategic thinking.
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