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India not to criminalise marital rape

The reason i oppose this is because i can bet on my life this will be misused. If Section 498a and the 2012 rape laws were not being so largely misused by women on men i would not have had a problem with it. But since the laws are being misused to a very large extent i have a serious problem with these laws.
Since rape laws 're misused we should abolish those too.
We should also abolish every law, because.....there's always a possibility that somebody will misuse it. Right???
Instead of finding out a solution to the problem, you're trying to circumvent it.
The way you guys vehemently oppose such laws shows that you're insecure with the word "women empowerment". Trust me there're a lot of women out there who're not from affluent families, and who need such laws to protect 'em. And lets not forget there's always a black sheep.
Since rape laws 're misused we should abolish those too.
We should also abolish every law, because.....there's always a possibility that somebody will misuse it. Right???
Instead of finding out a solution to the problem, you're trying to circumvent it.
The way you guys vehemently oppose such laws shows that you're insecure with the word "women empowerment". Trust me there're a lot of women out there who're not from affluent families, and who need such laws to protect 'em. And lets not forget there's always a black sheep.

Dowry deaths were sad but Govt provided a strict law to "Protect" women, and they themselves have turned it into Extortion Racket.

Big up Women Empowerment.

In India, a married man commits suicide every 9 minutes (Section 498a), and a woman is raped every 20 minutes. Why do you think the latter is highlighted by local and international media, while the former seems to be largely ignored? - Quora
Am not against bringing law for martial rapes but first something ought to be done about rampant misuse of 498A.

Not to mention the vague figure of 75% being subjected to martial rape is too bloated
Since rape laws 're misused we should abolish those too.
We should also abolish every law, because.....there's always a possibility that somebody will misuse it. Right???
Instead of finding out a solution to the problem, you're trying to circumvent it.
The way you guys vehemently oppose such laws shows that you're insecure with the word "women empowerment". Trust me there're a lot of women out there who're not from affluent families, and who need such laws to protect 'em.

Problem is, you are downright ignoring the problem. File any case you want without an evidence then see the men be emotionally,financially destroyed.

Do you know to what extent the rape laws and dowry laws are being misused. I seriously think you should look into it and try to understand our fears rather than being sarcastic. If something is going to create far more problems then solve it the best thing to do is to avoid it. This thing only looks good on paper. IT will destroy a lot of innocent lives.

The way you guys vehemently oppose such laws shows that you're insecure with the word "women empowerment". Trust me there're a lot of women out there who're not from affluent families, and who need such laws to protect 'em

This is the fault of women themselves, not men. If women would not have misused those laws, this would not have been an issue. The blame is on yourself. Don't blame us.

We don't have a problem with women's empowerment. But using that to make one sided laws favoring a particular gender is what we have a problem with. Point is, feminists are only bothered about themselves, screw the men and the consequences they have to face. For once admit the problem exists rather than ignoring it and trivializing it.

Its irritating to see you ignore it completely and yet expect men to understand your problems ...

And lets not forget there's always a black sheep.

Except there are unusually way too many of them.
Am not against bringing law for martial rapes but first something ought to be done about rampant misuse of 498A.

Not to mention the vague figure of 75% being subjected to martial rape is too bloated
Indian Feminist's thought process.
No matter how you twist and turn it, there is NO WAY that its allowed that a person can force another person to have sex or to touch that person against his/her will.

Period. Its a basic fundamental right, and if the state cannot enforce that, I am sorry.....

Really? Then what about this?
Govt. has no plans to criminalise marital rape - The Hindu

Tell me, would you feel great if you raped your partner because its technically legal to do so?
Would you allow your sister or mother to be raped by their husbands because its legal to do so?
Hey you,try to put a leash on your mouth:angry:!It seems that you are deliberately bring on mothers and sisters of the respected members in this thread for your personal fantasy.Learn to respect others' opinions without all these bitching and abuses.Now please try to behave properly,after all this is an international forum and not your private recreational room:coffee:
Feminazis can keep crying untill Congoons are back
No feminazis will keep on crying until they see male gender extinct. The pure vile they spew is disgusting. Denying sex to husband is her right, but if the husband denies it they cry cruelty or go out and have affair because "It's My Choice" but if a guy does it, back to crying. If a woman wants to get out of marriage she can do it easily but if a guy wants to break off the marriage back to the crying board and slap a 498 A not just on the guy but the whole family including little kids and even pets.

Blackstone didn't factored in Feminazis when he came up with let 10 guilty men go free than to punish an innocent men. Feminists want to build their ideal world on the graves of innocent men and burn millions on pyre to keep them warm.
Hey you,try to put a leash on your mouth:angry:!It seems that you are deliberately bring on mothers and sisters of the respected members in this thread for your personal fantasy.Learn to respect others' opinions without all these bitching and abuses.Now please try to behave properly,after all this is an international forum and not your private recreational room:coffee:

Since they openly defended this disgusting decision to not criminalize this crime, I asked them the hypothetical question how they would think if a close person got "legally raped".

I have no remorse about asking such a question to people who answer with BS like: "She should divorce if she does not want to get raped."

No remorse at all... and the best thing is that they havent answered that question.
Since they openly defended this disgusting decision to not criminalize this crime, I asked them the hypothetical question how they would think if a close person got "legally raped".

I have no remorse about asking such a question to people who answer with BS like: "She should divorce if she does not want to get raped."

No remorse at all... and the best thing is that they havent answered that question.
Why in the world would a woman want to live with her rapist for the rest of her life?
Wow! It is encouraging to learn that India is only slightly behind Afghanistan, in terms of recognizing a woman's right to the use of her body.

^^That statement is sarcasm, but not hyperbole. In 2009, the Afghan parliament passed a law that marital rape is not a crime, and faced flak worldwide. Due to the ensuing condemnation, they modified the law and made it a crime:

At first:
Afghan law legalizes marital rape, critics say | The Seattle Times
Afghanistan legalizes marital rape - Salon.com


Karzai vows change on Afghan marital rape law - NY Daily News
Afghan Marriage Law No Longer Legalizes Rape

I hope that the same wisdom descends upon Indian lawmakers soon, and they go back on this horrendous statement. I see no hope of that happening, because:

1) It hasn't triggered international outrage, like Afghanistan's law did.
2) A large section of Indian society seems to agree. Even on this thread, I see only two people unequivocally condemning this (@Koovie and @Desertfalcon), and only one of them is Indian.
Why in the world would a woman want to live with her rapist for the rest of her life?

Because there would be no social implications at all in a nation like India...

Apart from the fact that the rapist would get away with such a serious crime without any punishment.

a wife is husband's property.

I just noticed this.... Either this is a very unfortunate choice of words or.............
You are right to call it disgusting but there is a simple problem, how do you prove it? How do you prevent abuse?

Forget the government's reasoning in public (they can hardly say anything else), this is the main issue and it's a fairly commonsensical one.

Yes, proving marital rape is difficult. But guess what, framing a husband on false charges of marital rape is even more difficult. So why not have the law in place? Maybe not a single case of marital rape will be succesfully prosecuted. But having the law at least makes it clear that just because you can get away with it, does not make it OK to do something.

I'm sure you know a few other crimes that are difficult to prove, but are nonetheless, crimes.
Because there would be no social implications at all in a nation like India...

Apart from the fact that the rapist would get away with such a serious crime without any punishment.

Can you provide data and facts about what percentage of women suffer marital rape.

Yes, proving marital rape is difficult. But guess what, framing a husband on false charges of marital rape is even more difficult. So why not have the law in place? Maybe not a single case of marital rape will be succesfully prosecuted. But having the law at least makes it clear that just because you can get away with it, does not make it OK to do something.

I'm sure you know a few other crimes that are difficult to prove, but are nonetheless, crimes.
Nope framing husband on false charges is easy all you have do it report it, point in case go through how 498 A has been misused.

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