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India Needs a Sexual Revolution

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Sex out of wedlock has never been recommended in India, although professional prostitutes have existed.

I said sex was not considered as a taboo here.. Extra Marital affair and Pre marriage sex is common in every place now a days. We do not have to close our eyes against it..

Which is not a good practice at all, especially for women.

Why not?? Why we need to get society's approval if need to live together with a person we love?? Women are matured enough to know whats wrong and whats right... She defenitely know what she is getting into.. Living together does not means that forcing some one to have sex with you..
Appearently judging by the author and some members here, their idea to counter massive rape epidemics plaguing their country is to have a fvck fest of a revolution, make bastard babies, abolish the sanctity of marriage, open brothels, and call this f!lth "culture"

This just shows their mentality and thought process. To them, murder of morality and values is going back to their "roots",.. of being wh0res I guess...

These people are seriously sick in the head.

Chi chi chi...

This talk is because you have a narrow mindedness towards the actual problem in hand.. Tell me what are your suggestions?

How would you stop rapes in your country..

Do not say that lock women in your home and cover them with Burkha..

Because women are raped by their close relatives also here in this world..

Tell me your suggestions, I am very much interested in knowing it..
Sex out of wedlock has never been recommended in India, although professional prostitutes have existed.

Which is not a good practice at all, especially for women.

It is good to see some sanity on this topic. Very good to hear, I hope Indian society keeps their Sanskar regarding decency and promote them rather than these fvck fest ideologies labeled as culture.
I did not say anything about banning Indian members, did I? Just those people who seem quite uncultured and uncivilized, resulting in poor quality of the Pakistan Defence Forum. A permanent ban would fix that.

No it would NOT.... On an average I see the Pakistani's more Uncultured and uncivilized as I see they bring Indian mothers(They Quote NON MUSLIMS in Bracket) and speak ill of them! 99.99 % Indians will NEVER indulge in degrading anyones mother.... Whether the moderators are blind to see those Pakistani posters and ban them?

If you are suggesting people who fall under that category are mostly Indians, then that is your opinion.

It is NOT my opinion and I CAN PERFECTLY QUOTE where the Pakistani's acted by bringing Mothers and Sisters, Yet the Mods NOT banned them! It is the truth!

Do not put words in my mouth.

I am capable of replying the same coin with much more force packed with truth! Try yourself!

Breaking the rules and then hiding behind your flag is inexcusable. Punishment needs to be carried out. Of course.. You can whine and complain all you want. I just hope you get banned so I do not have to see all that spammed in the Pakistan Defence Forum.

You need to be banned first for your great posts... If there is any sense prevail to maintain the quality!
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