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India needs to talk cruise missiles with Pakistan

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Dude jus give it a break aite!! In da whole of inda jus a few cities r properly developed jus like pakistan if we take out each others major cities out i think itz pretty much all over and since ur all ova da place bout india being so big n **** if we wipe out ur mjor cities and u still have sum left like da not soo developed ones wot ru gonna do wid dem suck on dem?? We mite be totally wiped out but inda process u lose ur major portions and will be left wid almost nuthing!! All im sayin is we the youths have ta chll out and do something so dat dis situation never arises inda 1st place to bomb each otha out!! Look at uk and usa dey have fought many battles inda history n now r da best of mates!! Why cant pakistan and india unite in Asia and co-operate like dey do man?? Think ov all da stuff we can do workin wid each otha!! Always think positive!!

Abbi please correct the above post or it will be deleted. TXT speech is a sure to get your post deleted as well as ignored because it looks like it has been written by someone who is illiterate.
Getting CM's on the test notification list would be a mistake. We can clandestinely keep testing things and not unveil them until much later. As it is none of our test would probably make it on anyone's radars.
Getting CM's on the test notification list would be a mistake. We can clandestinely keep testing things and not unveil them until much later. As it is none of our test would probably make it on anyone's radars.

I second that. It will be a huge mistake bringing CM's into the test notification list. It will compromise our ability to stay stealth ( i will use the word here). Its just another indian tactics. Such aggrements are utter waiste of time which the indians are very good at. Whats the use of it, we should not even include BM's in.
Getting CM's on the test notification list would be a mistake. We can clandestinely keep testing things and not unveil them until much later. As it is none of our test would probably make it on anyone's radars.

Well you can have that in the list and still stay mum about it right?
I don't think Pakistan is that much intrested in the Brahmos high speed short range missile cause they can get the variables through other resources (if they have received it yet...). By just getting the radar frequencies and the exhaust plume there is less left to know.

I felt it amusing when a recent UK report told that India was more advanced in CM compared to USA which had subsonic versions only. Brahmos is not a CM. And one cannot fly 60 feet above ground with Brahmos... Neither is it able to locate target if something is altered... Small speed CM can fly low, fly further, are stealthy, have multiple loads and sensors... And are able to loiter if needed... The only advantage Brahmos has is speed... You need to react fast. But with decent ECM, ECCM and sam covery you need to think again. MAybe one cannot see the Brahmos as fast as possible but it still needs a carrier like MKI (if ever) or a ship (if ever)... Those ground versions are not that flexible cause they are depending on the speed of the launch vehicle. And I doubt that they are that valuable with CAS, UAV, AWACS and fighter coverage... It will be basicly restricting the launch... One can send Babur that is tracking the Babur launcher...

India is modernizing and at a very rapid pace too, These kind of agreements are necessary for avoiding a mistaken launch. India got lots of stuff under its sleeve now, modernizing far faster than Pakistan

I think here is no chance of mistake launch by pakistan.bcz pakistan army never make any mistake like that.
but several times india did(history show)ever indian ariforce crosses the boder line of pakistan and then pakistan launch the defenceive air strick.

Dont know how a guided cruise missile can be mistakenly launched into India. :lol:
I think here is no chance of mistake launch by pakistan.bcz pakistan army never make any mistake like that.
but several times india did(history show)ever indian ariforce crosses the boder line of pakistan and then pakistan launch the defenceive air strick.


Oh wow!


And any links?

May I request that one should not talk through his hat and then start the unnecessary nonsence that thereafter follows.

If you have links or facts, then please substantiated rather than just make your private and apparently irrational and wild thoughts as the Gospel!


Given the current surveillance devices, very little can be kept a secret, especially those that have to be tested in the open!
I really will not understand why no one here seems to be even talking about ABM and other interception systems when it is clearly the number of warheads that will REACH THEIR TARGET THAT WILL MATTER -- not how many you have piled up!

Interceptions systems take up a lot of the funds for these things. The technology is evolving in very much different directions in each country. Sooner or later one will be confident only IT can nuke the other...
Well, Pakistan has acquired a good capability, India is correcting its mistake; like any good nation should do

India and a good nation...:lol:

Good nations behave like normal people unlike indians who go berserk over any small good thing happening in the neighborhood and are the major source of spreading cross-border terrorism in the region.

Edit: oops, didnt realise it was such an old thread. But the principle still applies.
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India and a good nation...:lol:

Good nations behave like normal people unlike indians who go berserk over any small good thing happening in the neighborhood and are the major source of spreading cross-border terrorism in the region.

Edit: oops, didnt realise it was such an old thread. But the principle still applies.
The world knows where terror lives. Sad fact is if terror was a physical person, Pakistan would have been its permanent address. And Pakistan's leading export are these poor brainwashed terrorists kids. Even yesterday a few where killed in Kashmir crossing the border. But as shameless as you guys are, you would probably equate them as "Poor Farmers "(though with AK47s with multiple magazines, grenades, radio and body amour with plate inserts.), just as you did in Kargil.

As far as going "berserk" is concerned we know how you guys wr bitch slapped when you begged you ex-dady for nuclear deal like we got.
The second test-firing of Pakistan&[HASHTAG]#226[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8364[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8482[/HASHTAG];s Hatf-VII or Babur Land Attack Cruise Missile (LACM) on March 22, a day before Pakistan Day celebrations, has been underplayed by New Delhi because the Indian media has missed its import: it gives Pakistan the first strike counterforce capability, as well as ability for precision depth targeting with conventional warheads. Let us explain what it means. Babur is a terrain-hugging cruise missile with enormous radar evasion capability, has a good navigation and guidance system, is highly manoeuvrable, and is a cost-effective and reliable nuclear delivery weapon system. With an enhanced range of 700km most of India&[HASHTAG]#226[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8364[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8482[/HASHTAG];s Agni deployment sites will be within Babur&[HASHTAG]#226[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8364[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8482[/HASHTAG];s range. This will make Babur well-suited for counterforce targeting to hit India&[HASHTAG]#226[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8364[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8482[/HASHTAG];s ballistic missiles with low yield nuclear warheads before they are launched. In essence, most of Pakistan&[HASHTAG]#226[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8364[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8482[/HASHTAG];s ballistic missiles could be retained for second-strike capability. Therefore, while Pakistan has not declared a no-first use nuclear policy, Babur used along with ballistic missiles will give Pakistan both the first use counterforce and second strike capabilities.

Regarding the conventional role, Babur is understood to provide a Circular Error Probability (CEP) of 20 metres unlike Pakistan&[HASHTAG]#226[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8364[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8482[/HASHTAG];s ballistic missiles with CEP of 200 metres. Babur is believed to be extremely accurate. Its on-board Inertial Navigation System (INS) with the help from the GPS continuously measures the movement, speed and position of the missile. It is equipped with a precision guidance system that allows the missile to hit small targets. Co-ordinates are fed into it before launch and it flies to the target by following GPS waypoints. This makes Babur a good weapon system for accurate land-based depth firepower. Therefore, this LACM will be employed as a precision guided munitions (PGM) for pinpoint targeting for destruction of India&[HASHTAG]#226[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8364[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8482[/HASHTAG];s vital points, bridges in depth and so on. Ballistic missiles used with conventional warheads will at best be weapons for harassment and psychological pressure. It is estimated that Pakistan will retain Babur in the ratio of 3:1 for the two roles; three for precision strikes with conventional warheads and one for nuclear weapons delivery.

increase the range to 1000 KM and produce 500 of it ready for deployement, wont need anything else
The world knows where terror lives. Sad fact is if terror was a physical person, Pakistan would have been its permanent address. And Pakistan's leading export are these poor brainwashed terrorists kids. Even yesterday a few where killed in Kashmir crossing the border. But as shameless as you guys are, you would probably equate them as "Poor Farmers "(though with AK47s with multiple magazines, grenades, radio and body amour with plate inserts.), just as you did in Kargil.

As far as going "berserk" is concerned we know how you guys wr bitch slapped when you begged you ex-dady for nuclear deal like we got.
Its these terrorists that give you your birth rate darling. Had I never met your mama where would you have come from?

"I'll be back"
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