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India partition better or worse for Muslims?

Great Jinnah saved the subcontinent for almost 70 years.. i don't know how long it will last.

imagine living in United British colony under Hindus, Hindu RSS terrorists targeting Muslims where Muslims are minority and Muslims taking revenge where they are majority, this wheel of violence would have turned this region into worst then sub Saharan Africa..
So you admit that that in order to avoid persecution Indian Muslims have to embrace Christianity ?

The fact that Muslims of Bangladesh and Pakistan are immigrating to India even at the risk of being declared illegals and to live under a Hindu majority says a lot where the Muslims of subcontinent are being persecuted.

Ahmadiyyas can declare themselves as Muslims and practice their faith without fear in India while they cannot in Pakistan.
a) India was not partitioned. British occupied sub continent was partitioned.

b) best thing to happen to Muslims in 1400 years roughly

c) Khawarij of Bengal carved out a country out of Islamic Republic

d) Terror Mata sucks
Both Bhutto and Yayha were shia, please explain why they got to be prime minister and president of pakistan

I am a Shia of Pakistan myself.

Bhutto and Yahya were supermacists. Mujib was a supermacist who turned to Khawarijism in his extremism.
Since Shia are kafirs, what if mujib was fighting for sunni islam as bengali nationalism since we all sunnis. He might had though that west pakistan was all shia.

You better get in line for an Adhaar card from Bangbhumi
The fact that Muslims of Bangladesh and Pakistan are immigrating to India even at the risk of being declared illegals and to live under a Hindu majority says a lot where the Muslims of subcontinent are being persecuted.

Ahmadiyyas can declare themselves as Muslims and practice their faith without fear in India while they cannot in Pakistan.

Stop peddling lies that Muslims from BD and Pakistan are immigrating to that fanatical Hindu dump called India.

Good luck living in fanatic India with the BJP goons after ANYONE not-Hindu.
Stop peddling lies that Muslims from BD and Pakistan are immigrating to that fanatical Hindu dump called India.

Good luck living in fanatic India with the BJP goons after ANYONE not-Hindu.
2,830 people from Pakistan, 912 from Afghanistan given citizenship in last 6 yrs, many Muslims: Officials
Those opposed to the law have objected to making religion as the basis of granting citizenship.

Press Trust of India

New Delhi
December 18, 2019
UPDATED: December 18, 2019 21:25 IST

Photo for representation

Nearly 4,000 people from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, hundreds of them Muslims, have been given Indian citizenship in the past six years, a senior Home Ministry official said on Wednesday.

The disclosure came amidst protests, some of them violent, in different parts of the country against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, which seeks to grant Indian citizenship to non-Muslim migrants from these three neighbouring countries.

As many as 2,830 people from Pakistan, 912 from Afghanistan and 172 from Bangladesh have been given Indian citizenship in the past six years and hundreds of them were Muslims, the official said, adding that such migrants will continue to get Indian citizenship if they fulfil eligibility conditions.

The Citizenship (Amendment) Act does not target any religious community from abroad, he asserted.

Those opposed to the law have objected to making religion as the basis of granting citizenship.

The official said Muslims are the majority community in these neighbouring countries and they will continue to get Indian citizenship if they fulfil eligibility conditions already provided in the law for registration or naturalisation.

Besides the 4,000-odd people, about 14,864 Bangladeshi nationals were also granted Indian citizenship after incorporating more than 50 enclaves of Bangladesh into Indian territory post the boundary agreement between the two countries in 2014, the official said.

According to the CAA, members of Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian communities who have come from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan till December 31, 2014 and facing religious persecution there will not be treated as illegal immigrants but given Indian citizenship.

The Act got the approval of the Parliament and assented by the President earlier this month.

The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill has been in public domain since 2016. It was cleared by a 30-member parliamentary committee consisting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha members.

The present Act is broadly based on the same Bill.

By amending the appropriate rules during 2015-16, the government of India had already legalised entry as well as stay of such foreign migrants belonging to six minority communities from these three countries who had come into India up to December, 2014 because of persecution on grounds of religion.

The government of India had made such migrants also eligible for grant of Long Term Visa (LTV) to stay in India for a long time.

The CAA now enables them to take Indian citizenship if they fulfil conditions/qualifications for such citizenship provided they migrated from these three countries before December 31, 2014.

Another official said on different occasions special provisions have been made by the government of India in the past to accommodate the concerns of stay and citizenship of foreigners of Indian origin who had to flee to India.

For example, Article 6 of the Constitution of India provides that a person who has migrated to India from Pakistan before July 19, 1948 shall be deemed to be Indian citizen.

Secondly, even if he has migrated on or after this date he was registered as Indian citizen after staying for only six months in India.

Similarly, 4.61 lakh Tamils of Indian origin were given Indian citizenship during the years 1964-2008 after signing of international agreements in 1964 and 1974 between the two countries.

Presently, about 95,000 Sri Lankan refugees are living in Tamil Nadu. They are being given rations, doles and other facilities by the central and state governments.

They can apply for Indian citizenship as and when they become eligible to do so.

During 1962-78, more than two lakh Burmese of Indian origin fled from Burma after many trades and businesses were nationalised there and properties of such Indians were forcibly taken by the State.

They were settled in various parts of India.

In 2004, the central government delegated the power to grant citizenship by registration to six collectors of Gujarat and Rajasthan states and the government of Gujarat in respect of Hindu migrants displaced due to 1965 and 1971 wars or those Hindu migrants who had migrated from Pakistan five years before.

This delegation of power was initially for one year but the same was extended for another year in 2005 and then again in 2006.

The CAA does not target any religious community from abroad. It only provides a mechanism for some migrants who may otherwise have been called "illegal" depriving them of opportunity to apply for Indian citizenship provided they meet certain conditions, the official said.

The central government will frame rules to operationalise the provisions of the CAA.

No migrant from these communities will become Indian citizen automatically. He will have to apply online and the competent authority would see whether he fulfils all the qualifications for registration or naturalization as Indian citizen, the official said.

India is the one which is giving them citizenship. Hence India is the trusted source.
India’s religious minorities have been more likely to migrate internationally. Religious minorities make up a larger share of India’s international migrant population than they do among the nation’s domestic population, according to 2010 Pew Research Center estimates. For example, about 19% of the Indian international migrant population was Christian, compared with only 3% of the population in India. Similarly, an estimated 27% of the Indian international migrant population was Muslim, compared with 14% of the population in India. The reverse is true for Hindus: Only 45% of India’s international migrant population was Hindu, compared with 80% of the population in India

The fact that Muslims of Bangladesh and Pakistan are immigrating to India even at the risk of being declared illegals and to live under a Hindu majority says a lot where the Muslims of subcontinent are being persecuted.

Ahmadiyyas can declare themselves as Muslims and practice their faith without fear in India while they cannot in Pakistan.

There are more Indian migrants living in Pakistan than the United States
By Neha Thirani BagriMarch 7, 2017

While many Indian migrants move to far-flung, wealthy countries like the US, Canada, and the UK, a large number of them ends up right next door in Pakistan. According to a new study by Pew Research, in 2015, Pakistan was home to the second-largest number of Indian migrants after the United Arab Emirates.

In the past 25 years, the number of international Indian migrants has more than doubled, growing nearly twice as fast as the world’s total migrant population. In 2015, 15.6 million people born in India were living in another country; that means one in every 20 migrants globally was born in India.

In a 2010 study, Pew Research found that India’s religious minorities were migrating at a much higher rate than Hindus, who made up 80% of the country’s population. About 19% of the migrants from India are Christian, though they form only 3% of the country’s population. Also, Muslims made up 27% of the Indian migrant population living abroad, compared with roughly 14% of the population in India.

By far the largest numbers of Indian migrants—about 3.5 million— live in the United Arab Emirates. Pakistan is the second-most common destination with two million, while 1.97 million Indian migrants now live in the US.

India’s partition was best thing that would have ever happened for Hindus.It is a good short term gain for. Muslims but bad for long term..
India’s religious minorities have been more likely to migrate internationally. Religious minorities make up a larger share of India’s international migrant population than they do among the nation’s domestic population, according to 2010 Pew Research Center estimates. For example, about 19% of the Indian international migrant population was Christian, compared with only 3% of the population in India. Similarly, an estimated 27% of the Indian international migrant population was Muslim, compared with 14% of the population in India. The reverse is true for Hindus: Only 45% of India’s international migrant population was Hindu, compared with 80% of the population in India

There are more Indian migrants living in Pakistan than the United States
By Neha Thirani BagriMarch 7, 2017

While many Indian migrants move to far-flung, wealthy countries like the US, Canada, and the UK, a large number of them ends up right next door in Pakistan. According to a new study by Pew Research, in 2015, Pakistan was home to the second-largest number of Indian migrants after the United Arab Emirates.

In the past 25 years, the number of international Indian migrants has more than doubled, growing nearly twice as fast as the world’s total migrant population. In 2015, 15.6 million people born in India were living in another country; that means one in every 20 migrants globally was born in India.

In a 2010 study, Pew Research found that India’s religious minorities were migrating at a much higher rate than Hindus, who made up 80% of the country’s population. About 19% of the migrants from India are Christian, though they form only 3% of the country’s population. Also, Muslims made up 27% of the Indian migrant population living abroad, compared with roughly 14% of the population in India.

By far the largest numbers of Indian migrants—about 3.5 million— live in the United Arab Emirates. Pakistan is the second-most common destination with two million, while 1.97 million Indian migrants now live in the US.


What does this mean or imply?

Indian minorities are not emigrating to other countries because they are persecuted in India rather they are emigrating as they get better economic opportunities outside India.

I am a classic example of this emigration.

Even Hindus try to emigrate to other countries just like Christians and Muslims of India. The fact that more percentage of minorities are able to emigrate when compared to the Hindu majority is the proof that India gives its minorities better or equal opportunities in education and employment when compared to its Hindu majority.

With regards to emigration to Pakistan, it is primarily Indian Muslim brides married to Pakistani grooms who emigrate to Pakistan.
What does this mean or imply?

that your a number one fantasist, your previous posts are lies , this post is nonsense also .

show proof or STFU with your bullshit .

Simple .
that your a number one fantasist, your previous posts are lies , this post is nonsense also .

show proof or STFU with your bullshit .

Simple .

You can live in your delusional land. Reality does not change.
SmartSelect_20200112-120358_Chrome Beta.jpg

what a stupid question
said every free Muslim in Pakistan!

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