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India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

Do you know India is one of the biggest investors in Europe.

EU's FDI in India exceeds that of Indian FDI in EU.

India - Trade - European Commission

Its not that we can't arrest the diplomat, just that Indian wants to bring other countries on board before taking a tough decision since Italy is disputing that Indian fishermen were killed in Indian waters. Once India gets support on that point, the diplomat might be sent to the jail for few days before being released.

And how much support has India received? Please name me a single nation that has come out in support of India. While on the other hand, the EU the largest trading bloc and a political powerhouse has already come out with a statement in support of Italy. There is no way the Ambassador will be sent to a jail, not even for a single second. India is well aware of the repercussions of initiating such a move, that is why they have avoided something like this.

I fully agree that the Ambassador implicitly waived off his immunity according to Article 32 of Vienna Conventions when he appeared infront of the court. But realpolitik does not work like this, it works on politics. If an Ambassador of a sovereign nation is jailed, it will setup a very bad precedence and this is why all parties will avoid such a decision.

If India does not take strict action, then the daughter in law from Italy will be accused of helping out Italia.

I hate to be the devil's advocate but India does not has many options to take a strict action against Italy. It is neither the United States or the Former USSR.

look at the size of India power it's more than half of EU collectively,

Wrong. According to the IMF's report in 2012, EU's collective economy was worth $16.4 trillion while the Indian economy was worth $1.946 trillion. Simple math would suggest that half of EU's economy would be $8 trillion, you seriously need some basic math lessons.

do you seriously think Italy will get away beneath EU banner without any repercussions,

Please state the actions that India can take against Italy? Any economic sanctions initiated against Italy will hurt India more than it would hurt Italy.

Again we ain't a nation surviving on money bestowed by west.

A classic example of diversionary tactics by resorting to ad hominem attacks, not surprised at all as you are trying to divert the topic and start a troll war. Good for you
EU's FDI in India exceeds that of Indian FDI in EU.

India - Trade - European Commission

And how much support has India received? Please name me a single nation that has come out in support of India. While on the other hand, the EU the largest trading bloc and a political powerhouse has already come out with a statement in support of Italy. There is no way the Ambassador will be sent to a jail, not even for a single second. India is well aware of the repercussions of initiating such a move, that is why they have avoided something like this.

I fully agree that the Ambassador implicitly waived off his immunity according to Article 32 of Vienna Conventions when he appeared infront of the court. But realpolitik does not work like this, it works on politics. If an Ambassador of a sovereign nation is jailed, it will setup a very bad precedence and this is why all parties will avoid such a decision.

I hate to be the devil's advocate but India does not has many options to take a strict action against Italy. It is neither the United States or the Former USSR.

Please go thru this:

No country should take India for granted: Sonia Gandhi on Italian naval guards issue - The Times of India
SC brings up ‘Brutus’ during marine case hearing

I suspect it was rather a reference to Antony's speech after Caesar's assassination, in which he sarcastically refers to Brutus as an honorable man, implying that he is not honorable at all.

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interrèd with their bones.
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious.
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answered it.
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest—
For Brutus is an honorable man;
So are they all, all honorable men
Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me.
But Brutus says he was ambitious,
And Brutus is an honorable man.
He hath brought many captives home to Rome
Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill.

It is one of the most famous speeches in English literature.
EU's FDI in India exceeds that of Indian FDI in EU.

India - Trade - European Commission

Wrong. According to the IMF's report in 2012, EU's collective economy was worth $16.4 trillion while the Indian economy was worth $1.946 trillion. Simple math would suggest that half of EU's economy would be $8 trillion, you seriously need some basic math lessons.

Try calculating with lower half in the list, let's see what's wrong in math.
It will be interesting to see how India handles this matter now, as EU has entered the scene.

and it will be tough for Italian ambassador to counter this

The SC made a very valid observation - how can the diplomat claim relief (diplomatic immunity) under the Vienna convention after "voluntarily subjecting to court's jurisdiction"?
I dont see the marines returning to India.

This will end only with the Italian diplomat seeing a symbolic arrest of few hours or maybe 1/2 days.
I dont see the marines returning to India.

This will end only with the Italian diplomat seeing a symbolic arrest of few hours or maybe 1/2 days.
Then NATO will do symbolic bombing of India for maybe 1 / 2 day. Pakistan will allow fly-over from Afganistan bases.
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