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India must help pakistan : Shashi Tharoor ( The geography of hope )

A population as young, as uneducated, as unemployed and as radicalised as Pakistan’s will remain a menace to their own society as well as to ours.

This guy can go and [use-imaginiation] himself.
The scars of independence in the Punjabi and Urdu-Speaking people of Pakistan - are still fresh - there is too much mistrust.
best diplomats:rofl:
Have you listened his speech in parliament on lokpal??and he is money launderer..forgot ipl team purchasing??

Hmm, lets see. Undersecretary general of the united nations, slated to be the secretary general and narrowly missed to ban ki moon solely due to a US veto. Member of parliament, was minister of state for external affairs. (Removed from the post for posting on twitter, and not due to any incompetence.) Author of several entertaining and informative books, excellent writer. In my books, that pretty much amounts to being qualified enough to be called one of the best diplomats.

Money launderer? Allegations and accusations do not amount to truth. If you are convinced he is a money launderer, take him to court and put him behind bars. Since nobody has been able to do that, not even his political opponents, stop accusing.

---------- Post added at 09:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 AM ----------

How about this government falls and Shashi Tharoor is exiled out of India for ever? The pacifist traitor.

Being a pacifist is not equivalent to being a traitor. In this case it is not even pacifism, just pragmatism. Just because somebody advocates peace with pakistan does not make him a traitor, or even a pacifist. Whether you like it or not, peace in the neighbourhood is what society needs. A pacifist is someone who advocates the total abolition of all military institutions. A traitor is...oh well, check up the definitions yourself. But until you do that, stop throwing words around.

And by the way, you can't exile somebody when his party loses an election. The days of exiling your political opponents are over, that practice belonged to medieval kingdoms, not modern nation states. He is an Indian, and nobody can take away his right to be in India, ever. Just like me, and presumably you. No government, nobody.
i never celebrated any Pakistani death and more over i condemn the terrorists attacks any where either India or Pakistan . No country needs radiation therapy we need political remedy .

Then why do you oppose the need for a political solution as proposed(however far fetched) by Mr Taroor?
^^^ whatever us forum members say here, it is heartening to know that Indo - Pak relations are improving, just wondering what Mr.Kayani's thoughts are about improved ties?
^^^ whatever us forum members say here, it is heartening to know that Indo - Pak relations are improving, just wondering what Mr.Kayani's thoughts are about improved ties?

Mr Kayani's thought "eternal vigilance"
problem is whom should india talk to.. pakistan army, pakistani politicians, kashmiri seperatist or terrorist groups like lakskere e toba ? and noone of these groups have same views about india? we can have peace with one group but other ones will again carry on their anti india drive
Then why do you oppose the need for a political solution as proposed(however far fetched) by Mr Taroor?

tharoor is not policy maker of india and i believe every indian politician will speak same thing in pakistan as tharoor speaking;)
and truly saying,image of pakistan is very bad in india but it has been replaced by china soon:lol:
Being a pacifist is not equivalent to being a traitor.

Agreed that pacifism doesn't meant desertion. But extreme limits of pacifism towards an enemy that has always done harm and no good leads to nothing short of treachery.

In this case it is not even pacifism, just pragmatism. Just because somebody advocates peace with pakistan does not make him a traitor, or even a pacifist. Whether you like it or not, peace in the neighbourhood is what society needs.

I don't really think it was IA that sent terrorists to Mumbai and J&K, killed more than a 2 lakh people, destroyed thousands of families and cost us millions in lives and infrastructure.

So you need to get the picture right rather than being apologetic about the enemy that has done us maximum damage possible on more than a dozen occasions shown clearly. If this is not treachery, then you really need to see the meaning yourself.

Have some respect for the soldier. Ignorance of reality and over-optimism is what makes you speak thus.

A pacifist is someone who advocates the total abolition of all military institutions. A traitor is...oh well, check up the definitions yourself. But until you do that, stop throwing words around.

This is not an english competition and you know where I am coming from in this case.

And by the way, you can't exile somebody when his party loses an election. The days of exiling your political opponents are over, that practice belonged to medieval kingdoms, not modern nation states. He is an Indian, and nobody can take away his right to be in India, ever. Just like me, and presumably you. No government, nobody.

And that is the reason why our country is filled with terrorist-lovers, traitors, cheaters and anti-national losers that are now using the same democracy that gave them these rights, to talk rubbish and hurl insults on the motherland that has covered their ungrateful backs.

Sorry but some punishments have existed in the past for a reason. Doing a suicidal act like Swedish politics in India would mean a threat to our nation's fabric.

Democracy is not a free license to liars, traitors and spineless corrupt losers that they can go about doing anything and everything. There is a limit and that limit must be maintained.
Agreed that pacifism doesn't meant desertion. But extreme limits of pacifism towards an enemy that has always done harm and no good leads to nothing short of treachery.

I don't really think it was IA that sent terrorists to Mumbai and J&K, killed more than a 2 lakh people, destroyed thousands of families and cost us millions in lives and infrastructure.

So you need to get the picture right rather than being apologetic about the enemy that has done us maximum damage possible on more than a dozen occasions shown clearly. If this is not treachery, then you really need to see the meaning yourself.

Have some respect for the soldier. Ignorance of reality and over-optimism is what makes you speak thus.

This is not an english competition and you know where I am coming from in this case.

And that is the reason why our country is filled with terrorist-lovers, traitors, cheaters and anti-national losers that are now using the same democracy that gave them these rights, to talk rubbish and hurl insults on the motherland that has covered their ungrateful backs.

Sorry but some punishments have existed in the past for a reason. Doing a suicidal act like Swedish politics in India would mean a threat to our nation's fabric.

Democracy is not a free license to liars, traitors and spineless corrupt losers that they can go about doing anything and everything. There is a limit and that limit must be maintained.

And who gets to decide these limits? You?

Limits to what exactly? To airing one's views? If so, yes there are limits, and these limits have been set and maintained by jurors and law courts for a long time. This article comes nowhere near the limits.

If you think that an article such as this is a banishable offence, sorry the world disagrees with you. Whether you like it or not, Indians have the freedom to write what he has written. And a lot more actually. If you don't like that, move to China.

Also, treachery is a completely different thing. We weren't discussing that.

I wasn't justifying anything the pakistani terrorists have done. Nowhere in my post did I do anything of the sort.

I don't know what relevance comments like "have some respect for the soldier" has here. Those are useful statements that can be thrown around liberally since it has a feel good effect. I did not disrespect any soldier, so I'm not sure why you are telling me that. I can also throw back phrases like "love your country", "respect your elders" etc without any context.
I think its high time we prioritize on fast-tracking the peace process......We just cannot have a whole nation spewing hate on India.

Well,it is not in our control.

A system when is in place for a long time leads to perpetuation of special interests.Without the bogey of India,Pakistan's army would become a Parade artefact.Their mullahs would lose a rallying point and their mujahid's would lose their job.

Even if Kashmir issue is solved,the ilk of Zaid Hamid would not stop spewing hate propaganda against India.
These traitors are pathetic they always sings the tune of so called peace and friendship that will never happen, at least till 2020.

And India should not have any compromise on kashmir no matter how many terrorist they sends. We have beard the cost when we were not so good economically and we can surely afford it now. RAW is more then capable to answer facilitators of terrorism govt. needs to give them free hand. More terrorist attacks means govt. will be forced to allow RAW to take action. So everything will suit us, no need to hurry.

By 2020 our economy will be above $ 3.5 trillion + about 10 nuke submarines + 3 aircraft carrier + ICBMs.

And the EU and other economies will be shattered and china's growth will be barely positive.

At that time we will decide the terms and get our say of Kashmir and other matters. :tup:
Even i also agree....Although India and Pak has tough relation but again if India as a big nation take some bold initiative and help out Pakistan then it may create a postive impression...And there is saying " A friend in need is a friend indeed"....So may be it is right oppertunity that GOI should take a bold stance..

As i said said before its better to take bold step to normalize relation with a enemy like Pakistan who has a face rather than providing unnecessary concession to faceless enemy like BD....
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