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India moves infantry regiment to Ladakh to counter Chinese incursion

Now, Chinese choppers enter several hundred kilometres inside India

LEH/NEW DELHI: As the intruding Chinese soldiers refuse to budge from their occupied position in Daulat Beg Oldi(DBO) sector in Ladakh, two Chinese military helicopters have violated Indian airspace at Chumar, several hundred kilometres southeast of Leh, adding to the prevailing tension. The Chinese choppers entered the Indian airspace on April 21 and hovered over the area for quite sometime and returned after dropping some food cans, cigarette packets and notes written in their local language, official sources said today.

The incident happened five days after a platoon-strength contingent of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) had come 10km inside the Indian territory in Burthe in the DBO sector on the night of April 15 and established a tented post there.

Chumar, which is about 300km from Leh, provides another access to Aksai Chin, an area which is under illegal occupation of China, besides from DBO.

After the incursion incident, Indo-Tibetan Border Police, the border guarding force, has beefed up its strength in the area and Army from the nearby location had increased its surveillance.

Last September, Chinese helicopters flew over Chumar with some of its troops even getting onto the ground. The troops destroyed bunkers and old tents of the Indian Army before returning to their own air space. The situation in the DBO sector, meanwhile, continued to remain tense with the PLA personnel, who have come with some dogs and vehicles, refusing to budge from the area.

Now, Chinese choppers enter several hundred kilometres inside India - The Times of India
SFF comes under RAW, SSB and ITBP have NOTHING to do with RAW, SSB and ITBP are both under the command of the MHA. RAW is under the control of the PMO and has zero control over any of the MHA's assets unless in special circumstances.

It is for the cameras/audience, this is a show nothing else. Watch an actual combat drill or firing of such guns in war and none of these "theatrics" are present, they operate just like any other arty crew in any other modern army.

Looks like you're right.

Indian Army - Artillery of India - YouTube
Would you sir, be able to enlighten us as to why the jawans engage in such theatrics?

It is a Drill, highlighting the discipline and the orderliness a team maintains while firing the canon. In real life the same happens but not as theatric as seen here.
Chinese forces within their soverign territory adjacent to Pakistan boundary, what is causing Indians to go bonkers on this?

India Politicians

Use these against the enemy.

Long Range Acoustic Device - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Active Denial System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hahaha, despite that so called un-stability it was the million man strong supa powa indian army which pooped, when popped by PA, that useless bunch can only sign billion dollar deals for kick backs, not to face the enemy.

They have also moved BMP apc's. Something big is going to happen in Ladakh i fear

source? BMP??????????

First stabilize your country else you go pop like a shaken bottle of soda.
well i can bet any money here, that China may or may not leave that land now, but indian wont do anything other than moving its troops around or giving hard statements..

No need for all these fancy stuff. Get that old Caribou and fly sorties at a low height across where the Chinese tent is and it will do the trick.

While the pilots droned over Dhaka along with the occasional AN-12 keeping the Pakistanis awake, an airman aboard the Caribou once in a while pushed out a bomb from the open back. None of the bombs caused significant damage but they kept the Pakistani generals getting much sleep. After the surrender, one Pakistani general was to angrily remark about the damned aircraft which did not allow any of them to sleep for a week or more.

1971 India-Pakistan War: Protecting the Skies: Air War in the East
Mate i clearify onething to u that its all happening just becoz of our ******* PM n mindless sonia gandhi .... Otherwise it just an hour game to vacate that land from chinese soldiers.... No speculations about it m telling all such things depend on fact.... Will elaborate all facts laters but think first about chinese soldiers who r sitting on fire... Anything could happen in just of a few hours of time.....

well , why would you explain later ?? why not now ?? cuz i am curious to read out your master plan..
and come on mate, dont put the blame on sonia gandhi, rather than that you should blame New chiniese President ... :p
and i highly doubt indian can take this land with force ... or you will have another 1962 ..
No need for all these fancy stuff. Get that old Caribou and fly sorties at a low height across where the Chinese tent is and it will do the trick.

While the pilots droned over Dhaka along with the occasional AN-12 keeping the Pakistanis awake, an airman aboard the Caribou once in a while pushed out a bomb from the open back. None of the bombs caused significant damage but they kept the Pakistani generals getting much sleep. After the surrender, one Pakistani general was to angrily remark about the damned aircraft which did not allow any of them to sleep for a week or more.

1971 India-Pakistan War: Protecting the Skies: Air War in the East

there is different between chinese and Pak soldiers
pak soldiers are angry, cruel and also frighten from enemy attack. one colonel told that, in 1971 the pak soldiers look like have killing instinct though no one is better than Indian as they have dying Instinct. china is more offensive than defensive. and hence there is need for to be offensive vs offensive. china has taken few steps which are not permitted in the world. like to fly helicopters in india, having tent, do other mischiefs, also to use nuke sub in India ocean very nearly and also to make navy centres near India. this are extremely provocative. we need to use extreme power for it.

save India from cybre attack, and electronic and laser attacks. china may have those caliber to destroy economy transactions and other.
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