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India one of US' strongest partner :Crowley

I know the USA, they will drop India and Pakistan in the trash after they're done with them.

they've already thrown pakistan into the trash. can't believe you still can't see it.

as for India..
we don't and we won't fight other's war.

we don't and won't allow unilateral operation.

we don't and won't train terrorists on other's behalf.

we don't and won't let others use our territory for their own purpose.

in short- we just don't madly follow other countries. we have our own interests and policies. i'm sure you have heard of NAM.

so no matter what US say or do - we don't mind as long as its not harming our purpose or interests.

by the way- your post is also suitable for China. it may also throw you in trash once they are done with you. beware.
Don't read too much into this statement. Just another politician pandering to his constituency. Some one should tell him being an American ally is not the stuff the average Indian's dreams are made of. We will cooperate in the Indo Pacific against China. In other areas, you should not take our support for granted, you may even find us on the opposing side of the divide now and then.
US can give us all the equipment they want!!!!!.........but we will improve our relations with pak and china because it is in OUR interest!!!!!!
USA wants to ALIGN india,s growing industrial & military muscle.

Whislt only the 9th Largest GDP today over the NEXT 10 TO 15 YEARS it will reach TOP5 in the world

With congrASS in power it should be like this :

"Terming India as one of America's "strongest" and "most important" puppet..."
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