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India mocked Pakistan over a surprise airstrike, but now it looks like an embarrassing failure

If you think Modi is this stupid, you don't understand how a Bania's brain work.

This was all a show to win elections and kill controversy around shady Rafael deal.

Do you think all the bad publicity Mirages have recieved, is all a mere coincidence?

Modi has more excuses to enter into shady arms deal in his 2nd term.

Be ready for some more scripted fireweors before elections.

We welcome your Modi's efforts if people of India want to earn the same type of humiliation at an international forum, where your extremely racist leadership cannot provide a piece of single evidence in support of your strike. :welcome:


“Open source evidence suggested that the strike was unsuccessful,” the newspaper quoted Michael Sheldon, a research associate with the group, as telling the newspaper.

“Separate satellite analysis by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute also concluded the that there was no evidence of damage to the hilltop facility that India claimed to have struck,” the report said. :chilli:

The second major point of contention is India’s claim that it shot down a Pakistani jet involved in a strike on Indian-controlled territory on Wednesday morning – and that the downed jet was an F-16 fighter.

Images showing the wreckage of a warplane on the Pakistan-controlled side of the border were published by the Indian news agency ANI last week as proof that an F16 had been shot down.

Bellingcat, a forensic investigations outlet, has examined photos and videos of the wreckage and concluded it belonged to the Indian airforce MiG-21 that was shot down in Wednesday’s dogfight, leading to the capture of its pilot, Abhinandan Varthaman. :victory:
How is it a humiliation?

Bhakts think that modi ji killed 300 pakstanis in air strikes.

They don't buy your narrative.
while rest of the world laughs at the indian narrative.

but yes, bhakts should vote for modi. We want them to and you should too.
Imagine if they had really bombed a madrasah and killed 300 mostly kids

Hell would’ve opened up in India
I know almost every Indian Member will disagree with me, but No way India can beat Pakistan in a limited conflict .. you have greater chance if you attack on 10-15 different areas and make Pakistan Stretch its forces along the whole Border , but if you try to limit Pakistan into a small area, we will beat you pretty easily , cause we have far far more experience than IA or BSF .
if pakistan does release data of the second jet, it will really be humiliation..insider news is already leaking regarding friendly fire because of strong witness..seems india will not be able to hide the mi 17 shot down by friendly fire
India and Pakistan have been trading blows since a February 16 terror attack in Kashmir killed 40 India troops, but updated battle-damage reports indicate India's retaliation fell well short of achieving anything.

Following the terror attack, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said his country's blood boiled and blamed Pakistan for harboring the terror group that had struck.

Modi unleashed his military to strike back at Pakistan as they saw fit, in what one expert called an "abdication of political power."

India's military retaliation took the form of a surprise strike in the dead of night with Mirage 2000 jet fighters breaching Pakistan's airspace and bombing just miles away from the country's military academies.

Immediately after the bombing, Indian forces said they killed 300 members of the terror group with 2,000-pound bombs, and Indians around the country broke into celebrations.

Pakistan, for its part, said India missed and had been chased off. One sound bite from Pakistan's defense minister, in which he blamed the nighttime for a delayed response, brought intense mockery from the Indian side.

But new evidence suggests that Pakistan was right, and India had outright failed to hit anything worthwhile.

No damage

Images from Planet Labs, which show details as small as 72 cm, don't show the alleged terrorist training site as having sustained any damage at all.

Reuters reporters toured the area late last month and interviewed people in the surrounding area. They found no evidence of anyone being killed or hurt.

"It does appear there was a strike in the vicinity of the camp, but it looks like it largely missed," Omar Lamrani, a military analyst at the geopolitical consulting firm Stratfor, told Business Insider.

Some Indian officials said the munitions entered through the roof and detonated inside, but according to Lamrani, that "doesn't pass the smell test."

Indian officials told Reuters they used 2,000-pound Israel-made SPICE 2000 glide bombs in the attack. According to Lamrani and other experts, there's simply no way that bomb could hit its target and cause such little damage.

Instead, Pakistan showed craters just a few hundred yards short of the camp with rubble, which may have been from Indian missiles. For whatever reason, India missed its big attack by a hair.

India's best?

India's Mirage 2000 fleet carries the country's nuclear weapons, meaning the aircraft are prioritized and have some of the best reliability rates in the fleet. Often, countries put their better pilots in nuclear-capable aircraft to ensure mission readiness.

"I think they were trying to go with some of their most capable precision-guided munitions," said Lamrani, adding that the pilots were "probably some of their best."

"But I'm a bit stumped as to why they missed," he continued. "It could be simply a pilot error, but it could speak to the status of the Indian air force."

A source told India's The Print that strong winds caused the Indian jets to cross into Pakistan's actual airspace to drop the bombs, but that also strains reason. Bombs dropped from that altitude always face strong winds.

Ultimately, nobody is sure how India blew a surprise attack that seemed to legitimately catch Pakistan off guard.


Since the attack, fighting continued and saw the loss of an Indian fighter jet to Pakistani forces. Pakistan released the captured pilot and offered an olive branch by saying it would help India investigate the terror incident.

But India has made more unsubstantiated claims of victories. India said it downed a Pakistani jet but has yet to produce any evidence.

Nationalism is on the rise in both India and Pakistan, bitter rivals who have fought three wars since 1947. Each country has online militias bent on stoking nationalism, pushing politicians to hardline responses, and goading each other on military matters.

As the world looks on and hopes the nuclear nations can deescalate the fighting, India may have to accept the humiliation of a failed strike.


Strong winds caused indian aircraft to cross over into Pakistan.....lol.
No wonder its called Indian Air Fart
Speaking of "Embarrassing Failure".

Did anybody find out about this pakistani air force pilot who was found unconscious by the pakistani army and rushed to the hospital ?

Please don't claim its Abhinandan since we all know he was quite healthy and fit when taken into custody.

The pakistani armymen seems particularly concerned about this an and even asks this fellow soldiers to "close the door" to stop the cold wind.

Speaking of "Embarrassing Failure".

Did anybody find out about this pakistani air force pilot who was found unconscious by the pakistani army and rushed to the hospital ?

Please don't claim its Abhinandan since we all know he was quite healthy and fit when taken into custody.

The pakistani armymen seems particularly concerned about this an and even asks this fellow soldiers to "close the door" to stop the cold wind.

It’s a video of Abhinandan. It has been around for a while and the full version shows his face. You are obviously living in lala land as Abhinandan’s face was beaten into a pulp by Pakistani civilians before being rescued by Pak Army and he needed first aid. And do you think pak army doesn’t care for its POWs. The guy who said close the door is same one who arrested Abhindan. The videos are all over. Your brain has been messed up by drinking too much mutter.
indians right now " rul te gaye aan per chasss agai ha":rofl::rofl:
That's your perception. Not a fact.

Losers don't join airforce and risk their lives.
His plane crashed in enemy territory. What do you expect him to do? Kill all Pakistanis with his bare hands to make him a winner.

He is hero for many because he risked his life for the nation and they themselves couldn't do it.

Winston Churchill the geonicdal maniac is a hero for many British. He is hated by Indians.

A hero to one. And a villian to another one.

It's all perception

See there you go wrong. If they do that, they will not only lose the elections but even their party will collapse.

Opposition raising doubts gives them the perfect opportunity to tag them as antinational and isi agents. This is how politics work.

Modi can always come with a filmy dialogue. Doubt me all you want? But how can you doubt integrity of our armed forces.

South Asians are emotional fools. Rationality is frowned upon. So it will work.

Only Indian politics, LOL. One would imagine a much bigger country/economy to rise above such things. In Pakistan, India doesn't even figure into our elections (despite India's support to Baloch terrorism.)
Speaking of "Embarrassing Failure".

Did anybody find out about this pakistani air force pilot who was found unconscious by the pakistani army and rushed to the hospital ?

Please don't claim its Abhinandan since we all know he was quite healthy and fit when taken into custody.

The pakistani armymen seems particularly concerned about this an and even asks this fellow soldiers to "close the door" to stop the cold wind.

It is abhinandan you delusional fool


No wonder an illiterate chai wala is fooling you lot with such an ease.
It is abhinandan you delusional fool



Pakistan twitter handles ‘claiming’ there have been IAF payloads dropped in Fort Abbas of Bhawalnagar in Pakistan. No confirmation of the same. Important to mention that both Fort Abbas and Fort Maujgarh have camps of Jaish-e-Muhammad as well which were used for Pathankot Attack.




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