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India partition better or worse for Muslims?

I said along ethnic boundaries you goon!!! Don't you realise that when you put so many groups that have nothing to do with each other into one country it turns into a shit soup?

changed the post, I thought you were a srilankan.
71 proved that 47 was wrong.

If it was wrong, then bangladesh would have become a part of india again. 1971 proved that in order to be ONE nation you need to be the SAME race and religion. Not one or the other.
Logic fail dude.

The two national theory simply says that Hindu rules Hindu and Muslim rules Muslim - no mention it needs to be two states.

BD is still ruled by BD'shi Muslims.

What about Christians?
There were many other negative aspects for the Muslims in 1947 to further complicate their minority status. One was the fact that in 1947, the Muslims were far behind the Hindus in education, jobs, business and commerce and the other social indices because of the British policy of divide and rule to be competitive in any way and thrive in a united, Hindu-dominated India that had very little empathy for them.

Spot on.
Factual errors in this article.

The correct figure is close to 27-28% of British India in 1941. The Author is confusing it for only those parts which became present day India. This will push Hindus close to 65% This makes his entire argument fall apart. A 30% population would have been a substantial caucus.

The author confuses current scenario with a possible alternate scenario. A lot of bad blood in this region is caused by the partition and resulting territorial disputes. In a united country, it is very likely bitterness would have been less.

And that would have been a bad thing? Lets see :
WB (GDP Per Capita, international USD PPP) : INT$6,032
BD (GDP Per Capita, international USD PPP) : INT$5,028

WB Growth rate : 12%
BD Growth rate : 8.5%

Literacy rate WB: 74-77%
Literacy rate BD: 72-73%

Infant mortality rate WB: 25 per 1000
Infant mortality rate BD: 25 per 1000

Life Expectency WB : 69.8 years
Life Expectency BD : 72.2 years

Again, with no partition the scenario would have been totally different.

Would there be a reason for nuclear weapons if the entire region were a country? May be to keep China at bay but even that is a stretch.

Again, the guy is comparing the present scenario with a hypothetical one. The cause for bad blood among the countries and people is land dispute and partition.

The guy is either naive or simply dishonest.

RSS is is much older then 72 years. Lol Partition isnt the reason.
South Asia has and will be dominated by Hindus and Muslims - Christians will always be ruled by either Hindus and Muslims as they are too small in number.

Christianity is the fastest growing religion in India.
Wait till you have any numbers - this is not the time or place for this discussion.

CAA is a blessing in disguise for Christianity.

Wait and watch how Muslims of India will embrace Christianity en masse.
Ghar wapsi is for Christians well.
Wait & watch.Your joy will soon turn into ash in your mouth.

Indian Christians have full backing of the West and the Indian Congress party.

Typical christians:astagh:, jews controls christianity and you have not wake up to that.

A Muslim trying to drive an wedge between Jews and Christians? Good luck.
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