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India may strike terror training camps post Mumbai-II: US counter-terrorism expert

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Well i think Americans are jsut telling the people that this could happen... and both countries need to take correct actions...

As far as India can hit camps in Pakistan is out of question as there are no proof of these camps in Pakistan (which india thinks as camps)
Also Pakistanies will fight back and india cannot take it atleast economy wise.. this is 2010 so any miss adventure will cost alot....in terms of $$$ and Human Life on both sides....

infact Pakistan need to take action against camps on India side which are working Pakistani interest from afghanistan and india .......

There are proof of indians working from afghanistan and hitting innocent people of balochistan...

:agree: stupidity is a human trait not animals' trait so it should be there sometimes

Yeah but this stupidity is costing us generation!!!
we are losing time money and what not . both india and pak.
Well i think Americans are jsut telling the people that this could happen... and both countries need to take correct actions...

As far as India can hit camps in Pakistan is out of question as there are no proof of these camps in Pakistan (which india thinks as camps)
Also Pakistanies will fight back and india cannot take it atleast economy wise.. this is 2010 so any miss adventure will cost alot....in terms of $$$ and Human Life on both sides....

infact Pakistan need to take action against camps on India side which are working Pakistani interest from afghanistan and india .......

There are proof of indians working from afghanistan and hitting innocent people of balochistan...

and zaid hamid sir has told you that!!!
or are you just plain s*****
Same old pissing contest?

India cannot overtly attack Pakistan because Pak has nukes and Chinese assistance.

In any case, with all the turmoil going on in Pak, there is no need for India to take any hasty step.

It is not in Pakistan's genuine interest to support non-state actors operating in Kashmir and Afghanistan, but I don't think that policy can change so easily.
are you trying to say that provocative movement move by pakistan will bring peace??
or non action on other provocative movement by pakistani gov will bring peace.
PS:-even i don't want war!!!

lolzzz for all these think thanks or western/US analysts the provocation is coming from them not us.

You still have to have the power to question role of US in Mumbai saga
and zaid hamid sir has told you that!!!
or are you just plain s*****

he is a true speaker and if you have any problem with this guy then i cant help you...

Its a fact and its been raised by alot of Pakistani officials ... and as i am a baloch myself and knows my area 100% i know who is doing what.. so if you dont know the ground reality then stop posting....

We baloch will payback indians soon dont you worry... :pakistan:
The US may be secretly hoping for a Mumbai 2 like event to happen.What started with 9/11 will finally end with a Mumbai 2.This does not mean that there is any conspiracy involved of course.Nevertheless we have to be prepared for the worst case scenario,when it involves terrorists and non state actors and parts of an establishment in the heartland of terrorism.Hence this is a fair warning.
Same old pissing contest?ther

who can piss farther???
there is actually a video on you tube of people competing in game.arthers
who so ever pisses farthest is considered a winner.
search for it it is funny as helll

India cannot overtly attack Pakistan because Pak has nukes and Chinese assistance.
it didn't do any good in kargil or 71.

In any case, with all the turmoil going on in Pak, there is no need for India to take any hasty step.
but that turmoil hurts india by creating situation like Bombay

It is not in Pakistan's genuine interest to support non-state actors operating in Kashmir and Afghanistan, but I don't think that policy can change so easily.
Thank you i hope there are more people who think like this :tup:

please see the replies.
Well if there are any terrorist camps which Indians know about and we dont then hints are very clear. Under the disguise of surgical strikes they might come in to attacks installations of critical importance. In any event no charter in the world recognises surgical strikes and taking take of them with some air defence and JF17 shall call it a day. I hope many of these indians are well versed in lowering their landgear mid air before they are locked on a target.

There had been an incident of Indian infiltrated spy mastering a bomb blast in lahore. SO shall be indict a simlary theory of Lahore-2??

What is there to discount that RAW is not involved in creating fake identities to accuse Pakistan in Mumbai or Mumbai-2 drama?? After all lying and deception are national heritage of Indians. There is plently of history about RAW creating double identities and then disowning them to trap their in their own game.

Perks apart, the sheer thrill of being a spy was irresistible to the young Sikh from Gunsawad, Amritsar; he signed up, ignoring the perils and challenges. Soon he was sent for a crash course in espionage and was told to assume a Muslim identity. He willingly cut his hair, shaved his beard and underwent circumcision. After the physical camouflage, he obtained a working knowledge of Islamic faith-performing the namaz and memorising parts of the Qur’an. Then came the exposure to Pakistani culture; Parvez Yousf was born

The moles were mostly Pakistan army officers and their administrative staff. Most of these were freed POWs of the 1971 war, recruited then by the Military Intelligence and the Research and Analysis Wing.

Balbir’s career as a spy began after a senior police officer introduced him to the RAW in February 1971. “The RAW warned me it was full of risks and challenges, but I wanted to be a spy,” he says. Like Balwinder, he, too, got a fake identity and became Muhammad Sultan, son of Safaid Khan, a former Pakistan army man. “I was circumcised and taught how to offer namaz,” Balbir says. “This the biggest proof that I was a spy for my country. Yet the government ignored us. Now we have moved court.”

Balbir’s run ended in 1975 at Rawalpindi when he was returning from Peshawar, the capital of North West Frontier Province, now renamed Pakhtunkhwa. “I could not find the mole I was supposed to meet at Peshawar,” Balbir says. “So I took a train to Jhelum where I was to meet Kashmir. But the FIU nabbed us at the Rawalpindi border.” During interrogation, he tried to fox the interrogators by claiming to be Ajaz Nasir and even produced a Pakistani identity card. Eventually, he broke down under pressure.
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In any case any provocationist move my India is not going to do any good to both countries.

Only Mumbai like terror attack can be called as a provocation.

Though we have disputes with Pakistan, I am not in favor of going war against Pakistan. We are on the way of economic development and huge military build up. Let India rebuild the military and give peace a chance first.
Only Mumbai like terror attack can be called as a provocation.

Though we have disputes with Pakistan, I am not in favor of going war against Pakistan. We are on the way of economic development and huge military build up. Let India rebuild the military and give peace a chance first.

i hope some more indian can think like you ......

give peace a chance and meanwhile Pakistan will finish up with these TTP and will join the economy race which is good for both country people....

but if any indians thinks that they can go with surgical strikes in Pakistan then they are fools .... our army and airforce are not sleeping...

India cannot dare do surgical strikes in Pakistan if they could they would have done that after Mumbai Attacks . But sanity prevailed because any such adventure would meet a swift retaliation and Kashmir is already on the boil . India will be the biggest loser in an Indo-Pak conflict . Pakistan has nothing left to lose (we are already suffering) so any economic prosperity and growth India is doing will be converted into nuclear nightmare.
Yeah but this stupidity is costing us generation!!!
we are losing time money and what not . both india and pak.


Yes so lets

1. Give our arms to US (both by India and Pakistan) and live like peaceful neighbours.

2. Lets Get out of Kashmir and give back their country to Kashmiris (Both by India and Pakistan) and live like peaceful neighbours.

3. Lets give up Akhand Bharat dream and Conquering Dehli dream and live like good neighbours.
he is a true speaker and if you have any problem with this guy then i cant help you...

Its a fact and its been raised by alot of Pakistani officials ... and as i am a baloch myself and knows my area 100% i know who is doing what.. so if you dont know the ground reality then stop posting....

We baloch will payback indians soon dont you worry... :pakistan:
If you think he is lion of pakistan and only saviour of pakistan.
i pray to god that there are hundreds of zaid mahid born in pakistan.

and if you are true follower of zaid hamid you should thank me for my prayers by thanking this post.
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