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India Must Resume the Testing of Nuclear Warheads Immediately

I said above that if you look into the "privacy" of the whcre above you will find the source of India's problems. This is what you will find : "India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of [and interference with] communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved" and how this means the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States.

Satish Chandra[/QUOTE]

Yaar, someone help this person & arrange treatment for him through Canadian Govt. or Canadian embassy in India (If he is residing in Canada).
If he is in India, koi isse jamma karvao yaar Agra me ya Amritsar me.

Mods.... plz ban this Einstein aka Father of Indian Missile Program aka
Dr. Satish Chandra, for wasting so much bandwidth.
god :woot:
i thought at least the mental asylum would not give him net access.:lol:

Well any mental asylum would not keep him in as all the other patients would run away looking at what the standard of the hospital has fallen to by keeping him in it.

Why is PDF home to such morons? Characters like these get banned on all other forums for going beyond what could be called making an a$$ of himself.
Dude Satishchandra... Take a nap man... :lazy:

And spare us the BS..!!

Dont you get the general idea after looking at the comments that follow after you vomit out in a thread??!! :eek:
India has 4200 kg of reactor grade plutonium which is enough to produce 1000 nuclear warheads .
India has 4200 kg of reactor grade plutonium which is enough to produce 1000 nuclear warheads .

I don't think it is that less dude. 4200 Kg? :lol: I think SFC just tried to bamboozle the shoddy defense reporters and seemed to be good at it.

Testing nukes right now is stupid move but I am in favor of installing thousands of Akash and Akash-II SAM batteries, coupled with hundreds of MBRL units like Pinaka and its II part to blanket the entire NE belt.

We should have such a defense that even an offending party should fear entering the lair.
The following is from my press release of January 25, 2008:- The bottom line is that India must have military supremacy over all nations of the world -- which in this age means nuclear supremacy -- and since the United States is the most powerful nation in the world today, India's principal task is to attain nuclear supremacy over the United States and that cannot be attained by depending on the United States or other countries for 'aid'; India is quite capable of attaining nuclear supremacy over the United States and [India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled media] try to prevent it by promoting foreign dependence and imports, etc., and this is part of the tactics foreign intelligence agencies use, through Indians on their payroll, to keep India down. India has no shortage of manpower and my proposal about money [see 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' in my blog, 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.', which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title] can be used to make India both militarily and economically number one in the world but military supremacy -- that is, nuclear supremacy -- is even more important than economic supremacy because, without it, it can be subjugated and enslaved. All of the invaders who conquered and enslaved India came from much poorer countries than 'the Golden Hind'. I have said that India should set up ten parallel DRDOs, each the size of the present DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) and let three of them compete for a successful tank design, three for a successful figher plane and so on and let the best design win. The Soviet Union had a system of internal competition among government-owned design and production organisations of this kind and it can work for India also. Another important point is that weapons such as tanks and fighter planes which carry human beings are a lot more difficult to design and produce than, say, nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles which give a million times or more returns for the same investment of time and effort ('bang for the buck') so far as increasing a country's military power is concerned. Since India's principal aim should be nuclear supremacy, it should focus on designing and producing intercontinental ballistic missiles more than tanks and fighter planes; if you have nuclear supremacy over the United States, most other defence-related issues will take care of themselves. And, as I said, designing and building ICBMs that will do the job can be done a lot faster and require fewer resources, though India has the resources to build both ICBMs and tanks and fighter planes. The main advantage of focusing on ICBMs is time; it will bring India military supremacy a lot sooner than giving a lot of attention to tanks and fighter planes (which will never bring India military supremacy over the United States). Another point is that although India should build nuclear-propelled, nuclear-armed submarines carrying intercontinental ballistic missiles (SSBNs), like the ATV it is building, building these weapons platforms (SSBNs) is a lot more time and resource-consuming than building ICBMs that can be launched from road and rail-mobile vehicles. It is a mistake to make India's nuclear arsenal primarily a second strike resource (which is what SSBNs are good at); India's nuclear arsenal should primarily be for a first strike -- that is how you gain nuclear supremacy, by being able to carry out a successful first strike -- and a sufficiently large arsenal of road and rail-mobile ICBMs can be produced a lot faster than an arsenal based on SSBNs. Again, time is important. Avoiding foreign 'help' is not a matter of 'false pride'; avoiding foreign help is essential for India's nuclear supremacy. See my blog, 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.', for a fuller treatment.

This is what I have said about the necessity for India of aiming for nuclear supremacy over the United States:-

----------START QUOTE----------
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Why Nuclear Supremacy
I have explained the concept of nuclear supremacy in the article titled “What is nuclear supremacy?”. In this connection, some basic facts have to be understood:
1) The law of the jungle still prevails in international relations. Striving for military supremacy -- which in this age means nuclear supremacy -- over all nations needs no explanation; its necessity is as obvious as the fact that water flows downwards. Only a country such as India with a thousand year history of slavery to various foreign invaders is unable to see the obvious.

2) Geopolitics, so far as it concerns India and the West, is all about white vs. non-white. The same behavior can have more than one possible explanations; my assertion of the role of race (white/non-white) in determining the United States' behavior toward Indians and India is based on observations made as a behavior scientist in the United States where I have lived for 41 years [see the biography of Satish Chandra -- that's me -- in Marquis' Who's Who In America, 2008 and earlier editions]. What is often referred to as beneficial American 'aid' is actually poison; it is neither needed nor desirable and keeps India from developing its own capabilities. In the nuclear deal, it is not even aid but slavery. The aggressiveness of the United States toward non-white countries is such that there is no option for India but to attain nuclear supremacy over it and put this mad dog to sleep (meaning death). This is the reality and there is nothing very surprising about it. There is no need for India to be another Iran; India has four times the population of the United States and produces 7 times the number of engineers per year that the United States does. It is the effect of a thousand years of slavery and the British rule because of which Indians think of India as an Iran which needs to be afraid of the United States.

3) How did this slavery to the white man come about? An answer is in The Guardian (August 24, 2007, Internet, report by Randeep Ramesh): "India's secret history: 'A holocaust, one where millions disappeared...': Author says British reprisals involved the killing of 10 m, spread over 10 years:..." Present day Indians’ behaviour is profoundly affected by the terrorization and subjugation inflicted on them by the British. This came on top of the terrorization and subjugation inflicted by Muslim invaders in the preceding 800 years. Since Muslims are no longer strong, Indians are coming out of fear of the Muslims but the fear of the white man keeps getting deeper and deeper as the white man’s power in relation to Indians keeps increasing. India is faced with an even deeper slavery to the Americans with the nuclear deal and all the other prongs it comes with. Attaining strategic nuclear parity, then supremacy and using this supremacy to eliminate this incomparably greater threat, will be India's real War of Independence. One does not need to refer to the holocaust beginning 1857 to know the incomparably greater American threat and its consequences, which I know directly but which remains a secret from the Indian people.
There is a simple way to bring India out of its slavery and identify collaborators in India's slavery to American imperialism. Start with India's Army Chief and ask "Are you in favour of strategic nuclear parity with, or supremacy over, the United States as a national objective?" If the answer is not 'Yes', he should be shot on the spot. The same for all other generals and admirals, etc. The same for Manmohan Singh and members of his Cabinet. The same for leaders of political parties. The same for journalists writing on the nuclear deal. The same for 'strategic analysts', etc.

4) India has no shortage of manpower and my proposal about money (see, for example, my articles ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year’ and ‘India’s technological and economic emancipation’ ) can be used to make India both militarily and economically number 1 in the world but military supremacy -- that is, nuclear supremacy -- is even more important than economic supremacy because, without it, it can be subjugated and enslaved (let's leave out who does the subjugation and enslavement). All of the invaders who conquered and enslaved India came from much poorer countries than 'the Golden Hind'.

5) Aiming for nuclear parity with the United States, instead of nuclear supremacy over it, is not an option because the United States, by its nature, will always be striving for nuclear supremacy. This threat -- the United States -- must die for India to live.

The following is what I said, in a release to the press some time ago, about strategic nuclear parity with the United States:
The root cause of the national suicide being committed through the nuclear deal is a failure of political parties to demand at least strategic parity with the United States-- parity with the United States requires at least ten thousand nuclear warheads and the missiles to deliver them to continental United States territory-- as an objective and criterion. While the demand for a Constitutional amendment requiring Parliament's ratification of such agreements in the BJP's statement of August 4 '07 is a long-overdue step, a national objective of strategic parity, at a minimum, with all countries of the world, including the United States, is essential to guide such decisions. This is not something optional but essential. I have said "Justice can only be delivered by your weapons" and showed "the supremacy of weapons in matters of justice" (this includes justice as between nations) and said that "The nonsense about 'minimal nuclear deterrence' is seen in the recolonisation of Pakistan, which has a 'minimal nuclear deterrent', by the United States". Just recently, a United States presidential candidate (Clinton) was "refusing to rule out the use of nuclear weapons against Osama bin Laden or other terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan" ( Washingtonpost.com, August 2 '07) and another U.S. presidential candidate (Obama) said he will undertake an "invasion" of Pakistan, which-- if Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons, defends itself-- will inevitably involve the use of nuclear weapons. India is constantly under the same threat, whether spoken or not, in all dealings with the United States. The BJP should look at its own statement dated December 27, 2005 on foreign policy at its National Executive Meeting which says Pakistan "strives for strategic parity" with India and, about "Indo-US relations", says "What must be at the core of our understanding is that 'strategic partnership' is ordinarily between two equals... accepting an asymmetrical relationship is not 'strategic partnership', it would be capitulation... Which is why the UPA's lack of understanding in dealing with the US is so worrying. With the UPA government's obsequious policies [and] a subservient relationship with the United States". The BJP must clearly understand that the "two equals" must, above all, be equal in nuclear weapons. By that I mean equal in nuclear strength, not just in protocol; even the puppet presidents of Iraq and Afghanistan are given guards of honour and treated as equal in protocol by the United States. I have shown that India has the means to quickly and easily not just attain strategic (nuclear) parity with the United States but surpass it in economic prosperity and well-being (see, for example, my article ‘How India’s economy can grow 30% per year’). These objectives must be clearly stated in policy statements. Article 51 of the Constitution, which says "The State shall endeavour to--... (b) maintain just and honorable relations between nations;", must be amended to "The State shall endeavour to--... (b) maintain just and honorable relations between nations by attaining and maintaining strategic parity, at a minimum, with all nations of the world in its weapons and by assisting victims of imperialism acquire necessary weapons, including nuclear weapons;".

This Article (Article 51) of the Constitution, even as it exists now, provides a basis for Constitutional challenges, in court, to foreign policy acts that constitute "obsequious policies" toward and "subservient relationship" with the United States or that make India's foreign policy serve the United States' imperialist policies toward Iraq and Iran, etc. Recently the Supreme Court rejected a PIL seeking direction to the Central Government to seek Parliament's approval for the nuclear deal on the grounds that it would be interference in the government's treaty-making powers (a Constitutional amendment will be needed for that), but my PIL dated July 20, 2007 seeks "action against the Prime Minister, such as dismissal from office and prosecution for treason, for violating his oath of office to uphold the sovereignty of India by making joint statements, agreements and negotiations with the United States, in connection with said nuclear deal, that are highly injurious to such sovereignty ....", as indeed is clear even without the Hyde Act but particularly if, for example, the 123 agreement is read in conjunction with the Hyde Act. I have not heard anything from the Supreme Court regarding my PIL but if more such PILs are filed, seeking action against the Prime Minister on the grounds of violating his oath of office (which is in the Third Schedule of the Constitution) to uphold India's sovereignty, it will get the Supreme Court's attention-- and no Constitutional amendment is needed for PILs on these grounds.

You cannot uphold the country's sovereignty without the weapons to defend and uphold its sovereignty, which requires strategic (nuclear) parity with the United States. The nuclear deal, in all its aspects and processes-- joint statements, agreements, negotiations, etc.-- injures India's ability to attain strategic (nuclear) parity with the United States and, thus, injures India's ability to defend and uphold its sovereignty and, thus, injures India's sovereignty and constitutes failure to uphold India's sovereignty. This is so even if there were no Hyde Act, no 123 agreement, etc. or no deal is finally signed or executed.

Article 51 of the Constitution also requires India's government to endeavour to eliminate threats to just and honorable relations between nations and, since the United States is the principal transgressor of and threat to such relations between nations, endeavour to attain strategic nuclear supremacy over the United States and take measures, military and non-military, to eliminate this threat.

For other countries of the world, this means getting out of the United States-sponsored denial regimes such as the Nuclear Suppliers Group, International Atomic Energy Agency, etc. and helping each other acquire nuclear weapons to cope with this threat to just and honorable relations between nations.

As I have shown above, even India’s Constitution requires striving to attain nuclear supremacy over the United States.
---------END QUOTE---------

Satish Chandra
. .
The following is from my press release of January 25, 2008:- The bottom line is that India must have military supremacy over all nations of the world -- which in this age means nuclear supremacy -- and since the United States is the most powerful nation in the world today, India's principal task is to attain nuclear supremacy over the United States and that cannot be attained by depending on the United States or other countries for 'aid'; India is quite capable of attaining nuclear supremacy over the United States and [India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled media] try to prevent it by promoting foreign dependence and imports, etc., and this is part of the tactics foreign intelligence agencies use, through Indians on their payroll, to keep India down. India has no shortage of manpower and my proposal about money [see 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' in my blog, 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.', which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title] can be used to make India both militarily and economically number one in the world but military supremacy -- that is, nuclear supremacy -- is even more important than economic supremacy because, without it, it can be subjugated and enslaved. All of the invaders who conquered and enslaved India came from much poorer countries than 'the Golden Hind'. I have said that India should set up ten parallel DRDOs, each the size of the present DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) and let three of them compete for a successful tank design, three for a successful figher plane and so on and let the best design win. The Soviet Union had a system of internal competition among government-owned design and production organisations of this kind and it can work for India also. Another important point is that weapons such as tanks and fighter planes which carry human beings are a lot more difficult to design and produce than, say, nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles which give a million times or more returns for the same investment of time and effort ('bang for the buck') so far as increasing a country's military power is concerned. Since India's principal aim should be nuclear supremacy, it should focus on designing and producing intercontinental ballistic missiles more than tanks and fighter planes; if you have nuclear supremacy over the United States, most other defence-related issues will take care of themselves. And, as I said, designing and building ICBMs that will do the job can be done a lot faster and require fewer resources, though India has the resources to build both ICBMs and tanks and fighter planes. The main advantage of focusing on ICBMs is time; it will bring India military supremacy a lot sooner than giving a lot of attention to tanks and fighter planes (which will never bring India military supremacy over the United States). Another point is that although India should build nuclear-propelled, nuclear-armed submarines carrying intercontinental ballistic missiles (SSBNs), like the ATV it is building, building these weapons platforms (SSBNs) is a lot more time and resource-consuming than building ICBMs that can be launched from road and rail-mobile vehicles. It is a mistake to make India's nuclear arsenal primarily a second strike resource (which is what SSBNs are good at); India's nuclear arsenal should primarily be for a first strike -- that is how you gain nuclear supremacy, by being able to carry out a successful first strike -- and a sufficiently large arsenal of road and rail-mobile ICBMs can be produced a lot faster than an arsenal based on SSBNs. Again, time is important. Avoiding foreign 'help' is not a matter of 'false pride'; avoiding foreign help is essential for India's nuclear supremacy. See my blog, 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.', for a fuller treatment.

This is what I have said about the necessity for India of aiming for nuclear supremacy over the United States:-

----------START QUOTE----------
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Why Nuclear Supremacy
I have explained the concept of nuclear supremacy in the article titled “What is nuclear supremacy?”. In this connection, some basic facts have to be understood:
1) The law of the jungle still prevails in international relations. Striving for military supremacy -- which in this age means nuclear supremacy -- over all nations needs no explanation; its necessity is as obvious as the fact that water flows downwards. Only a country such as India with a thousand year history of slavery to various foreign invaders is unable to see the obvious.

2) Geopolitics, so far as it concerns India and the West, is all about white vs. non-white. The same behavior can have more than one possible explanations; my assertion of the role of race (white/non-white) in determining the United States' behavior toward Indians and India is based on observations made as a behavior scientist in the United States where I have lived for 41 years [see the biography of Satish Chandra -- that's me -- in Marquis' Who's Who In America, 2008 and earlier editions]. What is often referred to as beneficial American 'aid' is actually poison; it is neither needed nor desirable and keeps India from developing its own capabilities. In the nuclear deal, it is not even aid but slavery. The aggressiveness of the United States toward non-white countries is such that there is no option for India but to attain nuclear supremacy over it and put this mad dog to sleep (meaning death). This is the reality and there is nothing very surprising about it. There is no need for India to be another Iran; India has four times the population of the United States and produces 7 times the number of engineers per year that the United States does. It is the effect of a thousand years of slavery and the British rule because of which Indians think of India as an Iran which needs to be afraid of the United States.

3) How did this slavery to the white man come about? An answer is in The Guardian (August 24, 2007, Internet, report by Randeep Ramesh): "India's secret history: 'A holocaust, one where millions disappeared...': Author says British reprisals involved the killing of 10 m, spread over 10 years:..." Present day Indians’ behaviour is profoundly affected by the terrorization and subjugation inflicted on them by the British. This came on top of the terrorization and subjugation inflicted by Muslim invaders in the preceding 800 years. Since Muslims are no longer strong, Indians are coming out of fear of the Muslims but the fear of the white man keeps getting deeper and deeper as the white man’s power in relation to Indians keeps increasing. India is faced with an even deeper slavery to the Americans with the nuclear deal and all the other prongs it comes with. Attaining strategic nuclear parity, then supremacy and using this supremacy to eliminate this incomparably greater threat, will be India's real War of Independence. One does not need to refer to the holocaust beginning 1857 to know the incomparably greater American threat and its consequences, which I know directly but which remains a secret from the Indian people.
There is a simple way to bring India out of its slavery and identify collaborators in India's slavery to American imperialism. Start with India's Army Chief and ask "Are you in favour of strategic nuclear parity with, or supremacy over, the United States as a national objective?" If the answer is not 'Yes', he should be shot on the spot. The same for all other generals and admirals, etc. The same for Manmohan Singh and members of his Cabinet. The same for leaders of political parties. The same for journalists writing on the nuclear deal. The same for 'strategic analysts', etc.

4) India has no shortage of manpower and my proposal about money (see, for example, my articles ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year’ and ‘India’s technological and economic emancipation’ ) can be used to make India both militarily and economically number 1 in the world but military supremacy -- that is, nuclear supremacy -- is even more important than economic supremacy because, without it, it can be subjugated and enslaved (let's leave out who does the subjugation and enslavement). All of the invaders who conquered and enslaved India came from much poorer countries than 'the Golden Hind'.

5) Aiming for nuclear parity with the United States, instead of nuclear supremacy over it, is not an option because the United States, by its nature, will always be striving for nuclear supremacy. This threat -- the United States -- must die for India to live.

The following is what I said, in a release to the press some time ago, about strategic nuclear parity with the United States:
The root cause of the national suicide being committed through the nuclear deal is a failure of political parties to demand at least strategic parity with the United States-- parity with the United States requires at least ten thousand nuclear warheads and the missiles to deliver them to continental United States territory-- as an objective and criterion. While the demand for a Constitutional amendment requiring Parliament's ratification of such agreements in the BJP's statement of August 4 '07 is a long-overdue step, a national objective of strategic parity, at a minimum, with all countries of the world, including the United States, is essential to guide such decisions. This is not something optional but essential. I have said "Justice can only be delivered by your weapons" and showed "the supremacy of weapons in matters of justice" (this includes justice as between nations) and said that "The nonsense about 'minimal nuclear deterrence' is seen in the recolonisation of Pakistan, which has a 'minimal nuclear deterrent', by the United States". Just recently, a United States presidential candidate (Clinton) was "refusing to rule out the use of nuclear weapons against Osama bin Laden or other terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan" ( Washingtonpost.com, August 2 '07) and another U.S. presidential candidate (Obama) said he will undertake an "invasion" of Pakistan, which-- if Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons, defends itself-- will inevitably involve the use of nuclear weapons. India is constantly under the same threat, whether spoken or not, in all dealings with the United States. The BJP should look at its own statement dated December 27, 2005 on foreign policy at its National Executive Meeting which says Pakistan "strives for strategic parity" with India and, about "Indo-US relations", says "What must be at the core of our understanding is that 'strategic partnership' is ordinarily between two equals... accepting an asymmetrical relationship is not 'strategic partnership', it would be capitulation... Which is why the UPA's lack of understanding in dealing with the US is so worrying. With the UPA government's obsequious policies [and] a subservient relationship with the United States". The BJP must clearly understand that the "two equals" must, above all, be equal in nuclear weapons. By that I mean equal in nuclear strength, not just in protocol; even the puppet presidents of Iraq and Afghanistan are given guards of honour and treated as equal in protocol by the United States. I have shown that India has the means to quickly and easily not just attain strategic (nuclear) parity with the United States but surpass it in economic prosperity and well-being (see, for example, my article ‘How India’s economy can grow 30% per year’). These objectives must be clearly stated in policy statements. Article 51 of the Constitution, which says "The State shall endeavour to--... (b) maintain just and honorable relations between nations;", must be amended to "The State shall endeavour to--... (b) maintain just and honorable relations between nations by attaining and maintaining strategic parity, at a minimum, with all nations of the world in its weapons and by assisting victims of imperialism acquire necessary weapons, including nuclear weapons;".

This Article (Article 51) of the Constitution, even as it exists now, provides a basis for Constitutional challenges, in court, to foreign policy acts that constitute "obsequious policies" toward and "subservient relationship" with the United States or that make India's foreign policy serve the United States' imperialist policies toward Iraq and Iran, etc. Recently the Supreme Court rejected a PIL seeking direction to the Central Government to seek Parliament's approval for the nuclear deal on the grounds that it would be interference in the government's treaty-making powers (a Constitutional amendment will be needed for that), but my PIL dated July 20, 2007 seeks "action against the Prime Minister, such as dismissal from office and prosecution for treason, for violating his oath of office to uphold the sovereignty of India by making joint statements, agreements and negotiations with the United States, in connection with said nuclear deal, that are highly injurious to such sovereignty ....", as indeed is clear even without the Hyde Act but particularly if, for example, the 123 agreement is read in conjunction with the Hyde Act. I have not heard anything from the Supreme Court regarding my PIL but if more such PILs are filed, seeking action against the Prime Minister on the grounds of violating his oath of office (which is in the Third Schedule of the Constitution) to uphold India's sovereignty, it will get the Supreme Court's attention-- and no Constitutional amendment is needed for PILs on these grounds.

You cannot uphold the country's sovereignty without the weapons to defend and uphold its sovereignty, which requires strategic (nuclear) parity with the United States. The nuclear deal, in all its aspects and processes-- joint statements, agreements, negotiations, etc.-- injures India's ability to attain strategic (nuclear) parity with the United States and, thus, injures India's ability to defend and uphold its sovereignty and, thus, injures India's sovereignty and constitutes failure to uphold India's sovereignty. This is so even if there were no Hyde Act, no 123 agreement, etc. or no deal is finally signed or executed.

Article 51 of the Constitution also requires India's government to endeavour to eliminate threats to just and honorable relations between nations and, since the United States is the principal transgressor of and threat to such relations between nations, endeavour to attain strategic nuclear supremacy over the United States and take measures, military and non-military, to eliminate this threat.

For other countries of the world, this means getting out of the United States-sponsored denial regimes such as the Nuclear Suppliers Group, International Atomic Energy Agency, etc. and helping each other acquire nuclear weapons to cope with this threat to just and honorable relations between nations.

As I have shown above, even India’s Constitution requires striving to attain nuclear supremacy over the United States.
---------END QUOTE---------

Satish Chandra

If that is your press release, god help your press conference :P
In my opening post of this thread I have said that the nuclear warheads to be tested must have non-digital triggers that cannot be interfered with by microwaves signals from satellites.

In my press release dated January 11, 2012 I said:-

---------START QUOTE---------
Why Were Iraq's Aircraft & Tanks Behaving Erratically During the Gulf Wars?
During the first Gulf War, it was reported that Iraq's fighter planes that rose to meet the American attackers were just flying randomly instead of attacking the attackers. In the second Gulf War, therefore, Iraq simply buried its fighter planes in the sand or sent them to shelter in Iran. During the second Gulf War, it was reported that Iraqi tanks defending Baghdad were firing randomly instead of hitting the advancing American tanks. Both these phenomena were due to the fact that microwave signals from U. S. satellites can hack into and operate any digital circuitry and the Iraqi inability to control its aircraft and tanks was due to such hacking. When an Indian Sukhoi-30MKI crashed on December 13 '11, the pilots who ejected safely reported that they were having difficulty controlling the plane and struggled to control it for 20 minutes before ejecting. This is what I have written about that:-

"When I say the new Chief of Air Staff, N. A. K. Browne, is a CIA-RAW man, I mean he literally sits at CIA-supplied terminals to participate in crimes against India. More than a thousand Indian Air Force aircraft have crashed since 1970, the vast majority of the crashes caused by microwaves from U. S. satellites which can hack into and operate any digital equipment. In his first week in office as Chief of Air Staff, Browne caused two Indian Air Force fighter planes to crash with microwaves from satellites, to give a boost to his bid to buy worse than worthless foreign aircraft for several tens of billions of dollars of which he will get a hefty cut along with the Defence Minister and the Italian woman who gets the largest cut. The Sukhoi crash on Dec. 13 '11 and the grounding of the Sukhoi fleet has been caused 2 days ahead of the purchase decision as the purchase was made impossible by my opposition to it. See IndianAirForcePilotsMurderDOTblogspotDOTcom . "

The United States can similarly disable air defence missiles and has repeatedly disabled Pakistan's air defences. It even disabled Pakistan's nuclear warheads during the Kargil conflict as Gen. Musharraf has admitted. I have repeatedly pointed to this peril from microwave signals from U. S. satellites as in my addendum dated February 26, 2006 titled "National security crisis due to microwaves from satellites" in my blog titled "Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S." which can be found from a Yahoo/Google search with the title and have provided solutions to this problem. Despite all this, the criminals of the Indian government -- the Cabinet Committee on Security -- on January 5 '12 approved the purchase of one and a half billion dollars worth of worse than worthless French air-to-air missiles for the worse than worthless Mirage 2000 fighters.

What I have said above about the peril from microwaves from satellites to the electronics of aircraft and tanks also applies to the electronic fuses for artillery shells which the Indian government is reportedly purchasing from Israel.
---------END QUOTE---------

The same day -- January 31, 2012 -- that the decision in favor of the French Rafale aircraft was announced, the crash of a Kiran trainer aircraft was caused by microwaves from satellites to give a boost to the bid to buy the Pilatus trainer aircraft from abroad which is pending.

Following my recent warnings about the U.S. ability to hack into the electronics of aircraft, tanks, missiles, warhead triggers, etc., the following article, dated January 30, 2012, titled "Hacking Seen As Rising Risk With Car Electronics" has appeared on moneyDOTmsnDOTcom:-

Hacking Seen as Rising Risk With Car Electronics: Bloomberg - MSN Money

It says, in part:-

"“There clearly is a vulnerability,” said Adrian Lund, president of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, based in Arlington, Va. “All these electronics we’re bringing into cars seem to exacerbate that.”
A National Academy of Sciences panel, including Lund, elevated the concerns in a report Jan. 18 reviewing U.S. regulators’ work in finding the cause of unintended acceleration in Toyota Motor Corp. vehicles.
Savage and co-author Tadayoshi Kohno, from the University of Washington, found vulnerabilities in telematics systems, which make the connections between cars and mobile communications. "

Mobile communications means microwaves.

Satish Chandra
In September '11 I wrote (see JoinIndiaWarOfIndependenceDOTblogspotDOTcom ) of the near-certainty that India's nuclear warheads have been sabotaged by RAW. An article in the December '11 issue of Atlantic magazine describes a United States program of "remotely disabling a weapon of mass destruction ... without leaving a trace" and how such missions have been successfully pulled off in the past. I have pointed out that the fact that K. Santhanam, who was in charge of the 1998 tests, was a RAW man shows that RAW has the ability to sabotage India's nuclear warheads. With RAW -- a branch of the CIA -- to do its work for it, the United States' ability to sabotage India's nuclear warheads ranges from the design stage to knowing their exact locations in U. S. cities. Explosive tests of the warheads can guard against sabotage during design and manufacture but not against disablement, with the help of RAW, after emplacement in U. S. cities or after a sample from the stockpile has undergone explosive tests. On February 8, 2009 I wrote (see my blog, 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.') about CIA-RAW having pre-arranged with the then Indian army chief, General Deepak Kapoor, the failure of a missile test on January 20, 2009 to 'neutralise' what I had said about his having been bought by the United States (see 'What You Should Know About RAW' in the same blog about the Indian army's documented sabotage of the Arjun tank during tests). In this state of affairs, India can simultaneously trigger its nuclear warheads in New Delhi, Washington and New York and try again, after rectifying the sabotage, if they fail to work (see my blog above), if it cannot test them at Pokhran, IMMEDIATELY.
This is what I said on November 9, 2011:-

I said in JoinIndiaWarOfIndependenceDOTblogspotDOTcom: "The fact that CIA kingpin K. Subrahmanyam staged his fake death right after India said its nuclear warheads have been emplaced in a number of cities/countries (he was in Orlando, Florida a couple months ago) makes it more likely that the warheads will work." The remote disabling of warheads discussed in the Atlantic article requires coming close, perhaps within several hundred feet, of the warhead and using electromagnetic or other radiant sources to interfere with the circuitry. Much more important is disablement or control of warheads by microwaves from satellites that I discussed in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.'. Here are three excerpts from the blog:-

-------------START OF EXCERPTS-------------
"ADDED ON FEBRUARY 26, 2006: National security crisis due to microwaves from satellites:
I. Microwaves from satellites can be used not just for audio and video surveillance (see addendum dated February 10, 2006 to letter dated May 11, 2005, above). Three days ago, I had put my computer to sleep when I went to sleep. As I approached my work table on getting up a few hours later, the computer switched on without my doing it ; the C.I.A. had switched it on remotely by microwaves hoping I will continue something I was doing on the computer before I went to sleep and this occurred several more times. In the past, when I was doing something, such as preparing one of these letters to the press, on my computer, the screen would suddenly be replaced with, say, a Google search box without my doing anything and it appeared the C.I.A. was remotely controlling my computer over the Internet, but its switching on without being connected to the Internet or the telephone line showed the control was by microwaves. Even signals over the telephone lines usually travel, at least part of the way, over microwaves. This shows that the C.I.A. can control any digital equipment, not just computers, by microwaves from satellites. This applies to all digital equipment, such as that used in a multitude of defence applications, electric power grids, nuclear power plants, etc., even if the equipment is not connected to the outside world by telephone lines. This means that all digital equipment should be shielded so it cannot be operated by microwaves from satellites. The turning on and off of a television set, changing its channels, etc., by a remote is done similarly though TV remotes use infra-red rays instead of microwaves. In a letter to the press several years ago, I also mentioned that the C.I.A. was able to remotely monitor what was being typed on an old-fashioned electric typewriter."

"(March 23 ‘08) India’s nuclear supremacy and microwaves from satellites:
In a letter to the press a few years ago, I referred to Indians’ lack of appreciation of the importance of research and of scientists and gave an example of the Japanese in World War II thinking they had equaled the Americans in aircraft carriers, fighter planes and the rest and the Americans then came out with the atom bomb. In my addendum dated February 26, 2006, titled “National security crisis due to microwaves from satellites” below I described the threat to national security from microwaves from satellites. On the Bharat Rakshak online forum, an American who seems a C.I.A. specialist on India is asking that India acquiesce in a United States’ invasion and permanent occupation of Pakistan (and later of India). He says “even at the moment for example … Pakistan’s air-defenses have been electronically neutralized to allow the ingress of predator drones” [ this was before the drone campaign started] and that “the USA has already electronically neutralized the Pakistani nuclear capabilities. The weapons are also dispersed in bits and pieces with no possibility of ever putting even one of these together. Doing so would invite a massive conventional or nuclear response from the USA. Only taking physical control and destruction of these weapons remains which should pose no major problems as the Pakistan armed forces are fully co-operative”. The electronic neutralisation of Pakistan’s air defences and nuclear weapons has almost certainly been done by microwaves from satellites as I said in the addendum dated February 26 ‘06 below can be done. India’s missiles and nuclear weapons can presumably be similarly disabled by microwaves from satellites but shielding them and other equipment from microwaves from satellites can easily be done with metal foil; communication links for missiles and other equipment may have to be redesigned so they work despite the shielding. ... ".

"ADDED ON FEBRUARY 10, 2006: Shielding against satellite surveillance:
The following is a response to the above addendum and this letter sequence posted on a Ukrainian news website, with my reply:
Re: The on-going destruction of Russia and Ukraine
Posted by: AK (IP Logged) • Posts:
Date: February 9, 2006 09:30AM
Satchandra, Put some tin foil on your walls, they wont be able to see you, and it'll stop the microwaves they're sending.
Re: The on-going destruction of Russia and Ukraine
Posted by: satchandra (IP Logged) • Posts: 9
Date: February 9, 2006 11:37AM
Thanks for the suggestion. In a letter to the Indian press several years ago, while referring to such surveillance by satellite, I had mentioned shielding against such surveillance ( upon which they started playing loudspeaker music outside the residence of a scientist, a bachelor who lived in a room in a government guest house and now is India's President, who was the chief science adviser to India's prime minister, because I also mentioned older technology in which a laser beam from miles away is directed at window panes and picks up the tiny vibrations caused by any conversations inside) but did not think of doing it for myself, except vaguely, mainly because I had to move about 40 times in two years thanks to the C.I.A. ( for six and a half months I lived in a library at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology which used to be open 24 hours a day, sleeping on the chairs at night and went without food for upto three weeks at a time) and never knew how long I will be able to live in a given place (both in the United States and in India). But now I will do it! Thanks again!
Re: The on-going destruction of Russia and Ukraine
Posted by: AK (IP Logged) • Posts:
Date: February 9, 2006 06:27PM
Works every time........... "
------------END OF EXCERPTS---------------

The disablement of warheads, which is mostly done by disabling the warhead's trigger, can be avoided by avoiding imported components and standard circuitry for the trigger -- for disablement the United States uses knowledge of the types of trigger mechanisms a country's weapons are thought to use -- and devising novel, preferably low-tech, analog rather than digital, triggers.

November 11. 2011: Simply introducing redundancies in the design -- using multiple mechanisms to trigger the warhead -- may take care of defects or malfunctions of various kinds but it will not take care of disablement by microwaves from satellites if all the different pathways to trigger the warhead use mechanisms -- whether identical mechanisms in all pathways or different types of mechanisms in different pathways -- that are in the satellite's 'library' of mechanisms it can disable or control; it will just send signals to disable each type of trigger mechanism in its library. The previous paragraph is a prescription for trigger mechanisms that would be less amenable to disablement or control by digital signals from U. S. satellites. 'Control' means the U. S. can also send signals to trigger warheads whenever it chooses -- blowing them up in your own country in storage, on the launch pad or at any point in transit or in flight -- instead of disabling them. According to Pakistan's former president Musharraf, Pakistan's nuclear warheads were inoperative during the Kargil war which, as I have said, was planned and executed by the CIA with the help of RAW as well as General Musharraf; the warheads were undoubtedly disabled by microwaves from satellites and the same may have been done to India's nuclear warheads. The disablement can be temporary or permanent, as the Americans choose. Just as I first typed "disablement or control of warheads by microwaves from satellites" on November 9 '11 above, the CIA reactivated my wireless printer which had been inoperative for several weeks and now suddenly sprang to life, to show it can indeed do that. India can devise triggers that can be made mechanically -- rather than electrically -- inoperative until after the warheads are emplaced in U. S. cities and ready to blow them up.

It is necessary to make clear that at present -- until the triggers are changed as suggested above -- the United States can detonate your nuclear warheads at any time, wherever they are, using microwaves from satellites.
In September '11 I wrote (see JoinIndiaWarOfIndependenceDOTblogspotDOTcom ) of the near-certainty that India's nuclear warheads have been sabotaged by RAW. An article in the December '11 issue of Atlantic magazine describes a United States program of "remotely disabling a weapon of mass destruction ... without leaving a trace" and how such missions have been successfully pulled off in the past. I have pointed out that the fact that K. Santhanam, who was in charge of the 1998 tests, was a RAW man shows that RAW has the ability to sabotage India's nuclear warheads. With RAW -- a branch of the CIA -- to do its work for it, the United States' ability to sabotage India's nuclear warheads ranges from the design stage to knowing their exact locations in U. S. cities. Explosive tests of the warheads can guard against sabotage during design and manufacture but not against disablement, with the help of RAW, after emplacement in U. S. cities or after a sample from the stockpile has undergone explosive tests. On February 8, 2009 I wrote (see my blog, 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.') about CIA-RAW having pre-arranged with the then Indian army chief, General Deepak Kapoor, the failure of a missile test on January 20, 2009 to 'neutralise' what I had said about his having been bought by the United States (see 'What You Should Know About RAW' in the same blog about the Indian army's documented sabotage of the Arjun tank during tests). In this state of affairs, India can simultaneously trigger its nuclear warheads in New Delhi, Washington and New York and try again, after rectifying the sabotage, if they fail to work (see my blog above), if it cannot test them at Pokhran, IMMEDIATELY.

High yield thermonuclear warheads cannot be tested at Pokhran and I have said that India must immediately identify islands in the seas around it that can be used to test nuclear warheads in the high kiloton and megaton range.
No India need a hell lot of work to do in Infrastructure,Education,Health & social securities,Immediately

F2ck the nuclear warheads for now... will ya?:fie:
. .
I have described India's task, after the nuclear destruction of New Delhi, as follows (see my blog, 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.'):-

--------START QUOTE---------
The fact that thousands of nuclear warheads ... will be exploded to destroy the United States means that the vast majority of the missiles carrying them need not be precisely guided to a target; even a deviation of a few miles from the nominal target would not matter so long as together they cover, in a statistical sense, the populated areas of the continental United States; only a few missiles may need to be guided accurately to ensure that some selected targets are destroyed. The task thus becomes one of producing a large number of warheads and a large number of missiles that can take them to the continental United States but which need not be guided very accurately. The large numbers of missiles and warheads, because of their large numbers, cannot be stopped by anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems the United States has or will have in the foreseeable future, further simplifying the task. Time is important so that these large numbers of warheads and missiles are produced and launched as quickly as possible. I have already said that the emphasis should be on road and rail mobile ICBMs or concealed silo-based missiles that can be quickly produced in large numbers rather than on nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed submarines (SSBNs) which take a long time to produce. Equally important is getting enough fissile material for the necessary number of warheads for which all of India’s nuclear reactors will be operated in the military mode. The sooner the nuclear destruction of New Delhi occurs, the sooner India can get on with the main task since time -- doing this quickly -- is as important as producing a large number of missiles and warheads.

I have referred to neutron-type (that is, enhanced radiation) weapons designed for use against cities and population centers; more of their energy goes into producing deadly radiation (fast neutrons) and less into producing heat and blast. But even if regular kinds of thermonuclear weapons (rather than enhanced radiation weapons) are used, five thousand such warheads of two hundred kilotons each, targeted at the four thousand largest population centers in the United States -- the larger cities will have more than one warhead assigned to them -- will have a total yield of one thousand megatons, that is the combined yield of twenty of the fifty megaton hydrogen bomb the Soviet Union once tested and these five thousand warheads will do a good job of destroying the United States. So even for destroying the United States, the regular kind of thermonuclear weapons can be used rather than neutron-type weapons.

There are substantial distances between population centers in the United States even in its thickly populated areas such as the East Coast, so the regular kind of thermonuclear weapons will be properly targeted and guided and, since the United States can be expected to start putting out erroneous coordinates for its population centers, their coordinates should be obtained from present or past paper, not future or electronic, sources -- unless India’s own satellites are the source and the coordinates are cross-checked for fudging by traitors because Government of India traitors through ISRO launched an Israeli spy satellite of the kind that the U.S. National Security Agency/ C.I.A.-RAW have been using to do immense damage to India, India’s greatest scientist and the greatest living Indian for the past 31 years, etc. and billions are poured into Israeli radars, etc., instead of Indian R & D by Government of India traitors, though all this will come to an end with the nuclear destruction of New Delhi -- and it is not too early to start compiling lists of five thousand targets and their coordinates, starting with the largest cities; Manhattan island alone in New York City will need to be targeted at at least three points. Even today, in this age of highly accurate missiles carrying multiple warheads, Russia has some ICBMs equipped with a single twenty or twenty five megaton warhead because of their utility in destroying large cities but India can do the job with multiple warheads of lower yields, thoroughly tested to their full yields, of course.
--------END QUOTE-------

The above was written in 2008 and I have said above "The sooner the nuclear destruction of New Delhi occurs, the sooner India can get on with the main task ... ". Since then, I have changed the first stage of the task to 'the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them by special forces, if there is any retaliation. This will enable India to build up a large stockpile of nuclear warheads and missiles for the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States five years later'.

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