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India not 'Enemy' in Bangla Wargames

you hate AL like me but do not post illogical post :disagree:

you know your army is currepted? They take bribe. Put money, they can be brought, heck, BNP should have invested on Army, RAB and police only.


you must be in some trable or death, not busy actually. Otherwise there is no showup for a moment! Why chit chat is allowed here?

at topic,

We need health care like obama care for poor people, or some low cost subsidized health insurance, not Army.

Khaleda should through some offers like Khaleda Care, lol, for poor lower income people, tax reduction for middle income people, easy industrial loan for rich people, and promise for price control and reduction which would prevent people from buying in a hope of price reduction in future like real estate, oil, electricity and show that those will not effect BD economy negatively graphically, and ultimately those business would be stalled and BAL will be in more pressures. Just say flat scheme for middle class at lower cost, people would stop buying new flat.
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you hate AL unlike me but do not post illogical post :disagree:

Your post corrected to show where you were lying. You would act like indo awami dalal but acting otherwise is so out of trend deception.
Who will win weak BD and strong Mayanmar fights?? @madokafc ,
I will bet for Mayanmar.
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All around us is india, if india is not reason for our defense then we do not need army, do we? Friendly india will defend Bangladesh from itself. We can disband the army and use billions on productive cause like education, treatment and more roads and transport for Dhaka. I guess generals with their brains below their knee don't see that coming. Infact india should push for eliminating army that is standing its way and for people of Bangladesh.

What is estimated cost of "churiyan" and "payal" to cover entire BD armed forces?

I am volunteering my self to distribute them for free so long they declare "Hijra" status.

Zia-ur-Rahman probably turn in his grave if he knew what happened to armed forces he worked so hard to rebuild.
you know your army is currepted? They take bribe. Put money, they can be brought, heck, BNP should have invested on Army, RAB and police only.


you must be in some trable or death, not busy actually. Otherwise there is no showup for a moment! Why chit chat is allowed here?

Erm.....no, I was busy for training and job. And will be in the future.

I admit, most of this forum is filled with idle 'chit-chat' other than any real discussions. That is something for higher management to address the issue. It is impossible to moderate this place every single day. A forum's quality is related to that of its users (something that they overlook).

As for the topic, as long as those army people get flats and other incentives in these so called "DOHS" areas, they are fine. It always has been that way since the Ershad days. If anything, Ershad is the culprit for that.

It is an issue of credibility, not what country the army aims at. Let's ask ourselves, what have they achieved for the security of this country? Other than creating the biggest traitor this country had ever known, not so much.
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