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India not to undertake fresh projects in Afghanistan

That is not happening soon. Neither of the next two US Presidential candidates have even hinted at leaving Afghanistan, with Obama even saying what was needed was a return of emphasis on Afghanistan.

I'v been hearing the whole 'Americans are leaving soon' routine for a long time, its not happened till now, and it doesn't look imminent either.

With more and more civilain killings by NATO. They are only going to harm US as long as they stay there.

The common Afghans are considering these US/NATO forces as occupiers and sooner or later they have to go.
Neo, India does not need any kind of strategic depth in Afghanistan, Pakistan wants that. What we want is good relations in Afghanistan that undercut Pakistan's influence there. What we dont want is a repeat of the old days when we had not contact with Afghanistan and Pakistan used Afghans to fuel terrorism in Kashmir.

Which is going to be for a long time. And that is why till the US is there, we can create more and more projects to have more and more goodwill before the US leaves.

Pakistan did not deliberately 'hire' mujahideens to fight in Kashmir, their involvement is a dirct result of vacuum Afghanistan was left with after the withdrawl of Sovjet troops. Mujahideens are trained to fight jihad, thats all they can do.
Your presence in Afghanistan is purely politically motivated, its meant to contain Pakistan and nothing else.
Had Afghanistan not comon border with Pakistan India would not be interested. Why dont we see Indian support to other countries like Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, Liberia and the list is long, countries in almost same mess as Afghanistan.

If you really want to experience it, you must go to Kabul and say that your a Hindustani, you will be suddenly treated with so much respect and warmth, you will find it highly surprising.
The same 'thankfull India loving' Afghan will be more than happy to grab his gun once you start killing more muslims in Kashmir. I don't want to initiate a flame war here but you have to face the reality that its not the tag Indian which is making them happy, any aid to this war torn country including aid from US is gladly accepted. Pakistan too has invested more than $500 million since the withdrawl of Sovjets. Who do you think initiated and organised Afghanistan Rebuilding Sceme and invited donors to materialise their pledge. Where is the meeting held this year???

That is what im talking about, we have generated a LOT of goodwill in Afghanistan by not helping the coalition there in military aid but civilian aid, by building schools, roads, parliament, donating buses, etc, etc.
And still some 2 million Afghan refugees reside in Pakistan. Why don't you show more goodwill and take these parasites? I'll be more than happy to donate a months salary if India takes them all, no joke!

And i find this a very good decision. India should first finish a good bunch of its projects before starting new ones there, otherwise our security there will be overstretched and we cannot send in more security personnel there either- The KEY to the goodwill is to have MINIMUM Indian security presence there, so that the locals dont mind us like they do for the ISF. India must LOOK different than the others, preception is just as important, and the Afghans should percieve that India is there to help and not to trouble them.

Once those projects get completed more can be started.
Build as much as you can its not going to chage the fate of this backward country. Once foreign forces leave -and that will happen when they've reached their goals- it will all be for nothing. Kabul will have a Pakistan friendly government...mark my words.

You must understand strategic depth. Wikipedia has not totally explained it. It is more of a sanctuary with backup to reorganise and strike back!
With more and more civilain killings by NATO. They are only going to harm US as long as they stay there.

The common Afghans are considering these US/NATO forces as occupiers and sooner or later they have to go.

Daydreams at best!

Nothing is harming the US.

Their aim is clear.

They don't want to occupy. They just want a foothold!
I agree that our position is secure till US is in Afghanistan.
But also I would say that, till there is a terrorism threat in the world, Nato forces will remain in afghanistan.
My prediction is that US will focus more on homeland security and building missile defence shield under next government. Nato members aren't very keen to send more troops to Afghanistan either.

Regd obeying Uncle Sam, If I start saying about Pakistan, it will not be nice.
So avoiding it.

Because you are very mature in your other posts - I take this post of yours as an exception.
Nothings for free, you got your 123 agreement and Uncle will get what he wants...only time will tell.
Its got nothing to do with mature or childish posting, its the way things work in realpolitik.

You must understand strategic depth. Wikipedia has not totally explained it. It is more of a sanctuary with backup to reorganise and strike back!


Could India succeed in getting strategic depth in Afghanistan?
Few people here talking about uncle leaving Afghanistan, which is true, sooner or later uncle has to go. But before that as per my calculation, Pakistan's democratic gov will be toppled by ISI/Army and this will give US a chance to invade the Pakistan and control the weapon of mass destruction. Once US properly placed in Pakistan, then controlling Afghanistan will be very easy and then they can reduce the army.

Ultimately whole game is to control south Asia. Whole scenario will make US very dangerous for India too.
If you really want to experience it, you must go to Kabul and say that your a Hindustani, you will be suddenly treated with so much respect and warmth, you will find it highly surprising.

HA ha ha some parts or kabul not all of kabul second can you say you are hindustani in any other part of afghanistan answer simply ''NO''.
That is not happening soon. Neither of the next two US Presidential candidates have even hinted at leaving Afghanistan, with Obama even saying what was needed was a return of emphasis on Afghanistan.

I'v been hearing the whole 'Americans are leaving soon' routine for a long time, its not happened till now, and it doesn't look imminent either.

Actually Americans aren't saying they are leaving soon but they are not putting any more troops into it either.

second as soon as obama gets in he will have no choice but to cut back on spending or they can kiss there economy good by so dream of being Imperial is done now comes the reality survival.

As far as NATO is concern other then Canadians or few troops from England most other countries troops are there in such a small number that them being there or not makes no difference.

Daydreams at best!

Thats exactly what we are saying that indians are day dreaming.

Nothing is harming the US

you sure cause they are on the brink of bankruptcy most of there banks have collapsed or almost there FEDS are bailing out most with borrowed money.US dollar is Almost A Has been currency only reason worth any thing cause of some puppets in middle east wont drop it. housing market has shed 6 trillion dollars in value and drooping.

Their aim is clear.

Funny if it was they would have put in more then few 1000 soldiers in afghanistan.they thought it will be walk in the park so far its any thing but.

They don't want to occupy. They just want a foothold!

And whats the diffrence?to an average afghan.

karazai is protected by 200 special forces personal all Americans i think that pretty much tells how much is he liked by the afghans.
Few people here talking about uncle leaving Afghanistan, which is true, sooner or later uncle has to go. But before that as per my calculation, Pakistan's democratic gov will be toppled by ISI/Army and this will give US a chance to invade the Pakistan and control the weapon of mass destruction. Once US properly placed in Pakistan, then controlling Afghanistan will be very easy and then they can reduce the army.

Ultimately whole game is to control south Asia. Whole scenario will make US very dangerous for India too.

Dude which movie did you saw lately?:disagree:
India has just announced a huge financial aid for Afghanistan!

As far as the US is concerned, they don't want the situation to end in Afghanistan. They require to be there for their geostrategic reasons!

You must understand strategic depth. Wikipedia has not totally explained it. It is more of a sanctuary with backup to reorganise and strike back!

It doesn't make sense.

The military can only relocate movable assets there - the nuclear infrastructure, military industry, air bases etc. are all in Pakistan and will continue to remain in Pakistan - so why withdraw to Afghanistan when everything that needs to be defended is in Pakistan?

Withdrawing to Afghanistan means that Pakistan is given up to India, and the war is lost.

Afghanistan is not a world away, unless one is talking about retreating to the North West of the country, it would still be within range of Indian air power.

Beyond that Neo is correct - Pakistan never went into Afghanistan looking for 'strategic depth'. The Cold War was the catalyst for involvement, and subsequent support for certain Mujahideen and the Taliban was primarily for ensuring some sort of stable government in Afghanistan, one that would not be destabilizing to Pakistan. Economic interests, through linkage with the CAR's, were a large factor, and maybe the primary facto, as has been argued by Ahmed Rashid and the Pulitzer winning Steven Coll.
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Pakistan did not deliberately 'hire' mujahideens to fight in Kashmir, their involvement is a dirct result of vacuum Afghanistan was left with after the withdrawl of Sovjet troops. Mujahideens are trained to fight jihad, thats all they can do.
The 'gentle prodding' by Pakistan to continue the Jehad in Kashmir was also not a small mitigating factor!
Your presence in Afghanistan is purely politically motivated, its meant to contain Pakistan and nothing else.
Had Afghanistan not comon border with Pakistan India would not be interested. Why dont we see Indian support to other countries like Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, Liberia and the list is long, countries in almost same mess as Afghanistan.
Have i denied that? Like i said, what we dont want is a repeat of the Taliban era, when we could do nothing but sit and watch.

The same 'thankfull India loving' Afghan will be more than happy to grab his gun once you start killing more muslims in Kashmir. I don't want to initiate a flame war here but you have to face the reality that its not the tag Indian which is making them happy, any aid to this war torn country including aid from US is gladly accepted.
This goes to much more than that. Bollywood is quite popular there, and apart from that the common man on the street should know that India is rebuilding their nation, that is what counts.

And since you have brought the 'killing more Muslims in Kashmir', then i'l let you know that its these terrorists that have caused the massive surge in the number of Army personnel deployed there. Its a reaction, not an action.

Pakistan too has invested more than $500 million since the withdrawl of Sovjets. Who do you think initiated and organised Afghanistan Rebuilding Sceme and invited donors to materialise their pledge. Where is the meeting held this year???

And still some 2 million Afghan refugees reside in Pakistan. Why don't you show more goodwill and take these parasites? I'll be more than happy to donate a months salary if India takes them all, no joke!
Unfortunately it is also Pakistan which has had a direct hand in destabilizing Afghanistan, from propping up the Taliban to continue supporting extremists there among lots of other things. Donating a little money and having refugees is not a big thing, heck we also had a bloody huge number of Bangladeshi refugees in India. Pakistan has been directly responsible for the misery of Afghanistan.

Build as much as you can its not going to chage the fate of this backward country. Once foreign forces leave -and that will happen when they've reached their goals- it will all be for nothing. Kabul will have a Pakistan friendly government...mark my words.
Every country has been backward at one point of time, that does not mean that it cannot rise and change in the future. India too was a backward country-the break basket of south asia as India was called, has proved that wrong. You dont know the fate of Afghanistan, you feel that its fate will not change, and you might be wrong.

Again, to come back to the original point-US is not leaving Afghanistan soon whether anyone here likes it or not.

Could India succeed in getting strategic depth in Afghanistan?

Allow me to give my answer to this question.

No, India cannot get strategic depth in Afghanistan, because India is not directly connected with Afghanistan and neither is India in need of 'depth'. It is a big country in breadth as well. Pakistan needs it, because of its small depth or width.
Cheetah786 said:
Actually Americans aren't saying they are leaving soon but they are not putting any more troops into it either.

second as soon as obama gets in he will have no choice but to cut back on spending or they can kiss there economy good by so dream of being Imperial is done now comes the reality survival.

As far as NATO is concern other then Canadians or few troops from England most other countries troops are there in such a small number that them being there or not makes no difference.
Obama actually intends to expand the operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan by diverting resources from Iraq. It is one of the core policies of his presidential campaign.

I don't see the US leaving Afghanistan in the near future.
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