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India opposes Pakistan-China move to build major dam in Gilgit-Baltistan


Feb 7, 2013
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India opposes Pakistan-China move to build major dam in Gilgit-Baltistan
The Pakistan government on Wednesday signed a Rs 442-billion contract with a joint venture formed by China Power and the Frontier Works Organisation (FWO), a commercial arm of the Pakistani military, for constructing the Diamer-Bhasha dam.
INDIA Updated: May 14, 2020 22:20 IST

HT Correspondent
Hindustan Times, New Delhi

In the past too, India has opposed projects jointly taken up by Pakistan and China in Azad Kashmir as part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.(Photo by Nitin Kanotra / Hindustan Times)

India on Thursday opposed a move by Pakistan and China to build a major hydropower plant in the Gilgit-Baltistan region, saying it has shared its concerns regarding such projects with both countries.

The Pakistan government on Wednesday signed a Rs 442-billion contract with a joint venture formed by China Power and the Frontier Works Organisation (FWO), a commercial arm of the Pakistani military, for constructing the Diamer-Bhasha dam.

The state-run Chinese firm has a 70% stake in the joint venture and FWO 30%. The eight million acre feet reservoir with a height of 272 metres is set to be the world’s tallest roller compact concrete (RCC) dam. Construction work on the dam is expected to begin in a couple of weeks, the Pakistani media reported.

Responding to the development, external affairs ministry spokesperson Anurag Srivastava said the Gilgit-Baltistan region is part of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir that was illegally occupied by Pakistan.

“Our position is consistent and clear that the entire territory of the union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh have been, are, and will continue to be an integral and inalienable part of India,” Srivastava said.

“We have consistently conveyed our protest and shared concerns with both China and Pakistan on all such projects in the Indian territories under Pakistan’s illegal occupation,” he said.

In the past too, India has opposed projects jointly taken up by Pakistan and China in Azad Kashmir as part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

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CPEC and the progress in pak is the real pain in as* of many in the east and the west but they cant do anything about it. their puppets like TTP are gone, BLA going down. with corona in US they wont be able to fund PTM. with US leaving afghanistan NDS and afghan government dont stand a chance of survival. india cant launch attack into GB and AJK as it will also hit chinese interests in the region and they may also spank india hard in response so india has no option left other then acting like a bitch.
This pathetic country to the East, can just shut the hell up and go screw itself for all we care. We will build dams and we will ensure CPEC becomes a monumental success for Pakistan, in-sha-Allah!

Plant and grow 100 billion trees and make Pakistan an oasis of great climate, natural agriculture and surge forward in technology!!
No business of India what Pakistanis in Pakistan do on their sovereign land.

We should take this up at UN, further discuss these flagrant violations with Gulf Arab and Iran to get their policy and what they can do.

If they won't support our integrity, then we start upping that ante on India and all its supporters.
told you so ...the day the stated claimed on gilgit baltistan ...water war is around the corner...just wait till they shut the waters of indus.

great going...PM & Gen. Sb

My eyes are seeing!! Come on man, what world you live in!!
We should have taken this step 10/15 years ago. Stuff India. And if they try to stop water of Indus, Pakistan has every right to bomb the efforts they do. Allowed under international law without shadow of a doubt. We have internationally recognised treaty on it.
Unless Pakistanis stand up and show to the Indians their worth, the problems we faced would never go away.
We have to do it one day. More we delay, more dangerous for Pakistan.
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But but India never cared about Pakistan or GB. In fact Indians are happy that partition happened and Hindu majority got rid of Muslims. So why is India now opposed to a dam being built on Pakistani territory? This doesn't add up.

They want Muslim territory without Muslims.

They even invented a story about how Kashmir is allegedly named after a guy named Kashyapa. Indians are sick.

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