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India, Mongolia Conduct Joint Military Exercises

Mongolia is a very ruralistic country, apparently they've got only one major paved highway or something. If India's sincere, help uplift the lives of average Mongolians, build things that create employment opportunities and things like that.

China wouldn't really be worried at all that India conducts military drills with their northern neighbor. China's ties with Mongolia are better than India's ties with Mongolia, plus - what would the Mongolians do... invade China with an army of Elephants on India's instigation!?
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man ...i would really like to see India and Pakistan Conducting Joint Military Exercises..now that will be something huh.....:lol::lol: now trolls just dont bring in 47,65,71,99 ..those werent EXERCISES:frown::frown::disagree::disagree:

a war game could ease of frustrations between both sides ....:azn:
I think Pakistan once did held CT exercise with India..or i think it was proposed but opposed by india.
One has to say Mongolia lies in a horrible geographical location in the 21st century. Landlocked and jammed in between two major world powers. Couldnt be any worse could it?
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