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India plans to send troops inside Bangladesh

hahaha, thats bullshit. Indian's will not send army in this country.
They know its TOO dangerous for them. ;)
What is dangerous for us, may I ask?
The 8 mig-29's or the F-7's?
would it be the 2 guided missile frigates??
no no, how can anyone dare to compare something with Indian Army.IA is the Universal soldiers of this planet and i've heard that James Cameron has scraped the next project as he is more interested to make a super duper movie on supar pawar Indian Army:cheesy:

Listen smart guy,whatever it is it is more than enough for your Army.I dont want to disrespect but you guys are just thinking that you can beat India in a war..i mean are you crazy?do you know the strength of IA..forget about Airforce and Navy.

Your defence forces can be crushed in a matter of hours if we had that intention.You guys should be more humble when comparing youselves with India coz neither you have the quantity nor the quality to fight India and your economy is not that good also when compared to India.

So stop halucinating and respect the fact that we want peace.

(Now we got Bangladeshis who can defeat us in war...:welcome: 2 :pdf:!!)
The matter is i too can say any BS i want...
Source for ur BS?

Here's one of your own writers telling truth about peace loving India and RAW:

-Indira Gandhi was voted out of power in 1977, just when India's external intelligence organisation, R&AW, was preparing to substantially step up its backing for the Shanti Bahini, says Subir Bhaumik in his just-released book "Troubled Periphery:Crisis of India's Northeast".

Bhaumik, a journalist and academic researcher for three decades, has provided graphic details of the R&AW's involvement in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and Burma's Kachin Hills in his latest book. But he makes it clear the "orders came right from the top" and were not operations generated by the agency.

"The immediate provocation for the Indian sponsorship of the Shanti Bahini guerrillas .. was the military coup that killed Sheikh Mujibur Rehman and many members of his family. To Indira gandhi, this coup was a political defiance of India .

"Within a week of the coup, senior R&AW leaders arrived in Tripura's capital Agartala :cheesy:with a clear brief for their subordinates: Get
those Chakma leaders who want to fight Bangladesh."

Bhaumik's findings is based on detailed interviews of Shanti Bahini guerrilla commanders and R&AW officials and the book is replete with such references.

One Shanti Bahini leader tells Bhaumik about the quality of Indian training.

"The Indian training was intensive and tough as the instructors had served with military units in Nagaland and Mizoram. The leadership element of the course was gruelling and involved war games and dummy attacks.

"The instructors would observe how we went about the attack and whether we had absorbed the theoretical lessons. They would severely admonish us if we were found lacking. They always reminded us of the maxim that you bleed less in war if you train well in peace."

Indira Gandhi's election defeat in 1977 saved Bangladesh, then grappling with mutinies and domestic unrest, from huge trouble, suggests Bhaumik.

"Just when the Shanti Bahini were told to prepare for the big push forward and that India would support a strength of 15000 guerrillas:woot: came the news of Mrs Gandhi's election debacle and the Congress defeat...

"It is not clear how far Mrs Gandhi wanted to go and it is possible that, after the liberation of Bangladesh, she could see the value of a successful foreign campaign could boost her dropping popularity back home. She was a witch all right.:agree:

"But her defeat changed the course of events . The R&AW plans to intensify the guerrilla war in Chittagong Hill
Tracts were put on hold when Morarji Desai took over as Prime Minister.
The R&AW topbrass were categorically told to lay off from CHT." Mr.Desai was great friend of S.asia indeed.

Bhaumik's book says the support to Shanti Bahini was resumed when Mrs Gandhi came back to power-- Expected from a blood thirsty witch.:angry: but by then, the Bahini was in the throes of a fratricidal war that led to the assasination of its chief M N Larma.

It says that R&AW's Agartala station chief at that time, Parimal Ghosh even resolved this fratricidal conflict by drafting an agreement between the two Shanti Bahini factions.

Ghosh in 1971 was close to General (then Major) Ziaur Rahman and operated under his pseudonym Captain Hossain Ali.

As a BSF officer, he fought at the Shuvapur bridge with the Mukti Fauj. :woot:

Bhaumik also details how the R&AW won over the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and started giving them weapons -- just to ensure they would not back any Northeast Indian rebel groups anymore.

The man instrumental in this operation was one of the most successful R&AW operatives , B.B.Nandi, who had also served as their station chief in Dhaka.

During Nandi's tenure as station chief at Bangkok, he developed close links with the Burmese underground groups, specially the Kachins.

Bhaumik says that Nandi even planted a R&AW communications team at the KIA headquarters in the early 1990s, from where they monitored the China-bound movements of the northeast Indian rebels .


By the way BDnews is a well known awami leaning media outlet.
What is dangerous for us, may I ask?
The 8 mig-29's or the F-7's?
would it be the 2 guided missile frigates??
I am not a war monger,just going by your post,,,
Please count on 2.5 million paramilitary forces along with half a million professional army personnel.
we should have military exercises with BD
Even bangladeshi are ready for that, but the only problem is some ISI 2 cent workers who always wants bangladeshis to fight with indian...And even sometimes i think there are no bangladeshi in pdf,.. the ones here r the false flagger with fake account...
What is dangerous for us, may I ask?
The 8 mig-29's or the F-7's?
would it be the 2 guided missile frigates??

Nopes!! Its that super awesome coast guard ship they have bought with the deck underneath for hula girls :P

These cyber warriors are freakin retarded!!!!! A country surrounded on three sides with a squadron full of outdated planes seem to be getting high on their own farts and dream of grandeur :)
Jamati 1 - India planning to send troops to BD

Jamati 2 - If India sends they will all be killed hence they have not sent

Followed by all-round applause

Reminds anyone of that joke where a moron is scratching his backside bloody, another moron asks him why. First moron says it keeps the lion away, second asks where is the lion.

First moron - see its working!!!

Conclusion - anyone who posts from weekly blitz is scratching his backside bloody.
I am not a war monger,just going by your post,,,
Please count on 2.5 million paramilitary forces along with half a million professional army personnel.

Look,i hope you are living in 2012 and not in 1942.The wars are no longer fought like that(1 versus 1).Nowadays Airforce is the first to launch an attack and destroy the military resources of the country and maintain air superiority.Then the Navy come in and does a naval blocade so that the supplies cannot come in.This results in the country to bleed heavily in war without causing damage to own troops.Then the Special forces conducts raids against high value targets whenever need throughout the war.
SO I hope the ignorant tamilian indian vigneshbalajias will shut his crap and stop acting in denial after going through the
above links. Even if his delusional mind can't comprehend it and doesn't shut up...well it is expected from an Indian.
Even bangladeshi are ready for that, but the only problem is some ISI 2 cent workers who always wants bangladeshis to fight with indian...And even sometimes i think there are no bangladeshi in pdf,.. the ones here r the false flagger with fake account...
Wat a Fart? Hey Infected bharti , why ISI would be interested in Bangladesh now? Bangadesh is a seperate state and now we don't have any interest with them. Go and do visit other social sites and guess wat, you will easily found many young banladeshis cursing india, its your own deeds which brings you to this stage, you made terrorists at then to de stablize East Pakistan and Now you have again made another terrorist organisation to de stablize bangladesh . Now don't fart here against pakistan and its agencies you deillusional moron.
I am not a war monger,just going by your post,,,
Please count on 2.5 million paramilitary forces along with half a million professional army personnel.
Nor am I, just responded to a stupid post.....
BD has a decent and well trained Armed Force, no doubt , but it would be stupidity to compare it with India's...
And the 2.5 million paramiltary wouldn't count ; there training wouldn't be adequate...
they would just be cannon fodder
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