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India openly declared that Chinese J14 is the copy of HAL MCA !


Mar 11, 2009
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I have translated this Chinese article using Google Translator.

India openly declared that Chinese J14 is the copy of HAL MCA !

J 14


India's "Air world" has recently issued a document "Chinese J-14 is India's MCA copies" that, according to Indian Air Force intelligence agencies control the situation and has already been published in J-14's performance data can be concluded that: The Chinese J-14 Plagiarism in India next-generation fighter MCA technology, J-14 is only some difference between appearance and MCA. The article said that India was found in 1998, when MCA's technology may have been stolen, and now the data according to J-14 This is the Chinese people seem dry.

The article said that the Indian military intelligence agencies have been captured last month, the perpetrators of the technology theft Shimon Peres, Peres was born in Pakistan, India, New Delhi, India in 1988 from the University of aerodynamics graduate, and then entered India's aerospace design centers.

On the same day, Pakistani media said that India is entirely in the slander China, and is completely false.

MCA fighter Overview

MCA is the abbreviation of Medium Combat Aircraft, which means medium-sized aircraft, can be seen as a dual release large LCA. MCA follows the LCA wing and inlet design, and part of the LCA system components, and is equipped with India's indigenously developed "Caffery" engine. LCA former project director, Dr. Narayanan Ketahali to the outside world, said, "LCA wing design excellence, we are familiar with its aerodynamic characteristics of the desire to follow in the MCA". And LCA in comparison, MCA's biggest feature is the use as a medium-attack aircraft, so the wing loading than the larger multi-LCA. Kind, empty weight 12 tons, maximum take-off weight of 18 tons, the design emphasized stealth, and deposited in the body surface with radar absorbing paint. To this end, will be used outside the twin vertical tails to reduce lateral tilt radar reflectivity cross-section (also imagined figure shows the MCA completely abolished the plane's vertical tail, but the skill level of India is estimated that the eventual adoption of such programs might not be), cancel plug-in wing fuel tanks and replaced the top of conformal fuel tanks. Though it may take into account such factors as body volume, MCA, and not all weapons are built, which shows that the stealth fighters in the area is still not done thoroughly. In accordance with the original plan, MCA before the test flight in 2010, 2015, military service is used to replace the "jaguar" and the Phantom -2.0 thousand and as Su-30MKI to add. However, MCA is currently still in the conceptual study phase, taking into account India's current arsenal of technologies, MCA is envisaged that the completion of the possibility of the final should not be too much. In the 14th inauguration, the Indian Ministry of National Defense Scientific Advisor Natalaji said that India is trying to Russian companies, confirmed that the fifth-generation aircraft by Russia of weapons and electronic warfare systems.
This article is wrong.

China leapt years in stealth tech through Captured f-117 wreckage and Stolen Intelligence from the Sates. But it was their RnD centers that made the technology complete

You cant copy what we dont have. the Chinese probably already have J-xx TD. Whilst the MCA is still in design phase.

All this thread will be is troll bait.
Yes exactly, and Buddy stealth designs are more or less the same, so no one can do anything about it.... This thread if going to be full of trolls...
troll thread. How can they steal the thing which has not yet been prototyped
Even visually, there aren't notable similarities. By the way, India is not the country to copy from. I don't want to list achievements of India but whatever India has achieved is not even half of what China is currently capable of. You only look up to inspire yourself and copy if you ever and not at the countries that are half way down to where you already stand.
Get out of you misery Indians !

China is far far ahead in technology Accept it .

Blah blah ....waste of time.
Guys chill guys.:smitten:I found this article while browsing and found it interesting so just posted here to know its credibility. I am not an expert in aeronautics.:enjoy:
This article is wrong.

China leapt years in stealth tech through Captured f-117 wreckage and Stolen Intelligence from the Sates. But it was their RnD centers that made the technology complete

You cant copy what we dont have. the Chinese probably already have J-xx TD. Whilst the MCA is still in design phase.

All this thread will be is troll bait.

Correct me if i am wrong but was not the Serbs that took wreckage of American stealth bomber.
Correct me if i am wrong but was not the Serbs that took wreckage of American stealth bomber.

What do you think the serbs did with that wreckage.

If you remember the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade was bombed a few weeks latter

US bombing of the People's Republic of China embassy in Belgrade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There was reason to believe this was to stop the F-117 wreckage being transported back to China

China Matters: The Belgrade Bombing, the F-117 Cake, and the Tears of Premier Zhu Rongji

China has a web of intelligence networks around the world, due to the cold war. they operate almost everywhere

Who do you think told the serbs to shoot down the f-117 , It has to be communist China that has been preparing for a war against America for the last 5 decades. Out of which it had spent a good majority trying to counter US stealth.

After it was shot down.
They put the wreckage in the embassy which they believed would safe. As the Embassy is Chinese soil and an attack on the Embassy is as good as n Attack on China.

I am assuming the chines got most of the wreckage back to China.
But who knows what really happened. You can only speculate.

But lets face facts, China would not have a 5th gen fighter after just 8 years of RnD if they did not get some kind of tech from an external source.
China leapt years in stealth tech through Captured f-117 wreckage and Stolen Intelligence from the Sates.

perhaps you missed one source: Israel, the most intimate friend of china, who transfers almost every hi-techs they got to China.
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