In Quran , many verses are there regarding Nasranis.
2:113 - The Jews say "The Christians have nothing [true] to stand on," and the Christians say, "The Jews have nothing to stand on," although they [both] recite the Scripture.Even thus speak those who know not. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they differ
However this quote does not mention the word Nasrani, because there are a number of denominations within the Christian faith which trace there lineage to the Disciples of Jesus (PBUH). My main point was centered towards the idea, that there is no shred of evidence that the Holy Quran mentions the notion that Jesus (PBUH) was born in Nazareth because its very specific in mentioning groups or tribes. The land of Israel does not solely belong to the Jewish community, because the Palestinians have an equal right at the same time. The bible in its current format is not accepted by the vast majority of Muslims because it has been changed and this occurred during the reign of Constantine. Hence why its not surprising that Christmas and Easter which was a pagan festival was implemented into the empire to create harmony.
Israel as a country never existed although a state called Judea was formed. However just because your ancestors came from a particular land, does not automatically mean that you deserve to steal the land 3000 years later from the current indigenous people who live there. A number of Israelis were European Jews who actually have no ancestry to the land of Judea as they were converting into the faith. I am not advocating a policy of kicking out the Jews, however they should share the land equally which they are not doing at all.
Furthermore, the term used in the Holy Quran for the followers of Jesus (PBUH) is 'Nasara', meaning the helpers. The reason as to why the Holy Quran is calling the adherents of Jesus (PBUH) ‘the Helpers’ stems from a conversation between him and his disciples. According to the Holy Quran when Jesus (PBUH) began his mission he asked his disciples who would be helping him in the cause of God. The Holy Quran states:
“O you who believe! Be you helpers (in the Cause) of Allah as said Jesus, son of Mary, to the disciples: Who are my helpers (in the Cause) of Allah? The disciples said: We are Allah’s helpers.” [61:14]
The most common terminology used for Christians in the Holy Quran is the People of the Book. Nasrani in India claim to be descendants of Saint Thomas and they are called this name in reference to there belief that Jesus (PBUH) was born in Nazareth. I am sure we will have a difference of opinion on this issue, however I will respect your point of view.