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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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Then buy one goat. Sacrifice it. Divide it into 3 . and then distribute.
A goat constitutes a single share. A cow is seven. Every Mature member of the family must have a share.
It was reported in the hadeeth of al-Miqdaam ibn Ma’di Karb that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:“The martyr (shaheed) has seven blessings from Allaah: he is forgiven from the moment his blood is first shed; he will be shown his place in Paradise; he will be spared the trial of the grave; and he will be secure on the Day of the Greatest Terror (the Day of Judgement); there will be placed on his head a crown of dignity, one ruby of which is better than this world and all that is in it; he will be married to seventy-two of al-hoor al-‘iyn; and he will be permitted to intercede for seventy of his relatives.”According to another report, the martyr has six blessings from Allaah. According to other reports (the number is) six, or nine, or ten - Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, who said it is a hasan hadeeth. Also narrated by Ibn Maajah in al-Sunan, by Ahmad, by ‘Abd al-Razzaaq in al-Musannaf, by al-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer, and by Sa’eed ibn Mansoor in al-Sunan

A man asked the Prophet : 0 Prophet of God, will the inmates of Paradise have sexual intercourse ? He said: Anybody among them will be given sexual strength of seven, persons among you. The Prophet said : An inmate of Paradise will have five hundred hurs, four thousand unmarried women and eight thousand widowed women. Each of them will keep embracing him for the duration of his whole worldly life time. He also said: There will be markets in Paradise in which there will be no buy and sale, but there will be men and women. If any man will wish to have sexual intercourse with a woman, he will do at once. The Hurs will sing in Paradise on divine purity and praise-we are most beautiful Hurs and we are for the honoured husbands.", Al Ghazzali,

Reported in Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Sunan al-Tirmidhi[edit]
“For the Shahid in the Divine presence there will be six qualities: [1] he will be forgiven from the first moment his blood is spilled; [2] he shall see his seat in Paradise and be protected against the punishment of the grave; [3] he shall be safe from the Greatest Terror [the rising of the dead]; [4] he shall be crowned with the diadem of dignity, one ruby of which is worth more than the entire world and its contents; [5] he shall be coupled with seventy-two spouses from the wide-eyed maidens of Paradise; and [6] he shall be granted to intercede for seventy of his relatives.”
Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal , Sunan al-Tirmidhi
This is a “fair, sound, single-chained hadith (hasan sahih gharib).”

Abu Sa`id al-Khudri said, Allah be well-pleased with him: The Messenger of Allah said, upon him blessings and peace: “The humblest of the People of Paradise shall have eighty thousand servants and seventy-two wives. A palace of pearl and peridot(a: A pale green variety of chrysolite; used as a gemstone) and sapphire shall be erected for him as wide as the distance between al-Jabiya [a valley about 70 kms. East of Makka] and San`a’ [in Yemen].”
Sunan al-Tirmidhi Vol. IV, ch. 21, hadith 2687

From Sheikh Gibril

How Many Wives Will The Believers Have In Paradise?
Wa `alaykum as-Salam wa rahmatullah:

The stronger hadiths indicate that the Believers shall have two wives, in Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurayra, from the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace: “Each man among them shall have two wives, the marrow of each of the two wives' shanks will be seen glimmering under the flesh, and there is not in all Paradise a single unmarried man.” They will have up to a hundred concubines in Paradise while the Shuhada’ shall have seventy-two wives, numbers indicating abundance rather than an exact quantity, and Allah knows best.

Some texts:

1. Al-Miqdam ibn Ma`dikarb said, Allah be well-pleased with him: The Messenger of Allah said, upon him blessings and peace:

“For the Shahid in the Divine presence there will be six qualities: [1] he will be forgiven from the first moment his blood is spilled; [2] he shall see his seat in Paradise and be protected against the punishment of the grave; [3] he shall be safe from the Greatest Terror [the rising of the dead]; [4] he shall be crowned with the diadem of dignity, one ruby of which is worth more than the entire world and its contents; [5] he shall be coupled with seventy-two spouses from the wide-eyed maidens of Paradise; and [6] he shall be granted to intercede for seventy of his relatives.” Ahmad and al-Tirmidhi narrated it and the latter said: “This is a fair, sound, single-chained hadith” (hasan sahih gharib).

2. Anas said, Allah be well-pleased with him: The Messenger of Allah said, upon him blessings and peace:

“The servant in Paradise shall be married with seventy wives.” Someone said, “Messenger of Allah, can he bear it?” He said: “He will be given strength for a hundred.” Abu Nu`aym in Sifat al-Janna, al-`Uqayli in the Du`afa’, and al-Bazzar in his Musnad.

2a. From Zayd ibn Arqam, Allah be well-pleased with him, when an incredulous Jew or Christian asked the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace, “Are you claiming that a man will eat and drink in Paradise??” He replied: “Yes, by the One in Whose hand is my soul, and each of them will be given the strength of a hundred men in his eating, drinking, coitus, and pleasure.” Ahmad, al-Nasa’i in the Sunan al-Kubra, Ibn Abi Shayba, Ibn Hibban, and al-Hakim who declared it sahih.

Note that the Jews succeeded in “disappearing” all notion of a next life from their religion while the Christians succeeded in making it an ethereal abstraction. The Mu`tazila and other minority sects went that path also as do those who deny the reality of the punishment and reward of the grave, Hellfire, the Prophet’s Basin, the Bridge, the Balance, the Vision of Allah Most High etc.

3. Abu Sa`id al-Khudri said, Allah be well-pleased with him: The Messenger of Allah said, upon him blessings and peace:

“The humblest of the People of Paradise shall have eighty thousand servants and seventy-two wives. A palace of pearl and peridot(a: A pale green variety of chrysolite; used as a gemstone) and sapphire shall be erected for him as wide as the distance between al-Jabiya [a valley about 70 kms. East of Makka] and San`a’ [in Yemen].” Al-Tirmidhi and Ahmad narrated it.

4. Abu Hurayra said, Allah be well-pleased with him: The Messenger of Allah said, upon him blessings and peace:

“The humblest of the People of Paradise in rank shall have seven levels and as he will be on the sixth, below the seventh, he will have three hundred servants, every morning and evening three hundred dishes of gold shall be brought before him, every dish carrying something the other does not. He will taste pleasure as sharply with the first dish as he will with the last. He shall say, ‘My Lord! If you gave me permission, I would feed all the people of Paradise and water them from what I have and nothing should go missing from it.’ He will most certainly have seventy-two wives from the wide-eyed maidens of Paradise, the couch of only one of whom is as wide as a square mile on earth.” Ahmad narrated it in the Musnad.

5. Abu Umama said, Allah be well-pleased with him: The Messenger of Allah said, upon him blessings and peace:

“None is made to enter Paradise by Allah Most High except Allah Most High shall marry him to seventy-two wives, two of them from the wide-eyed maidens of Paradise and seventy of them his inheritance from the People of Hellfire, not one of them but her attraction never lags nor his arousal ever wanes.” Narrated by Ibn Majah, Ibn `Adi in the Kamil, and al-Bayhaqi in al-Ba`th wal-Nushur. Al-Suyuti marked its chain as “fair” (hasan) in al-Jami` al-Saghir (§7989).

6. Ibn Abi Awfa said, Allah be well-pleased with him: The Messenger of Allah said, upon him blessings and peace:

“Every man from the People of Paradise shall be married off to four thousand virgins, eight thousand slave-girls, and one hundred wide-eyed maidens of Paradise. They shall all meet him within every seven days. They shall say with their exquisite voices no creature has ever heard the like before: ‘We are the everlasting women, we never grow old, we are the refined women, we never grow sour, we are the ever-pleased women, we never anger, we are the sedentary ones, we never travel away, blessings to him who is for us and we are for him!’” Abu al-Shaykh in al-`Azama and al-Bayhaqi in al-Ba`th wal-Nushur.

7. Hatib ibn Abi Balta`a said, Allah be well-pleased with him: I heard the Messenger of Allah say, upon him blessings and peace:

“The believer in Paradise shall be married off to seventy-two women, seventy women of the hereafter and two women of the women of this world.” Narrated by Ibn al-Sakan in Ma`rifat al-Sahaba and Ibn `Asakir in Tarikh Dimashq.

8. Abu Hurayra said, Allah be well-pleased with him:

It was asked, “Messenger of Allah, do we reach our women in Paradise?” He replied, “A man will reach in a single day one hundred virgins.” Al-Tabarani in al-Saghir and al-Awsat, Abu Nu`aym in Sifat al-Janna, and al-Khatib in Tarikh Baghdad. Abu Dya’ al-Maqdisi declared it sahih according to Ibn al-Qayyim in Hadi al-Arwah and Ibn Kathir in al-Fitan wal-Malahim and so did Khaldun al-Ahdab in Zawa’id Tarikh Baghdad (§100).

9. Ibn `Abbas narrated something similar. Abu Ya`la in his Musnad with a good chain as indicated by al-Haythami in Majma` al-Zawa’id.

10. Jabir said, Allah be well-pleased with him: I heard the Messenger of Allah say, upon him blessings and peace:

“I entered Paradise and saw that most of its dwellers were women.” Narrated by al-Bayhaqi in al-Ba`th wal-Nushur and Ibn `Asakir in Tarikh Dimashq.

May Allah grant the highest levels in Paradise to this mercied Umma for the sake of the Most Honored Being in the Divine Presence, our liege-lord Muhammad, upon him and his Family and Companions blessings and peace.

Hajj Gibril
Various Questions (2)Answered by Shaykh Gibril Haddad
None of those are from Sahih Bukhari.
And take a look at this, while you're at it.
Just Islam : Does the Quran really promise Islamic martyrs 72 virgins?
Don't derail the thread.

no..its a matter of giving respect to other religions.. We worship cow.. Can't you respect it?
And I was just giving an example buddy.. There is no question eating humans as i am pure veggie.
So, basically, it was an empty statement.
Read this:
Surat Al-Kafirun - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم
A goat constitutes a single share. A cow is seven. Every Mature member of the family must have a share.

None of those are from Sahih Bukhari.
And take a look at this, while you're at it.
Just Islam : Does the Quran really promise Islamic martyrs 72 virgins?
Don't derail the thread.

So, basically, it was an empty statement.
Read this:
Surat Al-Kafirun - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم
So ? Because of that you will offend others religion sentiments ? its not fair.
right treatment how can we observe so called veg Eid when this Eid is about sacrificing animal .stupidity and hypocrisy need some limit .

you cut open a water melon and pretend is an animal. All good!
I'm confused now....... so is beef consumption allowed in Hinduism? :blink:

Hindu mythology is famous for its diverse art forms and classical literatures but the most famous myth is about beef or killing of cows. According to the myth propagated by Hindu nationalists, cows are worshipped in ancient India and it was the invaders, both muslim and christian, who brought beef-eating to India. But, facts and religious scriptures prove that it was the vedic-hindus who were among the world's first urban consumers of beef. This was even before Jesus Christ was crucified and 1000 years before Islam was formed.

1)Mahabharata, 500 B.C.: King Rantiveda slaughters 2,000 cows a day in his royal kitchens and distributed beef along with grain to apparently grateful Brahmins, the Hindu priests.

2)Charak Samhita, 100 B.C.: Flesh of cow is prescribed as a medicine for various diseases. It is also prescribed for making soup and advised as a cure for irregular fever, consumption, and emaciation. The fat of the cow is recommended for debility and rheumatism.

3)Taittiriya Brahman , 500 B.C.: Verily the cow is food.

4)Yajnavalkya, one of the most popular hindu sages: ''Some people do not eat cow meat. I do so, provided it's tender.''

5)Sacrificial offering for Indra, the rain God and Agni, the fire God, are bulls and cows. (Perhaps that is why we are having less rain, as we stopped sacrificing cows.)

6)Vedas have mentioned 250 animals out of which at least 50 are fit for sacrifice and human consumption.

7)Manusmriti did not prohibit the consumption of beef.

In many states of India, beef consumption is legally banned, because of a false religious myth. This cow worship is not done out of animal love, as the same 'God' that exists in cows also exists in cockroaches. By this logic, we should be worshiping insects too. The central focus of cow worship is to show muslims as anti-hindus and to create a universal symbol for upper-caste hindu identification. What is not a myth is that, the so-called holy cow is used for un-holy purposes.

In your dreams India is a secular country with 0.5 million temples under govt administration.

Sorry, that is not how the world is made up of. There are people evolved for living in harsh circumstances like the Inuit and even the people on Himalayas. We do not choose where we are born and brought up and not every one can be born in tropical zone.

We have canine teeth though obviously not like animals since we do not use our teeth to hunt and kill. Just to tear.

World will end if everyone became saints because that will end all conflicts and all impulses for evolution. It will be like the time of Satyuga. Remember we are in Kaliyuga for a purpose and it is meant to be.

There are saints living in the Himalayas, do they eat meat? No they don't. we choose where we are born according to our Karma. My Guru says, " Depending on our karma we are given a set of choices as to where we can take birth, who our parents will be, who our life partner will be, what kind of a life we can have etc. etc. Then from the choices presented to us according to our karma, we choose what we want". if in your past birth you were evolved and did not eat meat, then you may not have to take birth in a meat eating family. more the good karma, better will be your life.

The canine teeth of carnivorous animals are meant to pierce the flesh of their prey and tear it apart. our teeth are not as sharp as theirs. we use them to cut or break food items. there is a difference.

Did the world end after satyuga? or did it move to tretayuga, dwaparyuga and the current kaliyuga? Did evolution stop after satyuga? No.
Evolution is not limited to evolving from meat eating to vegetarian food. there are more stages of evolution. you are focusing only on the physical level. there are higher levels too.
kaliyuga is meant to practically show what happens when people follow a path devoid of moral values, when people follow a path full of material desires and such lifestyle and ignore the spiritual part of the life. it is meant to show what happens when we allow vices to control us. it is meant to make us realize the importance of virtues. Kaliyuga is primarily for those beings who have not evolved to such an extent as to realize this. such beings incarnate in kaliyuga to learn by experience. While divine beings or evolved souls also incarnate in Kaliyuga to show the right path. Then there are beings who have evolved but they re-incarnate to exhaust their karma.

The world will not end if everyone became saints. there are those beings who have incarnated as animals, birds and other beings who have to exhaust their karma and then re-incarnate in a human birth later on, for further evolution. The Buddha supported this view. The Hindu and Jain scriptures too support this view. Also most religions talk about end of the world- pralaya and then a re-creation of the world. so the world will end only at the appointed time and not before it, even if everyone became saints. Although its destruction can be accelerated by sinful activities.
God is holy to us, and you are blaspheming and inventing lies about him. It's offensive to us.

Will you stop it? :rolleyes1:
But i am not a muslim. so no question of it. Look now you are intentionally offending my religious sentiments.
you cut open a water melon and pretend is an animal. All good!

Ok you take debi durgas' picture on smart phone and pretend to be a Idol .All good
Cow eating>Bad>Pro Humanity
That's all I have to say.

Cow give milk, work on farm, give dung and urine to return fertility to land. The most giving animal ever. So pro-humanity.
haha here we go again.. So it is clear that we can not expect respect from a muslim..?
While muslims wanted to earn respect from everywhere..hahahaha
good good buddy..
I got my answer.. And i will give even better answer to my city's muslims when they try slaughter a cow..
We will respect you. But don't expect us to make any compromises in our religion, based on a belief you have.
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