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India Offers Surrender Package To Maoists

And i can only say ROFL :D :D :D..the whole of India turning into IOK gradually..they cannot tackle 70% of their own land and want to add more by taking over IOK, Tibet and so forth..ha ha ha

Perhaps we should start accusing India for exporting cross border terror and sepratist idealogies into our heartland in the name of BLA and TTP

And this is ISI fault as well??? Rather buying weapons, India should tackle its own home grown red and orange terror. Lets stop building those roads to nowhere and infrastructure for nothing in Afghanistan and concentrate on development of your own destitute people.

There is no cure for dis-illusion....
I give up. I can't understand the lines...

"Indians should support the Naxals because they are fighting for the general population who are suffering"...

If Indians are fighting with general people then who Indians really are? :what:

BTW, thanks for letting us know the truth. :lol:

What don't you understand ?

Indian population should support the Indian Maoist. Isn't this clear enough ???

It is the Indian Government fighting the Indian Maoist and the Indian population should support the Indian Maoist.

And who are you???Spokesperson of the maoists???What has China or West got to do with internal policies of India??What Dalai Lama has got to do with Naxalites???

Double Standard , huh ! India calls the Naxal their internal problem so why is India stirring the Tibet problem which is China's internal problem ?

why is india surrendering? I thought india is a powerful nation that has an iron fist on all parts on its land. :coffee:

India is powerful ? LOL

one day maoists will get their freedom, all my prayers with them, death to tyranny and suppression!!

Same here

Are you a joker in some circus? How many times it is repeated in the forum that Maoists DON'T WANT FREEDOM. They want to form a Communist government in India along the lines of your masters. Is it because you cannot read or you don't understand English?

Why not ? If Communism can bring happiness to the population of India then the Indian Maoist should rule India.

Indian Democracy = Caste System and corruption. LOL
What if they surrender, take the money and go back to fighting?

Bad idea.

Well i am from a state which had a large issue of naxalism but now rooted out through gun exactly. But there were cases when people surrendered this way here too. Reasons range from getting old to getting the gov goodies. However there is a catch, if they genuinely surrender also there is a lookout for them by the police for atleast 5 to 6 years. So genuine or not they cannot wag their tails. Next even if it is a ploy they are doomed from the other side too that is naxals their once brothers in arms. Naxals don't like people surrendering so they try to kill them as soon as possible. This also depends on the position in the party cadre, the higher they are the more difficult to get out. So once deserted there is no chance of free lunch its always tension tension tension :sniper:. I forgot to add one more thing, the gov shows all those surrendered on TV channels for PR stunt ofcourse but this leaves no chance of going back. :cheesy:
What don't you understand ?

Indian population should support the Indian Maoist. Isn't this clear enough ???

It is the Indian Government fighting the Indian Maoist and the Indian population should support the Indian Maoist.

Leave it to the Indians to decide.There is absolutely no need for you to get over excited about it.We Indians are capable enough to take care of our problems.We don't need either external money or muscle power to subdue the internal terrorists,unlike you.

I feel that the naxalites must exterminated,they are nothing but an impediment to the development of the society,their ideology does not lead anywhere but destruction of public property and innocent lives and their methods have zero acceptability in a civilized society.

I am myself originally from a severely naxalite affected village in a district named Bankura, in the state of West Bengal.Be rest assured,when I speak about it,I speak with complete authority and credential.I have myself been in the middle of the turmoil.I have myself felt the ripples.I know about the situation,its effects and outcomes much much more than you.

Double Standard , huh ! India calls the Naxal their internal problem so why is India stirring the Tibet problem which is China's internal problem ?

India is not stirring any problem in Tibet.The issue of naxalites and that of Tibet are totally unrelated.The Chinese don't even have a standpoint on the Naxalite issue.There is no need to try to mix oil with water.
India is powerful ? LOL

Yes India is.It is both economically as well as militarily powerful than Pakistan.India is the second fastest developing economy in the World.

Why not ? If Communism can bring happiness to the population of India then the Indian Maoist should rule India.

So far as communism is concerned,China is a far better friend to Pakistan than to India.Why don't you try your hands with that once you get rid of your politicians and incessant military coup.

Indian Democracy = Caste System and corruption. LOL

This very democracy has led the country to the economic progress that the country is enjoying these days.Care to tell me what have you achieved with four military coup in the history of your country???
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