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India, Pakistan held secret talks to try to break Kashmir impasse

You literally just repeated yourself again.
The new part about how “quickly” your pilot was returned being indicative about how Pakistan was scared about an Indian response, is just you guys trying to see a silver lining in the conventional defeat you suffered. The fact he was paraded on National TV for the world to see just goes to show no one cared for your “response”. He was returned as per the Geneva Convention. If you see that as a victory then so be it.
I haven’t got time to list all Pakistan’s modernisation, as I stated before you can follow the threads.
Regarding peace it was India who struck first, Pakistan just finished it.
Let’s see what happens now with these new talks.
Conventional defeat ?
Modi changed status of Kashmir and locked it completely for six months, what was Pakistan's response ?
Let us be more pragmatic in dealing with these issues.
I elaborated on certain aspects that you disagreed with.

I'll disagree with that.

We wouldn’t have known the extent of capitulation if one of the Pakistan’s senator hadn’t brought out the details of the meeting where the release of the Indian pilot was decided. So, yes it did sound good to us and the terror it created in the minds of Pak government?

Capitulation, you mean doing nothing when your pilot was in Pakistani hands. A Pakistani senator, yes people can latch on to bit rumours no worry. There was no "terror" in the minds of anyone. That's why your pilot was paraded for all to see and even answered questions.

Conventional defeat? Was there a conventional war to start with? If it gives satisfaction to anyone to start calling that a conventional (anything) then please go ahead.

Yep, both sides had significant airpower in the air. In actual fact commentators the world over did state that such an air battle hadn't even been seen with many full blown conflicts.

For India it was a new start. A start where it made clear its intentions of what it would do with so called support to insurgency in Kashmir. Now onwards moral support only. No men and material. We all know that Pakistan didn’t finish anything. You will call it a repeat comment from me but the fact remains that India did expect retaliation. I have explained the reason in my previous post. A retaliation in which PAF dropped bombs in open fields. Is that what one calls a finish?

That indeed it was, but you didn't expect retaliation and expected Pakistan to still still or maybe further inflame the proxy war. Pakistan did drop bombs in an open field, right NEXT to your military leadership, as admitted by numerous Indian sources;

This call, ThePrint has learnt, was much closer than known earlier as two top Indian Army commanders — Northern Army Commander Lt Gen. Ranbir Singh and 16 Corps Commander Lt Gen. Paramjit Singh — had stepped out of the Brigade Headquarters “minutes before” the bomb fell.

Agreed that Pakistan is also undertaking modernisation. Is it at the same scale as a India?

No, not at the same time as India, like you stated India has a far stronger economy. But then it has China to face, Pakistan has no other strong conventional rival aside India.

Talks have already resulted in cease fire on the LOC. I am sure there are bigger things being worked out. Good for both the countries.

I agree, I don't war and only fools wish for it.
Conventional defeat ?
Modi changed status of Kashmir and locked it completely for six months, what was Pakistan's response ?
Let us be more pragmatic in dealing with these issues.

That's what you did internally.
day dreaming is not good , wake up and see the writing on wall , kashmir case is closed now .

You guys have been saying so for the last 70+ years. But Kashmir still remains on the agenda of United Nations SC as an unresolved international dispute, and the accession of J&K to India or Pakistan remains to be decided under international law .. Talk about day dreaming??
You guys have been saying so for the last 70+ years. But Kashmir still remains on the agenda of United Nations SC as an unresolved international dispute, and the accession of J&K to India or Pakistan remains to be decided under international law .. Talk about day dreaming??

you know what has happened in last 70 years , pakistan was divided , pakistan was involved in afghanistan , end result is increment in extremist islamic groups , lakhs of pakistanis dead, independent terror groups operate without any restriction , end result is poor economy and blacklisting in FATF . if you pursue dream of taking kashmir from india ,you will see worse in future .
only way out is accept the status quo .
Gains by war from either are gone because of nuclear weapons that will not happen . So it will have to be through talks what political party will risk certain defeat by giving up an inch of land . let the people who are divided have free movement and the LOC be the border that could be a solution what other way is possible

or let the division stay for a few centuries, and ppl on both side of the border become different ppl..as it is happening between Ind and Pak across the rest of the international border
You guys have been saying so for the last 70+ years. But Kashmir still remains on the agenda of United Nations SC as an unresolved international dispute, and the accession of J&K to India or Pakistan remains to be decided under international law .. Talk about day dreaming??

UNSC is toothless...it couldnot stop iraq invasion
FM Qureshi to depart for UAE today

  • He will hold consultations with the UAE’s leadership regarding job opportunities for Pakistani workforce and the welfare of Pakistani diaspora.
  • "High-level visits between the two countries have played a pivotal role in providing further impetus to strengthening bilateral cooperation and collaboration on a wide range of issues," FO said.

Aisha Mahmood
17 Apr 2021


Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi will embark on Saturday on a three-day official visit to the UAE.

In a press release, the Foreign Office (FO) said that Pakistan and UAE enjoy strong fraternal ties, rooted deep in common faith and shared history and values. The FM will meet His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan and other UAE dignitaries. Qureshi will also meet the Pakistani diaspora and interact with local and international media during his three-day visit.

The minister will hold consultations with the UAE’s leadership on all areas of bilateral cooperation including collaboration in trade and investment, job opportunities for the Pakistani workforce and the welfare of the Pakistani diaspora, FO said. The UAE is home to the second largest Pakistani community abroad.

Qureshi will also discuss regional and global issues of mutual interest. "High-level visits between the two countries have played a pivotal role in providing further impetus to strengthening bilateral cooperation and collaboration on a wide range of issues," FO statement added.
you know what has happened in last 70 years , pakistan was divided , pakistan was involved in afghanistan , end result is increment in extremist islamic groups , lakhs of pakistanis dead, independent terror groups operate without any restriction , end result is poor economy and blacklisting in FATF . if you pursue dream of taking kashmir from india ,you will see worse in future .
only way out is accept the status quo .

The things you mentioned, none of them has anything to do with India. 71 was a civil war

Whether you like it or not, the fact remains that despite all the claimed superiority India has never been able to defeat Pakistan militarily in the western theatre.

As for Kashmir, India has lost more than half of the territory of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir to its neighbours in different wars during the last 70 years. It has happened in past, it can happen in future

You are up against a nation, 5th largest in the world, whose very existence is based on an idea that is antithesis to the idea of the artificial colonial construct aka India. Pakistan has never accepted Indian hegemony and never will, come death or victory.
UNSC is toothless...it couldnot stop iraq invasion

Yes, UN is toothless. But India doesn't have a strong enough diplomatic or economic clout to bend international rules and laws in its favour. For now (and for foreseeable future) Kashmir is not a part of India under international law.
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