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India, Pakistan held secret talks to try to break Kashmir impasse

During the meeting.... I wonder how long it took the Pakistani side to say rss, fascists or racists.
Do you even know what is our past? 3 wars on Kashmir and you think a PM or even COAS can change the Kashmir policy ? without Kashmir there is no future, bury the past means bury those bitter memories of Wars and destruction, bury those gutter allegation about promoting Terrorism in each other's country and lets talk , but talk on what? Kashmir of course, without Kashmir's solution there is no future hence no point of Burying Past.

3 wars on Kashmir!

NO, only one time Pakistan tried for Kashmir in 1965. There is no other war for Kashmir...

1971 - EAST Pakistan (Bangladesh)
1999 - Kargil WAR (Just similar to Siachin War) but failed.

Kashmir policy? without Kashmir there is no future, - So what about Jinnah's statements on Kashmir in the 1940s? Yaar, 70 years have been passed and years more will be passed.

Actually, it is an old drama on Kashmir from "Kashmir Banega Pakistan" to Now " without Kashmir there is no future". Changing the name of the "Kashmir Highway" to "Srinagar Highway" - does make any difference?

New leaders and new slogans but actually, nothing changed. It is just a glass of old wine in the new bottle.

About Indian, we are very much clear that the Kashmir issue is closed. We will never talk about Kashmir with Pakistan. From Aug, 2019, it seems that PAK gov has also accepted by now but can not accept in the front of own people. 3 years has gone and only 2 years are left for Imran.
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India can keep the blue part
Green and orange / yellow goes to Pakistan

such flawless logic. India can keep the muslim part and give the buddhist parts to Pak
Pakistan has been very loud and clear, that no talks on Kashmir until the revival of special status to Kashmir. It's Indians who are desperate now.

if secret talks have been held then Pak also participated.
Pakistan has been very loud and clear, that no talks on Kashmir until the revival of special status to Kashmir. It's Indians who are desperate now.

Special status of kashmir is a settled issue. No sane man can expect it to be reverted. Move on. Discuss something else.
Agreed! we will not talk on Kashmir..... That is a closed case.

Now, Time to bury the past and move forward as said. Otherwise, 70 years have passed and more coming years will be passed - Nothing will be changed.

Correct. Even @Windjammer has claimed all he wanted was Mig 21. He got it. Now let's drop Kashmir and move on.
Kashmir rahega Hindustan! Pakistan should just give up the claim and move towards peace.
China claims all of Ladakh, just as she claims Arunachal Pradesh as south tibet.

So there are more stakes in the region, not just Pakistan and India.

India is more worried about the China stance.

Kashmir was never a part of India, it was under sikh Kingdom, later on british raj gobbled up the Kingdom.

And India become a colonizing power just as britishers after they left.

Some people were spinning a yarn till some time back that it is India that requested for talks. Because India is weak. I proposed Pakistan not to accept that offer since Pakistan has got stronger. Then came the news that Pakistan accepted the cease fire and some more is in the offing.

It appears that powers that be in Pakistan have realised the fate of Kashmir agenda.

Time to accept the status quo and call it peace.
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Some people were spinning a yarn till some time back that it is India that requested for talks. Because India is weak. I proposed Pakistan not to accept that offer since Pakistan has got stronger. Then came the news that Pakistan accepted the news that Pakistan accepted cease fire and some more is in the offing.

It appears that powers that be in Pakistan have realised the fate of Kashmir agenda.

Time to accept the status quo and call it peace.
Agar Kashmir pe baat nahi hogi toh Pakistan mein bohot logo ki dukaan band HO jayegi na yaara.
Love the stance from Indian government.
Tum bolte raho Hume koi mat lab nahi :rofl::-):pakistan:
You must be having pipe dreams. You missed the actual party Kashmiris.
Pakistan and people of Kashmir will let it happen. Despite all the hardship, we are standing in your way.

even the Taleban believes Kashmir is internal affair of India. Tu kaun se khet ka muli hai? We have removed you completely when we scrapped Article 370.
then WHy are having talks with us?

Yes, want to talk about pending issues but not on Kashmir (closed case)..... And, the Pakistan government is confused. What to do next?

They can not leave Kashmir point and can not move forward with Kashmir's point... Tough situation for the PAK goverment.
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It does appear a tough situation for the Pakistan government. IK’s stance of no talks till rollback of 370 has put him in this spot. Had he not committed this much then it would have been a little easier for him. Any retraction by him would be termed another ‘U’ turn by his detractors.

The question remains why is Pakistan govt engaged in the talks? I guess it has realised in the last two years or so the futility of demanding rollback of 370. BJP is likely to come to power again. How long would you say no talks till so and so or this and that conditions are met?

The policy of providing men and material support to Kashmir cause wouldn’t work anymore. Pulwama has made it clear that the cost can be very high for Pakistan. Is Pakistan capable of forcing a military solution? We all know the answer.

China helped the cause indirectly in all this. Ladakh crisis triggered a never earlier seen pace of modernisation of Indian Defence Forces. That would give an overwhelming edge to India vis a vis Pakistan. Within next 2-3 years 27 Feb like retaliation by Pakistan would be very costly for it.

All these ☝🏻☝🏻have triggered Pakistan to realise the futility of its stance w.r.t Kashmir. It has realised that it is better to move on and get its economy in shape rather than war mongering.
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Secret talks lol lmao 🤣😂🤣😂its not the first time .no normalcy between pakistan and india till issue resolved.solution as per the will of people of the state .no matter what india or pakistan says. Out of the box solution would be for pakistan to keep gilgit baltistan india to keep leh district and 4 southern jammu districts as they are pro india the remainder kashmir valley kargil district chenab valley poonch and rajouri and azad kashmir to be given independence..
China helped the cause indirectly in all this. Ladakh crisis triggered a never earlier seen pace of modernisation of Indian Defence Forces. That would give an overwhelming edge to India vis a vis Pakistan. Within next 2-3 years 27 Feb like retaliation by Pakistan would be very costly for it.

Grandeur delusion had you shattered that day. I'm surprised some of you lot even have the nerve to talk the way you do after what happened.
The bottom line is that Pakistan did escalate quickly and you sat back not wanting it. Pakistan's military is also modernising at a quick pace.
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