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India plan to purchase Armata tanks from Russia

Indians one day will understand, no countries can buy themselve into a world power, especially for a country with total foreign reserves smaller than city of Hong kong.

Lolz India has 3rd biggest foreign reserves of more than 520Bn USD.
Stop smoking Afghani weed It's dangerous for Health.
BTW Indian females hold more Gold than Gold Reserves of Top 10 economies combined.
Lolz India has 3rd biggest foreign reserves of more than 520Bn USD.
Stop smoking Afghani weed It's dangerous for Health.
BTW Indian females hold more Gold than Gold Reserves of Top 10 economies combined.
The latest India ranks the 5th, still the same level with Hong Kong and Taiwan, a small fraction of China's.
The latest India ranks the 5th, still the same level with Hong Kong and Taiwan, a small fraction of China's.
Atleast we don't beg for bailouts, We have enough Gold reserves to Crush our both enemies.
Surrender word isn't in the dictionary of Indian Army unlike Pakistan & China,
Who holds records of surrenders.
That's why Indian soldiers holds world records for their Last stand.
Because for Us either death or victory, & death only after destroying the enemy.
I doubt it ... I don't think India is stupid enough to buy an overhyped tank that only has spectacular specs on paper. If the Russian army itself doesn't even want it, why would India?

Often times desperation clouds the rational mind...to top it off, their military brass is notorious for being haphazard.
Atleast we don't beg for bailouts, We have enough Gold reserves to Crush our both enemies.
Surrender word isn't in the dictionary of Indian Army unlike Pakistan & China,
Who holds records of surrenders.
That's why Indian soldiers holds world records for their Last stand.
Because for Us either death or victory, & death only after destroying the enemy.
So how did you actually manage to be slaves for over 8 centuries even after possessing all these supa powa traits?

After the last 75 years as a country, slavery must feel like home-coming to you. 75 years of republic must be a tiny blot in a history spanning centuries of slavery, right?

Don't worry, this time you will get a new master for a change. We will let China tame you for the next few centuries. And you will surely live happily ever after counting all the gold coins you possess!
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Don't worry..

Pakistan will buy from you with saying, we need to maintain regional stability.

So you will get the profits... :-)

Don't worry, we have our plans

Thanks to india, I think China will be very supportive of ensuring Pakistan has access to some superb technology at great prices over the coming years:lol:
A sincerely advice to Idnians. Go find some where that sells balls. Youd need them to counter innocent unarmed women and elderly of Kashmir. You nowhere under any circumastances could fight against a real Army like Chinese or Pakistanis. You are good with beating the unarmed women and elderly to death.
Atleast we don't beg for bailouts, We have enough Gold reserves to Crush our both enemies.
Surrender word isn't in the dictionary of Indian Army unlike Pakistan & China,
Who holds records of surrenders.
That's why Indian soldiers holds world records for their Last stand.
Because for Us either death or victory, & death only after destroying the enemy.
I'm sorry but surely you know that the Chinese made a huge propaganda reel of the Indian army surrendering en masse in 1962?
I think Russians need to pay us money for this, or give us discounted oil, they get lots of deals from India this month.:rofl:

why not set up an alliance of asian nations while you're at it?! :D ;) :) .. _

I'm sorry but surely you know that the Chinese made a huge propaganda reel of the Indian army surrendering en masse in 1962?
history matters less than the (near) future!
#endOfRallyingCry #byeForNow
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