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'India only gives moral support to Balochistan'

And they will again become when their fathers sitting in Kabul and Jalalabad are kicked out of Afghanistan. You might see Barahmadagh Bugti coming back to Pakistan in the PIA aircraft. :D

Dude u wont believe the propoganda against Pakistan! Yesterday i saw a poster (Appeal to government of Afghanistan!Plz dont extradite brahamdagh!.... and lots of bullshyt below... probably by some in....)

Also i bet he would come in a PIA jet with handcuffs!
Dude u wont believe the propoganda against Pakistan! Yesterday i saw a poster (Appeal to government of Afghanistan!Plz dont extradite brahamdagh!.... and lots of bullshyt below... probably by some in....)

Also i bet he would come in a PIA jet with handcuffs!

Well by that poster it looks like days for Barahmadagh in Afghanistan are numbered. :azn:
LOL. You really have no idea of Pakistan politics do you? You just named the president, political parties, and people of states. :rofl:

Obviously I have less of an idea than Pakistani members about Pakistan, but I thought we were talking about each others problems and the going by what I read here, the president and the 2 parties I mentioned belong to that group ;)
Oh! C'mon PN. You have been around here a long time. Its all talk.. Dont get so serious. If you would have read the 1st 3 words of my post, you would have known that I was joking.

Sindhi, Balochi, Taliban, MQM, ANP, NWFP, Zardari, etc etc

How can you miss Punjab :angel: we have 4 Province you should know ;)
and you forget PML (including all its variants), then there is JUI and PTI
and there is no more NWFP, its Khyber Pakhtunkhwa :hitwall:
Update your self :D
what can I say.. its your Mumbai isnt it
I know you are hurt but i am not going to exchange pleasentries with people who are talking about keeping the insergency flame up and using this opertunity as a tump card.
what you people fail to realise is that I see innocent civilians being killed at the hands of these murderers you are so sumg about supporting.

whenever there is a terrorist atrocity or a natural desaster in India I am most vocal to express my sorrow without any ifs and buts
but it is your fellow countrymen are talking about my place where I grew up as if its their testing ground this is the sort of mentality I have to confront for my name sake

thanks so much for reading

Even myself, as a human,I hate and condemn my Govt for having their share of the responsibility in the deaths of your people.

But i wasn't being insensitive or moronic when typed my posts.I was talking from the Govt's perspective.For Govts the death of people has no emotional side to it(Ex.grief and pain of loss of a family member etc),for them deaths of people are a mere statistic and death of an individual person,is a mere numeral on the paper or report.Hence my post sounded cruel and crude to you.

Sir,I apologize if my posts conveyed the wrong meaning and hurt you.:)
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Karan that is the problem. You guys live under delusions created by the Indian govt that you don't want to see beyond that. Kashmir was always the issue from day 1 and it is stupid to claim that everything was fine in Kashmir. Pro freedom parties were their in the IOK since the day one of Indian occupation of IOK. On the other hand Baluchistan was the most peaceful province in 80's and 90's until anti Pakistan elements gain power in Kabul. Their was a revolt in 70's again when anti elements from Afghanistan supported unrest in Baluchistan. Their was unrest in 50's when again anti Pakistan elements in Afghanistan interfered in Baluchistan.

Baluchistan and IOK are two totally different issues and will remain so.

Firstly whole heartedly agree to the fact that J&K and Balochistan are 2 different issues and will remain so. The only similarity being that before KP came up, Balochistan was one of the more troublesome areas in Pakistan

Secondly, you seem to be agreeing to the fact that there were revolts in Balochistan in 50s, 70s and so on. Hence my assertion that it was simmering since begining . J&K, while there may have been separatists in the state, the 1st real violent incident happened in 1987 (I was in Srinagar for vacation at that time and got stuck in curfew for 3 days before could fly back to Delhi)
How can you miss Punjab :angel: we have 4 Province you should know ;)
and you forget PML (including all its variants), then there is JUI and PTI
and there is no more NWFP, its Khyber Pakhtunkhwa :hitwall:
Update your self :D

About Punjab, well, the problems I mentioned are problems for Punjab only since that province is considered the power center in Pakistan:azn:

Apologies for KP/NWFP confusion. Old habbits (or names) die hard. Still call Mumbai Bombay some times.

And yes, you being a Pakistani will know of more problems of Pakistan than I would. Just like the list of problems PN gave for India is not exhaustive..:azn:
It was an example but some pea brains dont really get it!

Thts truely a shame... indian education system is really going down the drain.

Khalistan,Maoists,Naxals,Assamese,mezoramese,jharkhand,IOK etc etc

Go figure.

:blink::blink::blink:.........if there really are those troubles why not they send their name in guinness book of world record
About Punjab, well, the problems I mentioned are problems for Punjab only since that province is considered the power center in Pakistan:azn:

Apologies for KP/NWFP confusion. Old habbits (or names) die hard. Still call Mumbai Bombay some times.

And yes, you being a Pakistani will know of more problems of Pakistan than I would. Just like the list of problems PN gave for India is not exhaustive..:azn:

u cant say punjab is the power centre its the pillar supporting pakistan :azn:
what can I say.. its your Mumbai isnt it
I know you are hurt but i am not going to exchange pleasentries with people who are talking about keeping the insergency flame up and using this opertunity as a tump card.
what you people fail to realise is that I see innocent civilians being killed at the hands of these murderers you are so sumg about supporting.

whenever there is a terrorist atrocity or a natural desaster in India I am most vocal to express my sorrow without any ifs and buts
but it is your fellow countrymen are talking about my place where I grew up as if its their testing ground this is the sort of mentality I have to confront for my name sake

thanks so much for reading

Sure its our Mumbai, but its the daughter of a citizen of Pakistan who is making that claim. My only submission is that while we debate and fight over everything under the sun, why not keep relationships like husband and wife out of it. Because if we drag that thru muck, there is enough of that to go around on both sides. I believe we have enough points to take pot shots at each other without falling to that level.

About being hurt, there is no reason why I would feel hurt about an Indian marrying a Pakistani. Happens a lot. If you however think that a Pakistani man marrying an Indian woman is some kind of a victory for Pakistan, then so be it. Congratulations to you and to every Pakistani who thinks that

About inncoent civilians getting killed, while I do not at all condone any kind of armed struggle that results in civilian deaths, you should remember that there are civilian deaths on Indian side too as a result of insurgency in J&K. And i am not talking of the 55 people killed in last 2 months in the riots. Using the disputed buzz word to justify that is as lame as it gets. If Pakistan can feel proud of supporting the Kashmir insurgency using the disputed bogey, then I dont see why Indian govt would be shy of creating trouble for Pakistan in Balochistan. Its extremely unfortunate that civilians end up bearing the brunt of it on both sides, but its a know fact that in any modern war (declared or otherwise) there are always more civilian casualties than military ones.

As an individual, I would never back such insurgencies that cause civilian deaths even if it is against Pakistan who I believe is causing the unrest in J&K, but then an individual opinion does not matter in largerr scheme of things specially when national interests are involved.
Secondly, you seem to be agreeing to the fact that there were revolts in Balochistan in 50s, 70s and so on. Hence my assertion that it was simmering since begining . J&K, while there may have been separatists in the state, the 1st real violent incident happened in 1987 (I was in Srinagar for vacation at that time and got stuck in curfew for 3 days before could fly back to Delhi)

goes beyond partition. some tribes have been trouble some by design. just to extort money and blackmail and as far as the rights or welfare of the people was concerned that was their least of the priority but they always brought up the nationalistic card for their propaganda.

Harassing foreign workers, kidnapping and killing teachers and doctors not allowing schools and hospitals, blowing up infrastructure can hardly fall in the category of movement for the rights of Baloch.
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About inncoent civilians getting killed, while I do not at all condone any kind of armed struggle that results in civilian deaths, you should remember that there are civilian deaths on Indian side too as a result of insurgency in J&K. And i am not talking of the 55 people killed in last 2 months in the riots. -------------------

As an individual, I would never back such insurgencies that cause civilian deaths even if it is against Pakistan who I believe is causing the unrest in J&K, but then an individual opinion does not matter in largerr scheme of things specially when national interests are involved.

I would even condemn the killings of uniformed personnel in the areas where there is no conflict in the area. i.e. Dehli or Mombai. I don’t feel delighted when people die in Kashmir die be it the security forces or the militants. Of course the most regrettable and unfortunate losses are that of civilians including women & children who are caught up in these conflicts.
No self respecting human being would ever gloat over the loss of human life. this is why I find it disappointing when Indian people speak the language of typical hillbillies.
If you check out the net you would find a typical “wipe them out from the face of the earth” “nuke the hell out of them”.

Here “them” means people of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan. I know Indians as a whole are far better than those retards who don’t even know where Australia is or if Pakistan is in Asia or Africa and then they become self proclaimed analyst and decision makers deciding the fate of the people in a single breath although about few sentences before they are condemning the terror attacks. Just makes you wonder how hallow and lame they are.

I’ve said it before and I say it now. I know the people of my country are not perfect. Our governments have made bad decisions in the past. Our friends and enemies have both used us for their proxy wars. We have religious and ethnic issues that have blown into an all out war.

And I also know that India has same issues and in some cases times 5 vis-à-vis Pakistan. There are freedom fights, insurgencies, violent unrests, Hindu extremism etc. But we show our human part too. E.g. the earth quakes in Kashmir & Rajhistan.
So there is hope. There are sane people on the both side who believe in peace and respect if that wasn’t the case we might have had nuclear winter across the sub continent by now.

Coming back to Balochistan, I think I should add a bit to help us all understand the situation. Firstly it is only few Bugthi & Marri tribes that are involved in the insurgency. They have been at odds with every authority so being anti Punjab doesn’t mean Punjabis are at fault. 50% of Balochistan is Pashton, rest is a mix of Baloch hazara, Sindhi, Seraki, & Berohvi speaking (the list is longer). All these other ethnicities have nothing to do with the BLA terrorists.

What these shameless thugs call freedom struggle is actually a violent blackmailing nothing else. I am not aware if any son, grandson, brother or other relative of the slain Akbar Bughti died under natural causes. It had been mainly due to tribal infighting. So much so to an extent that part of their tribes forced to seek refuge in Punjab. To cut the story short think of the warlords of Somalia and Rawanda . it is a feudal mentalities that is hard wired in savage sardars for whom their self pride is more important than the ordinary people around them. To me they are nothing but a secular version of Taliban. They will be found and taken out like rats just like their predecessors. Balach Marri & Akbar Bughti sent to hell already. Rest of the BLA terrorists will meet their grisly fate too

Firstly whole heartedly agree to the fact that J&K and Balochistan are 2 different issues and will remain so. The only similarity being that before KP came up, Balochistan was one of the more troublesome areas in Pakistan

Secondly, you seem to be agreeing to the fact that there were revolts in Balochistan in 50s, 70s and so on. Hence my assertion that it was simmering since begining . J&K, while there may have been separatists in the state, the 1st real violent incident happened in 1987 (I was in Srinagar for vacation at that time and got stuck in curfew for 3 days before could fly back to Delhi)

I think Irfan Baloch has said it all. I just want to add to the bold part. This is totally wrong. Baluchistan was the most peaceful province of Pakistan in 80's and 90's and their wasn't any insurgency in it. It only witnesses unrest when foreign powers intervened in Baluchistan. As far as Kashmir is concerned the states was in trouble from the day one of Indian occupation. You can say that militancy started in 1987 but can not say that their was no freedom movement in IOK before 1987.

How can you miss Punjab :angel: we have 4 Province you should know ;)
and you forget PML (including all its variants), then there is JUI and PTI
and there is no more NWFP, its Khyber Pakhtunkhwa :hitwall:
Update your self :D

actuley Pakistan have 5 Provinces. Gilgit baltistan is 5th province.
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