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India offers its retired soldiers to guard Brunei

“China” is the magic word for our Indian friends。:enjoy:

I am looking toward the day when the word “India” is mentioned in Chinese media with the same frequency as China is in Indian media today。:D:lol:

China is a magic word for many many countries. Everyone thinks your a pain nowadays.

Nope, they already have one. :D

Loll, he even thinks Brunei is a British protectorate. If anything Brunei wants to get rid of Britain and turn to someone more competent to safeguard interests.
Retired soldiers seem to be more for consulting than fighting.

The peak of military youth is between 17 and 35 years of age. It won't make sense for older retired personnel to go in for combat.

I think these men would do a fine Job till the age of 45 in combat If they are fit- And that is why I guess Gurkhas are being considered- plus their duties would be limited to guarding the place more of a police kind of Job-

No thanks.

We have enough protectorate agreements already: Bhutan, Mauritius, Maldives, Seychelles and Nepal (as a joint strategic military partner).

I fail to see what Brunei could offer us that we don't have. We already dominate the Malacca Strait.

Malacca is our door- we cannot sit on our door and defend our house- at some point during the siege the door would be broken no matter how strong we are- The better way is to take the war to the gates of the enemy- Just look at US or UK they are at the doors of their enemy-

We have seen how empires crumbled while they were at their fortresses- Soviets had a massive navy but they didn't even have the reach the British had while fighting against US+British+French combined- Take Germany for example- while the British got help from Its colonies- Germany was surrounded from all sides and in-spite of having a far better military machine they lost badly- had they be having even one among US/Australia/Canada/India they would have done much better- possibly even win-

So If we can have a base there we should grab It with both hands- back in the times of Nehru Gwadar was offered to us- Today China is building a base there at our doors-
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