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India, Pakistan engage in ‘back channel’ talks to break stalemate , Delhi is willing to meet wheat shortage of Pakistan


Sep 20, 2014
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Islamabad, May 30 India and Pakistan have been engaged in “back channel” talks in order to break the stalemate in the relationship between the two nuclear-armed neighbours, a media report said citing official sources.
The Express Tribune report said that relations between the two countries have remained strained for years now and took a turn for the worse in August 2019 when India revoked special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

“Since then, diplomatic ties have been downgraded, bilateral trade suspended and there has been no structured dialogue. But even before the government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif took charge, the two countries were talking to each other, albeit quietly,” the report said.
Those contacts

have led to the renewal of the ceasefire understanding in February 2021 and since then the truce is holding, with no major incident of ceasefire violation. But the process could not lead to a breakthrough in terms of resumption of dialogue between the two countries.
Since the new government came to power in Islamabad, there has been a renewed push by the two sides to find some way out.

“Call it back channels, Track-II or behind-the-scene talks, I can only confirm that relevant people in both countries are in touch with each other,” The Express Tribune report quoted of the official sources as saying.
The source, however, said that he did not have the exact details of those contacts, adding that it was precisely the purpose of “back channels” to keep the discussions under wraps, until something tangible had been decided.
Chances of an immediate breakthrough are slim given the political uncertainty in Pakistan and tough preconditions attached by both sides for any resumption of dialogue.
India, the sources said, is inclined to the re-engagement but reluctant to offer something that would help Pakistan resume the dialogue, The Express Tribune reported.
“Our policy is clear. We want to engage with everyone, including India,” said a senior member of the coalition government, while requesting anonymity.

The sources said that the Western powers, including the US and the UK, were also pushing for defusing tension and opening some formal channels of communications between the two South Asian neighbours, The Express Tribune reported.
India is said to be eager to first resume trade and then other ties with Pakistan. New Delhi is willing to meet wheat shortage of Pakistan by entering into a government-to-government agreement, the report said.
India is one of the top 3 wheat producers in the world and Pakistan this season plans to import 4 million metric tonnes of wheat to meet its domestic shortage.
Pakistan could import wheat from India on a much lower cost, given the less transportation and other logistic charges.

Pakistan is currently in talks with Russia to import at least 2 million tonnes of wheat. The commodity price in the global market has shot due to Russia-Ukraine conflict.
However, Pakistani officials are ruling out the possibility of importing wheat from India given the current status of bilateral ties, The Express Tribune report added.

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They might as well engage in front channels now considering the imported government shoved their tiny penis into the back channel of the Pakistani nation....

It was started before the current government - means by Imran Khan.

Since then, diplomatic ties have been downgraded, bilateral trade suspended and there has been no structured dialogue. But even before the government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif took charge, the two countries were talking to each other, albeit quietly,”
how to launch Dha neelum valley "Harri bhari wadeeun may khawabun ka ghar"

step 1: get rid of "nuisance" Imran khan
step 2: get corrupt mfers in power
step 3: accept article 370 and occupied Kashmir as part of india
step 4: official make azad kashmir part of Pakistan and pass a law that every Pakistani can own property in Kashmir
step 5:make phranship with India
step 6: Launch DHa neelum valley and make mooooneyyyy!!!
This is called Teamwork

The gov and militery establishment shall forever live under the shadow of india.
Now India have their proxy govt in power in Pakistan, they will talk "peace" to assist in stabilizing them and then once IK is distanced from power they will again start twisting the knife. Their aim is to keep Pakistan poor and dependent for the foreseeable so they can consolidate exports in the region. They do this with every country around them so all trade comes to them first.

Pakistan elite get a cut of the IMF loans and India consolidate their power and trade. Everybody wins so of course "peace" is back on the table :lol:
Unsure, how people blindly follow a leader.

Article clearly mentioned that he ( imran khan) only started the talk with indian government but everyone is blaming on only present government
Unsure, how people blindly follow a leader.

Article clearly mentioned that he ( imran khan) only started the talk with indian government but everyone is blaming on only present government

IK understood hindutva extremist India, so would have defended Pakistani strategic interests

The new lot are worthless and corrupt
Indian patwaris shouldn't be allowed to post in politics section if they love khota league so much they can take it to their own country
Why because it does not suit against the other political party.... We can only allow if talking good about the Imran khan as blindly... Ignoring the available facts.
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The question remains, did the Sharif family request India to attack Pakistan with the balakot strike to destabilize Khan's govt?

The timing of the Brahmos misfire, again suspicious.
Islamabad, May 30 India and Pakistan have been engaged in “back channel” talks in order to break the stalemate in the relationship between the two nuclear-armed neighbours, a media report said citing official sources.
The Express Tribune report said that relations between the two countries have remained strained for years now and took a turn for the worse in August 2019 when India revoked special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

“Since then, diplomatic ties have been downgraded, bilateral trade suspended and there has been no structured dialogue. But even before the government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif took charge, the two countries were talking to each other, albeit quietly,” the report said.
Those contacts

have led to the renewal of the ceasefire understanding in February 2021 and since then the truce is holding, with no major incident of ceasefire violation. But the process could not lead to a breakthrough in terms of resumption of dialogue between the two countries.
Since the new government came to power in Islamabad, there has been a renewed push by the two sides to find some way out.

“Call it back channels, Track-II or behind-the-scene talks, I can only confirm that relevant people in both countries are in touch with each other,” The Express Tribune report quoted of the official sources as saying.
The source, however, said that he did not have the exact details of those contacts, adding that it was precisely the purpose of “back channels” to keep the discussions under wraps, until something tangible had been decided.
Chances of an immediate breakthrough are slim given the political uncertainty in Pakistan and tough preconditions attached by both sides for any resumption of dialogue.
India, the sources said, is inclined to the re-engagement but reluctant to offer something that would help Pakistan resume the dialogue, The Express Tribune reported.
“Our policy is clear. We want to engage with everyone, including India,” said a senior member of the coalition government, while requesting anonymity.

The sources said that the Western powers, including the US and the UK, were also pushing for defusing tension and opening some formal channels of communications between the two South Asian neighbours, The Express Tribune reported.
India is said to be eager to first resume trade and then other ties with Pakistan. New Delhi is willing to meet wheat shortage of Pakistan by entering into a government-to-government agreement, the report said.
India is one of the top 3 wheat producers in the world and Pakistan this season plans to import 4 million metric tonnes of wheat to meet its domestic shortage.
Pakistan could import wheat from India on a much lower cost, given the less transportation and other logistic charges.

Pakistan is currently in talks with Russia to import at least 2 million tonnes of wheat. The commodity price in the global market has shot due to Russia-Ukraine conflict.
However, Pakistani officials are ruling out the possibility of importing wheat from India given the current status of bilateral ties, The Express Tribune report added.

The above ultimately means NOTHING. These so called "back channel talks" have been going on for years even decades but NOTHING has come from them. The hatred between Pakistan and india is now so great that relations between the 2 can NEVER be permanently normalised no matter what. In fact the hatred between Pakistan and india will only grow from now on. Nothing can change this.
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