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India now ranks 3rd in global scientific publications


Sep 20, 2014
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“India’s position globally in scientific publications, has improved from 7th position in 2010 to 3rd position in 2020. He also added that India’s scholarly output increased from 60,555 papers in 2010 to 1,49,213 papers in 2020," stated a press release by the Press Information Bureau.

India also ranks third globally in the number of PhDs produced annually. In a similar upward trend, the number of patents granted by the India Patents Office to Indian scientists has more than doubled in just the last four years.

Minister Singh credited the government’s reforms for this success. According to him, the government has helped by “successive increase in allocations for Scientific Departments, incentivizing investment by private sector to increase their share in GERD, improving the ease of doing business in the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) activities; introducing flexible tools for public procurement; creating avenues for collaborative STI funding through portfolio-based funding mechanisms such as Public-Private-Partnerships and other innovative hybrid funding mechanism."

Another reform has been the treatment of research and development by the government as a part of Corporate Social Responsibility spending (CSR).

“Corporates can invest in technology business incubators or contribute in research efforts carried out by institutions and national research laboratories as a part of their CSR," mentions the PIB press release.

Further, there “are specific investment incentives offered such as Location-based tax incentives that enable 100% deductions of profits generated from establishing and doing business in northeastern states of India."

The Global Innovation Index (GII) 2022, released by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) also saw India’s innovation ranking improve from 81st in 2014 to 40th in 2022.

All due to US companies investing in R&D and employing out of work Indian Ph.D's (usually in US subsidiaries of Intel, HP, Boeing etc. in Chennai and Bangalore) who publish these monographs and research publications. Look at who sponsors the publication of these research papers, its all foreign money.

India's own R&D spend is probably better than other 3rd world countries besides itself, but nowhere when compared to China, and of course nothing when compared to Japan and the US.

But I will admit that India turns out a whole lot of "polyester highwater pants and jogging shoe" clad Ph.Ds, and who are mostly unemployed.

That is why you see regular stories like this,

Over 93,000 candidates, including 3,700 PhD holders apply for peon job in UP​

Read more at:
All due to US companies investing in R&D and employing out of work Indian Ph.D's (usually in US subsidiaries of Intel, HP, Boeing etc. in Chennai and Bangalore) who publish these monographs and research publications. Look at who sponsors the publication of these research papers, its all foreign money.

India's own R&D spend is probably better than other 3rd world countries besides itself, but nowhere when compared to China, and of course nothing when compared to Japan and the US.

But I will admit that India turns out a whole lot of "polyester highwater pants and jogging shoe" clad Ph.Ds, and who are mostly unemployed.

That is why you see regular stories like this,

Over 93,000 candidates, including 3,700 PhD holders apply for peon job in UP​

Read more at:

Why are the US companies not investing in Bangladesh? Remember dude as much as you like to belong to the upper leagues, all humans are not equal--some have higher ability!
Thank your stars that a Ph.D. is not necessary to stitch a garment. Go fix your house and learn to up-skill your country. What a jealous bunch these Bangladeshis are.. If it soothes your insecurity, go ahead write more nonsense. You are an example of why Bangladesh will always be known to lack intellectual capabilities. Go reread all your posts on this forum.
Why are the US companies not investing in Bangladesh? Remember dude as much as you like to belong to the upper leagues, all humans are not equal--some have higher ability!
Thank your stars that a Ph.D. is not necessary to stitch a garment. Go fix your house and learn to up-skill your country. What a jealous bunch these Bangladeshis are.. If it soothes your insecurity, go ahead write more nonsense. You are an example of why Bangladesh will always be known to lack intellectual capabilities. Go reread all your posts on this forum.

You are the example of cringey nationalist Indians why rational Indians are embarrassed. All this constant bragging without achieving much. So on which part of Mars might I find India's crewed research station that has been there for 30 years ? After all you have "higher ability" - in your own words. Or is there an Indian space station in low Earth orbit built under the able leadership of Modi jee through his "Make in India" programme ? The problem is that such a space station exists only in CGI ( at 2:59 mins ) :

At least give me India's achievements in computing, what with the large number of computing companies especially the 41-year-old Infosys with a worker count of 335,186 out of which most will be computer engineers, and the 54-year-old TCS with a worker count of 600,000+ out of which most will be computer engineers. Of "higher ability" these will be, yes ?
You are the example of cringey nationalist Indians why rational Indians are embarrassed. All this constant bragging without achieving much. So on which part of Mars might I find India's crewed research station that has been there for 30 years ? After all you have "higher ability" - in your own words. Or is there an Indian space station in low Earth orbit built under the able leadership of Modi jee through his "Make in India" programme ? The problem is that such a space station exists only in CGI ( at 2:59 mins ) :

At least give me India's achievements in computing, what with the large number of computing companies especially the 41-year-old Infosys with a worker count of 335,186 out of which most will be computer engineers, and the 54-year-old TCS with a worker count of 600,000+ out of which most will be computer engineers. Of "higher ability" these will be, yes ?
Call my post cringey, call me a nationalist, call me whatever! I will not let a repeat offender representing a country that hasn't done what India has, talk like an expert without understanding what it takes or means to even publish a research paper.

The said article was published by NSF. If you know anything about NSF, you would know that The National Science Foundation in the US is highly reputed. Getting a grant from them will take the ranking of a university higher.

For low achieving Bangladeshis or people like you with your "we know it all " posts, I have to step in to my "cringey nationalist Indian" role since arm chair experts such as you know do not what it takes to get a journal publication.

To rank 3rd is no easy feat...To have citations/paper at .85 is amazing for India. China hovers at .95/paper.

If you want to have a one-on-one discussion as a "rational Indian", I will oblige. If you want to dance along with low achieving Bangladeshis to be little the hardwork and achievements of my countrymen, I will happily be a "cringey nationalist Indian"!!!!!
Call my post cringey, call me a nationalist, call me whatever! I will not let a repeat offender representing a country that hasn't done what India has, talk like an expert without understanding what it takes or means to even publish a research paper.

I wasn't siding with Bilal there. He was formerly a friend who betrayed and is now a committed mullah. Only yesterday I made this post about BD including about him.

I was just questioning you making fun of Bangladeshi lack of technological achievements when India is yet to mostly start. I asked you about Infosys and TCS, yes ? Right this morning was repeat of last night's Kaun Banega Crorepati which came on which I switched channels. I heard in passing about "1971" and "Salyut" and knew immediately that the question was about which country sent the first space station. It was of course the USSR and that was 51 years ago. What has india been doing for 51 years that prevented it from sending a space station into low Earth orbit let alone have a crewed research station on Mars existing for 30 years ?

Indians releasing a flood of 149,213 papers in 2020 neither enabled India to have a crewed station on Mars nor has changed India from being the most irrational, despotic, casually oppressive, Capitalist, dystopian society in human history.

The said article was published by NSF. If you know anything about NSF, you would know that The National Science Foundation in the US is highly reputed. Getting a grant from them will take the ranking of a university higher.

For low achieving Bangladeshis or people like you with your "we know it all " posts, I have to step in to my "cringey nationalist Indian" role since arm chair experts such as you know do not what it takes to get a journal publication.

To rank 3rd is no easy feat...To have citations/paper at .85 is amazing for India. China hovers at .95/paper.

I don't understand this constant validation that nationalist Indians / Bhakts / Bhagwas seek from American institutions. "NASA has 36 percent Indian scientists", "NASA has declared Sanskrit to be the best language for computer programming especially AI", "A NASA satellite has discovered "Om" to be the cosmic hum" :

"A NASA rover on Mars has discovered an ancient Hindu temple there called Mangalnath dedicated to Shiva with the bhagwa flags on it flying proud for 32,000 years despite the planet-wide sandstorms" :

Kya hai ye ? I mean hai kya ?

If you want to be inspired by American institutions then have a look at this painting of Tipu Sultan's rockets wrecking havov among the British army, installed in NASA's Wallops Flight Facility

From :

Tipu Sultan: Admired by Abdul Kalam, Disowned By BJP​

Former President Abdul Kalam learnt about Tipu Sultan during his visit to NASA in the 1960s.

Updated: 04 May 2021, 8:17 AM IST
3 min read

Tipu Sultan: Admired by Abdul Kalam, Disowned By BJP

(This story has been reposted from The Quint’s archives to mark the death anniversary of Tipu Sultan. It was first published on 7 November 2019)

At the reception lobby of NASA’s sounding rocket facility, a painting caught the attention of APJ Abdul Kalam, then a young Indian aerospace scientist from India. It depicted one of the first usage of the rocket in a battlefield but what intrigued Kalam the most was the man behind these rockets – Tipu Sultan.

So fascinated was he by the sight of Tipu Sultan at NASA that on becoming the President of India, he ordered a study into Tipu Sultan’s use of rocket technology. He even made a lengthy mention of the Indian ruler in his book The Wings of Fire.

But the BJP in Karnataka doesn’t share this fascination.

Leave alone rocket science, school kids in Karnataka may not know Tipu Sultan at all as the BJP bats for wiping him out from History textbooks.

Also Read

Tipu Sultan: A Convenient Controversy at the Cost of History

Tipu Sultan: A Convenient Controversy at the Cost of History

Kalam’s Discovery of Tipu Sultan​


Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. (Photo: AP)

Tipu Sultan’s story might be erased from the pages of History textbooks soon but when Kalam discovered the Mysore ruler’s story six decades ago, he felt it was a forgotten piece of Indian history his countrymen should know about.
“… the painting caught my eye because the soldiers on the side launching the rockets were not white but were dark skinned, with racial features found in South Asia. It turned out to be Tipu Sultan’s army fighting the British. The painting depicted a fact forgotten in Tipu’s own country but commemorated here on the other side of the planet.”
APJ Abdul Kalam in The Wings of Fire

Tipu Sultan and His Rocket Troops​


Mysore rockets, developed and deployed by Tipu Sultan’s army during the Anglo-Mysore wars, was one of the first weaponised metal rockets. (Photo Courtesy: Wikipedia)

Mysore rockets, developed and deployed by Tipu Sultan’s army during the Anglo-Mysore wars, were one of the first weaponised metal rockets. The advancing British East India company forces were tackled by Mysore army using several rounds of rocket fire, in the battle of Pollilur during the first Anglo-Mysore war in 1780.

Also Read

Tipu Sultan: The Original Rocket Man of India

Tipu Sultan: The Original Rocket Man of India
Even though the Chinese had experimented with rockets using bamboo, the effective weaponisation of the rockets is credited to Tipu Sultan and his army. The replacement of bamboo with metal and some other key design changes in the late 1700s in Mysore are considered a turning point in rocket technology.

‘With Tipu’s Death, Indian Rocketry Met Its Demise’​

Later in the book, Kalam makes a crucial statement about how important Tipu was to the development of rockets. “When Tipu Sultan was killed, the British captured more than 700 rockets and subsystems of 900 rockets in the battle of Turukhanahally in 1799 ... these rockets had been taken to England by William Congreve and were subjected by the British to what we call ‘reverse engineering’ today. There were, of course, no GATT, IPR Act, or patent regime. With the death of Tipu, Indian rocketry also met its demise – at least for 150 years,” writes Kalam.

The Study Ordered by Kalam​

After becoming President, in 2006, Kalam sent a top Defence scientist to Srirangapatana in Karnataka to study Tipu Sultan’s efforts to use rockets against the British over 200 years previously.

At the end of his visit to various sites associated with Tipu Sultan’s rocket launching activities at Srirangapatna, then Chief Controller of Research and Development at Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), A Sivathanu Pillai declared, “There is no doubt that this is the birthplace of rocketry.”

“Now, I will report to the President what I have seen here (Srirangapatna). He (Kalam) is a rocket scientist. Naturally, he is interested to know,” Pillai had said.

After this visit, Pillai said he would recommend President Kalam to build consensus in the community of rocket scientists that Srirangapatna was the birthplace of rocketry by holding seminars and other initiatives.
But the Former President’s attempt to tell Tipu’s story to Indians may remain incomplete as electoral politics now threatens to erase his story from history.
(With inputs from PTI)
Indian nationalists don't celebrate Tipu, one of the three greatest administrators of pre-modern India ( other two being Ashoka and Akbar ) and unlike Tipu the Indian nationalists haven't given anything to India or humanity but have been an atrocity upon those two so why celebrate them ? Here is then chief of DRDO, VK Saraswat, describing in 2010 his organization setting up a team to design an "indigenous" "futuristic" computer operating system for India :

Saraswat: DRDO working on India's own computer operating system​

Two software engineering centres to be set up in Bangalore, New Delhi​

October 09, 2010 04:13 pm | Updated October 10, 2010 01:27 am IST - Bangalore


V.K. Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to Raksha Mantri, Secretary, Department of Defence R&D and DG DRDO during an inauguration function in Bangalore on Saturday. Photo: K. Gopinathan

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is working on creating a futuristic computing system, including India's own operating system, said V.K. Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister and DRDO Director-General.

Talking to journalists after inaugurating the DRDO Transit Facility here on Saturday, Dr. Saraswat said: “We do not have our own operating system. Today, various bodies, including banks and defence establishments, need security. Having our own operating system will help us prevent hacking of our systems.”

Two software engineering centres are being set up for this purpose in Bangalore and New Delhi. “To start with, we will have 25 scientists at each of these centres. We are in touch with institutes such as the Indian Institute of Science, Indian Institute of Technology Madras and the Centre for Development of Telematics, besides universities and industries. We will use available talent.” Citing security reasons, he refused to provide details of organisations involved in the project.

The new operating system would also have commercial use, he said and added: “With a home-grown system, the source code will be with us and it helps in securing our systems,” he said. Asked about the money involved for the project and the timeframe, Dr. Saraswat said it was fairly a costly affair, without elaborating on the timeframe.

He said a series of indigenously built military satellites with surveillance imaging and navigation capabilities were being launched. “There will be a series of [defence] satellites. Numbers cannot be revealed because they are classified. Each year, you will find one or two satellites going up.”

These satellites will be dedicated to different defence applications and launched as per the schedule put out by the Department of Space.

“The Army, the Navy and the Air Force each have their own requirement, and it won't be appropriate to say how many each of them would need,” Dr. Saraswat said.
It will have payloads for surveillance, imaging, navigation and communication. “You should be able to see with very high resolution and precision the movements of troops and things like that [in the neighbourhood].” Data and commands can be sent through these satellites to cruise missiles, he added.

Dr. Saraswat said there was a possibility of exporting many things developed by the DRDO laboratories, including the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), which, he said, was regarded as the best aircraft. “Many countries are approaching us for Akash and Nag missiles, and the LCA,” he said. The priority was to provide indigenous technology. “Export is only incidental,” he said.
And what happened to this project of the former adviser to the "Raksha Mantri" ( man, this Sanskritization is so cringe ) ? In the next two years the size of the team had grown to 150 spread across the country and Saraswat claimed that the OS would be ready in the next three years i.e. 2015. It is now 2022 but no "indigenous" "futuristic" OS from DRDO designed by that team of 150 scientists and engineers. Why not ?

And what is that idiot Saraswat doing now ? He as expected is associated with VIBHA, an RSS body whose mission is to research "Ancient Indian science", basically doing irrational matching of modern terminology and technology to Hindu religious myths. Saraswat is a firm believer in the power of gemstones to "influence well-being and destiny" ( hasn't made his destiny to be a genius till now ) and his associates believe in nonsense like "ancient" Hindus having spacecraft technology and ability to do in vitro birth of humans in 100 vessels and so on. Read this. And they are brainwashing students too. It wasn't enough for India to have had millions of dolts, the youth will also be dolts who believe in myths and be satisfied and not contribute to humanity.

So where are the magnificent spacecraft produced by VK Saraswat's RSS body VIBHA after having researched the ancient Vedas ? Was it those which carried the Sanatanis to Mars 32,000 years ago who built that still-standing Mangalnath temple which still has bhagwa flags flying all these thousands of years ? :D

If you want to have a one-on-one discussion as a "rational Indian", I will oblige. If you want to dance along with low achieving Bangladeshis to be little the hardwork and achievements of my countrymen, I will happily be a "cringey nationalist Indian"!!!!!

You can start this one-on-one discussion in a new thread you will create for this or you can do it in 'Whatever' but you must respond to the above first.
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Where's the report and stats?

And in terms of citing and quality it's a different list altogether.

There's a massive problem with the Indians when even even a Union Minister for Science and Technology indulge in typical big talk .

It's easy to detect a scam star when one pulls up an American report to make a PR statement .


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Where's the report and stats?

And in terms of citing and quality it's a different list altogether.
View attachment 906871

So India is now greater than Russia ? I think India is included in the top 12 in a political decision. :)

There's a massive problem with the Indians when even even a Union Minister for Science and Technology indulge in typical big talk .

It's easy to detect a scam star when one pulls up an American report to make a PR statement .

Why blame the cabinet minister for science and technology when the prime minister himself said this idiocy in a gathering of doctors and other medical professionals in a hospital in his first year of PMship ( which was to foretell things to come ) ?
Seeming to take a page out of Dina Nath Batra’s book, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has linked medical science to mythology, citing “plastic surgery” and “genetic science” to explain the creation of Lord Ganesh and Karna respectively.

Also Read: Man who got Wendy Doniger pulped is made ‘must reading’ in Gujarat schools

Speaking at a function in Mumbai on Saturday, he said, “Medical science ki duniya mein hum garv kar sakte hain ki hamara desh kisi samay mein kya tha. Mahabharat mein Karna ki katha, hum sab Karna ke vishay mein Mahabharat mein padhte hain. Lekin kabhi humne thoda sa aur sochna shuru karen to dhyaan mein aayega ki Mahabharat ka kehna hai ki Karna maa ki god se paida nahi hua tha. Iska matlab ye hua ki us samay genetic science maujood tha. Tabhi to Karna, maa ki god ke bina, uska janma hua hoga. ( We can feel proud of what our country achieved in medical science at one point of time. We all read about Karna in Mahabharat. If we think a little more, we realise that Mahabharat says Karna was not born from his mother’s womb. This means that genetic science was present at that time. That is why Karna could be born outside his mother’s womb).”

According to the text of the speech posted on the PMO website, he said, “Hum Ganeshji ki pooja karte hain. Koi to plastic surgeon hoga us zamaane mein jisne manushya ke shareer par haathi ka sar rakhkar ke plastic surgery ka prarambh kiya hoga. (We worship Lord Ganesh. There must have been some plastic surgeon at that time who got an elephant’s head on the body of a human being and began the practice of plastic surgery).”

Stressing on the need to improve healthcare facilities, Modi said India had “capabilities” in several fields during ancient times. “There must be many areas in which our ancestors made big contributions. Some of these are well recognised. If we talk about space science, our ancestors had, at some point, displayed great strengths in space science. What people like Aryabhatt had said centuries ago are being recognised by science today. What I mean to say is that we are the country which had these capabilities. We need to regain these,” he said.
In his book, Tejomay Bharat, which was made compulsory reading in Gujarat schools, Batra, convenor of Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti, has said, “.America wants to take the credit for invention of stem cell research, but the truth is that India’s Dr Balkrishna Ganpat Matapurkar has already got a patent for regenerating body parts. You would be surprised to know that this research is not new and that Dr Matapurkar was inspired by the Mahabharata. Kunti had a bright son like the sun itself. When Gandhari, who had not been able to conceive for two years, learnt of this, she underwent an abortion. From her womb a huge mass of flesh came out. (Rishi) Dwaipayan Vyas was called. He observed this hard mass of flesh and then he preserved it in a cold tank with specific medicines. He then divided the mass of flesh into 100 parts and kept them separately in 100 tanks full of ghee for two years. After two years, 100 Kauravas were born of it. On reading this, he (Matapurkar) realised that stem cell was not his invention. This was found in India thousands of years ago.”

The book carries a customised message from Modi, as then Gujarat Chief Minister.
Now I note this :
He then divided the mass of flesh into 100 parts and kept them separately in 100 tanks full of ghee for two years. After two years, 100 Kauravas were born of it.
About the ghee part, is that why Kaun Banega Crorepati gives a year's supply of Gowardhan ghee to those who come up to 320,000 rupees win mark ? They are supposed to produce 100 children in 100 tanks of Gowardhan ghee. :rofl:
Not surprised at all

China and India were already sitting on #1 and #2 spot six years ago.

Not surprised at all

China and India were already sitting on #1 and #2 spot six years ago.

Another chinese duped by Indian, Chinese are so easy to be duped.
The 500k US stems are worth atleast 10 times the stems in India in terms of proper vetting on quality.
Why are the US companies not investing in Bangladesh? Remember dude as much as you like to belong to the upper leagues, all humans are not equal--some have higher ability!
Thank your stars that a Ph.D. is not necessary to stitch a garment. Go fix your house and learn to up-skill your country. What a jealous bunch these Bangladeshis are.. If it soothes your insecurity, go ahead write more nonsense. You are an example of why Bangladesh will always be known to lack intellectual capabilities. Go reread all your posts on this forum.

Why US companies are moving from China to Vietnam and not India?
Another chinese duped by Indian, Chinese are so easy to be duped.
The 500k US stems are worth atleast 10 times the stems in India in terms of proper vetting on quality.
Perhaps, but there was a time when Chinese university degrees were not widely regarded too.

You really don't think India can find STEM talents with a population almost larger than China?
Perhaps, but there was a time when Chinese university degrees were not widely regarded too.

You really don't think India can find STEM talents with a population almost larger than China?

There are IITs, and there are thousands of "Diploma Mills". There was a report a few years back, 80% Indian engineers are not fit for employment.

Perhaps, but there was a time when Chinese university degrees were not widely regarded too.

You really don't think India can find STEM talents with a population almost larger than China?
Guy's got a major axe to grind, not sure what his deal is.

Manipuri separatist maybe ? :P
All this talk about research papers and "publications" is a bunch of hogwash. Everything is a lie in Sanghiland.

In their Northern cow belt poorer states, where Hindutva is a major force, their high-school graduation exams are all marked by rampant cheating. If this is what their basic high school educational standard is, then you can make some idea about what their university educational standards are...just pathetic.

People are hired to climb up four stories to deliver cheating notes....if teachers try to stop them, they are beaten up.....

Just a f*cked up situation, and then they try to boast about how advanced and prolific their "research" is - yeah right !!!

Like their toilet situation, they should try to fix the basics of their education system, the primary and secondary education level.



Forget school exams, you can hire people to fake your name and stand in for you in Police force exams.


There are IITs, and there are thousands of "Diploma Mills". There was a report a few years back, 80% Indian engineers are not fit for employment.

Believe me - I have seen what the "best' H1B's Indian companies send stateside.

If this is their 'best' talent, then Lord help the US companies.

When Boeing hired Indian H1B's to build software for the 737 Max - we saw the results....

Wherever they go, they ruin companies.....
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