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India No longer a big threat to Pakistan :Ex ISI Chief

As per Indian claim there were no children at that site.

Please don’t apply Apollo landing site controversy to this one. Completely different context and scenarios. It was not how many or whom. Each and everyone would have been silenced with this one visit.

Children or no children, the very basic claim of destroying a building with accuracy by IAF could have been punctured hollow by a visit by media.
Don’t try to hide behind semantics - 300 people, how do you silence the families?

As for a media visit, the first people on site were there in 12 hours. Unfortunately, because you are adamant that you must accept(as if you ever will) only the proof or rebuttal only if Pakistan had immediately whipped western media to the site during a scenario where a bloodthirsty enemy was preparing offensive action and the diplomatic situation was tense & fluid then please understand that you are irrelevant for providing proof to both from your nationality and status online.
This remains a mystery.

It is possible that IAF missed the intended target. It is possible that they messed up by feeding wrong coordinates or some technical failure that the bombs missed the target completely.

Pakistan could have called a bluff by allowing independent media to visit the location and verify the lies of India.

The reasons could be:-

1. Bombs were bang on the target. And they needed 43 days to repair the damage caused.
2. Bombs missed but they needed to clear the premises of the kind of activities actually going on over there and create a setup of a seminary for kids as claimed by Pakistan.

Reason number 1 seems more plausible because reason no 2 could have been addressed within a few days.

There are holes in the story sold by both the sides. Each one bigger than the other’s version.
There is no hole in Pakistani version. Big holes can be found in the Indian version. If they say they did what they claim then they should have shown the world the satellite images of the destruction of the claimed terrorist camp. in the end they could not. Even the international independent sources confirmed the destruction of trees and a crow. I am sure Indian armed forces do have access to satellite images, they will not wait for "43 days". Then why those images were not made public. I am sure Indians know that satellite imageries can also reveal terrorist training activities such as weapon target practicing and so on. Where are those imageries as proof of such camp existence?

It is better you stop trolling in this forum and giving illogical statements to prove Goddi media's version Balakot failure.
Being a peaceful country India was, is and never will be a threat for any country in the world..... what is new in this????

India is not an existential threat to Pakistan I agree. India use to be existential threat to Pakistan up until early 1990s, but nuclear deterrence was game changing for the region. India can never conquer Pakistan.

However India is threat to Pakistan's prosperity, unity and peace.
There is no hole in Pakistani version. Big holes can be found in the Indian version. If they say they did what they claim then they should have shown the world the satellite images of the destruction of the claimed terrorist camp. in the end they could not. Even the international independent sources confirmed the destruction of trees and a crow. I am sure Indian armed forces do have access to satellite images, they will not wait for "43 days". Then why those images were not made public. I am sure Indians know that satellite imageries can also reveal terrorist training activities such as weapon target practicing and so on. Where are those imageries as proof of such camp existence?

It is better you stop trolling in this forum and giving illogical statements to prove Goddi media's version Balakot failure.
You guys still have not realised what happened and what has changed after Feb 19.
Look at the bigger picture.
You guys still have not realised what happened and what has changed after Feb 19.
Look at the bigger picture.
I mean China-India relationship worsened to the point like 50k- 100k chinese soldiers are stationed along Ladakh

other than what exactly changed, you bought new toys like Raffaele
this is the only thing that I can see
Do pray tell
I mean China-India relationship worsened to the point like 50k- 100k chinese soldiers are stationed along Ladakh

other than what exactly changed, you bought new toys like Raffaele
this is the only thing that I can see
Prior to Feb 19 Pakistan had the confidence that Indian will not cross the loc what ever happens specially after Pakistan acquired the NW,and all the policies of Pakistan with reference to India and kashmir were based on that belief. And that was one of the reasons Pakistan kept the threshold of NW low. After that incident it doesn't matter if trees were bombed or a madrassa was bombed.
In the sky though India lost a MIG 21 as one of your oficial said you had all the assets available with PAF in the sky to shootdown one MIG 21. But the problem with that is Pakistan cannot keep all its assets in the air all the time and the longer it goes the worst it becomes for PAF.
After 2 years ,on the ground reality you no longer hear nuclear threats like before or there are any major terrorist attacks in Kashmir ,Record number of terrorists killed.
India removed article 370 and 25A and Pakistan did nothing ,if it was prior to Feb 19 I am sure it would not have been the same.

The Stakes have gone high and I believe Pakistan is not ready to pay the price yet.
As for a media visit, the first people on site were there in 12 hours.
No. No one was taken to the buildings.
Media was taken to the place where Indian bombs fell as per the Pakistani claim.
bloodthirsty enemy was preparing offensive action and the diplomatic situation was tense & fluid
I am not saying when the situation was hot. Media could have been taken after few days. And that is definitely less than 43.
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