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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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First of all its not a hindu rashtra... DO you work in RSS ?

India is a secular democratic country :woot:

err... a nation with 85% Hindus is a Hindu Rashtra. That is common sense. It is also a secular democracy BECAUSE it is a Hindu Rashtra.

because secularism is a part of our constitution. and small kids are taught to respect each others religion....
It is not because of hindus

You Freaking idiot, why is secularism not part of the constitution of a muslim majority India ? Why is secularism part of a Hindu majority India ?

Why are kids taught to respect other religion in India ? Why are they not taught that in pakistan ? or SA ?
Dude all im saying is they are giving qurbani of cow, let them do it. If we are eating pork, let us eat it.... neither we stop them nor they stop us.... and why would your draw their prophet first of all....it sounds like a hate move
yes you are saying that. I know. But I asked you a question. You did not answer it.

cow = holy to us
prophet = holy to them
they kill cows and we must tolerate it in the name of secularism.
If we make a cartoon, then we should be killed by them and its ok as their religious sentiments are hurt. So we must not mock them. That is what you want to say ?

Tell me with all your knowledge. Do you think is it secularism ?
NDLS said: ↑
First of all its not a hindu rashtra... DO you work in RSS ?
India is a secular democratic country
err... a nation with 85% Hindus is a Hindu Rashtra. That is common sense. It is also a secular democracy BECAUSE it is a Hindu Rashtra.
because secularism is a part of our constitution. and small kids are taught to respect each others religion....
It is not because of hindus
You Freaking idiot, why is secularism not part of a a muslim majority India ? Why is secularism part of a Hindu majority India ?
Why are kids taught to respect other religion ? Why are they not taught that in pakistan ? or SA ?

So after changing name of cities, indians have decided to change their country name HINDU RASHTRA (Formerly INDIA)....:P
Yep. I can show you the pic of a procession where children are carrying placards lie " Massacre those who insults Islam. ". Can you believe it ?Bengal is almost gone.

Absolutely right , in a way.
Many posts of your are anti Islamic. You need to get off these forums and pursue your propaganda elsewhere.
which kinda qurbani? Killing innocents? Go and get the meaning of qurbani first.. Perhaps you do not know the Islam..their nabi sacrificed his own first son..now thats called qurbani.. Can muslims do this? No.. Then kahe ki qurbani..its a fun..and shame
It’s kind of ironic that you want Indian Muslims to respect your beliefs and at the same time you post this nonsense.
yes you are saying that. I know. But I asked you a question. You did not answer it.

cow = holy to us
prophet = holy to them
they kill cows and we must tolerate it in the name of secularism.
If we make a cartoon, then we should be killed by them and its ok as their religious sentiments are hurt. So we must not mock them. That is what you want to say ?

Tell me with all your knowledge. Do you think is it secularism ?
No Indian have ever made cartoon on mohammad, first try it then tell

err... a nation with 85% Hindus is a Hindu Rashtra. That is common sense. It is also a secular democracy BECAUSE it is a Hindu Rashtra.

You Freaking idiot, why is secularism not part of the constitution of a muslim majority India ? Why is secularism part of a Hindu majority India ?

Why are kids taught to respect other religion in India ? Why are they not taught that in pakistan ? or SA ?
Nazi mentality
We should not support wrong whoever does it, majority or minority. If the govt can ban bad practices in Hinduism then why not in Islam or Christianity. Kill cows is bad practice.
but they are doing it from the very past..it takes time to change ones practice and traditions....
Let them slaughter buffalos,then....
Defacto India is a Hindu country. The govt controls the temples and its revenue which negates its claim of being a secular democracy :woot:.

Do you work for CPIM or Trinamool Congress? You seem like an Islamist too me.

It is because of Hindus. They drafted the constitution. If it was left to the Muslims, it would have been Sharia.
Is malaysia, indonesia a sharia?
No Indian have ever made cartoon on mohammad, first try it then tell

One Indian wrote a book called Rangila Rasool and he was killed by Muslims and Mr. Jinnah was his advocate.
which kinda qurbani? Killing innocents? Go and get the meaning of qurbani first.. Perhaps you do not know the Islam..their nabi sacrificed his own first son..now thats called qurbani.. Can muslims do this? No.. Then kahe ki qurbani..its a fun..and shame
Hindus mein b bali chadane ka system hai, are u aware?
Let us not become Saudi Arabia.

But this point is moot since its not compulsory to sacrifice a cow on Eid.
there is nothing wrong in what she said. Saving any animals life does not mean that we have to become like Saudi Arabia. It is a noble thing to do.
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