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India may snap business, transport links with Pak: Chidambaram

Indeed - the aftermath of the Indian media's tamasha was our own media going over the top. But the difference here is important, the Pakistani response was in reaction to the belligerence, lies and accusations coming out of the Indian media.

The blame for acting irresponsibly, starting the whole 'tamasha' and vitiating the atmosphere still lies with the GoI and Indian Media.

Oh comeon, don't be ridiculous. If that's the cheap line you're going to take then here's my response:

Indian media went over the top, but it never went into insane-mentally challenged-conspiracy-theory territory.

And yeah, it was in reaction to the terror attacks - and we all know who was responsible for them eh?

But no, I don't think Brasstacks is a reaction to Indian Media. I think Brasstacks and its crap has been around for quite a long time before that, isn't it?

But really, I'd love to see someone pull up Zaid Hamid on his allegations. It'll be fun. The only way he can defend them is to construct an even bigger and more complicated edifice!
Indian media went over the top, but it never went into insane-mentally challenged-conspiracy-theory territory.

Accusing Pakistan and her institutions from the get go was indeed resorting to conspiracy theories, as the GoI leadership continues to do with such inane remarks like 'the attacks had to have happened with official commando training an support since they were so commando like and sophisticated'.

How absurd.

Inanity on both sides, but the cause for it all was the GoI and Indian media.
Accusing Pakistan and her institutions from the get go was indeed resorting to conspiracy theories, as the GoI leadership continues to do with such inane remarks like 'the attacks had to have happened with official commando training an support since they were so commando like and sophisticated'.

Well, its quite possible. A number of security experts and terrorism experts have contended that some level of official involvement was there, even if only at the individual level.

Of course, it is impossible that Pakistan would ever admit to this, which is why the GOI refused to agree to a joint investigation, since that would be tantamount to making the thief judge his own crimes.

However, considering that even the Americans have to live with a certain amount of ambivalence towards terrorism within the Pakistani establishment, it seems like its something that the GOI has decided to accept for the time being.

Inanity on both sides, but the cause for it all was the GoI and Indian media.

Have you seen Zaid Hamid's shows before the Mumbai attack? His cocksure attitude and tendency to create wild conspiracy theories did not come about because of the Mumbai attacks.
How is it then, that you are blaming the Indian media for it? Absurdity at its best.
Back to topic, I wonder if snapping business links is still on the table given this:


I suppose it will depend upon whether India agrees to provide evidence to Pakistan to actually prosecute the culprits for Mumbai.

Businessman have no nationalities. To them profit matters. I am 100% sure that the businessman from both sides will find out the ways and carry on as usual. Businessman don't operate on emotions. If not directly, they will operate via Dubai.


Pakistan dismisses Indian dossier on Mumbai attacks

• Miliband backs assertion Islamabad was not involved
• India threatens to cut off economic and cultural ties

* Saeed Shah in Islamabad
* guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 14 January 2009 13.27 GMT

Indian officials said the dossier was meant to be a starting point for a Pakistani investigation, not conclusive evidence. They hinted that India would provide more evidence, including corroboration of its claim of Pakistani state involvement. It is understood that British and US intelligence provided some of the data in the dossier, including the phone intercepts.

India's home minister, Palaniappan Chidambaram, said this week that Pakistan was "doing nothing to assist India to bring to justice the perpetrators of the attacks" and threatened to cut off tourism, business and cultural ties.

Pakistan dismisses Indian dossier on Mumbai terror attacks | World news | guardian.co.uk
Please go ahead and cut ties. Why should we send 1.5 billion of our money to India with this sort of arrogant and belligerent behavior.

Pakistan trying to get wheat from India as their wheat production reduced by 40%. If Indian govt decided to cut the ties pakistan ppl are trying to get the indian wheat to dubai and then to pakistan !!!.......

Does Pakistan has any item where india going to loose in international market???
guys chill....
this indian govt is All talk and No action, so dont take wat they say seriosly.
for them all options are open but none will be exercised, so relax
Pakistan trying to get wheat from India as their wheat production reduced by 40%. If Indian govt decided to cut the ties pakistan ppl are trying to get the indian wheat to dubai and then to pakistan !!!.......

Does Pakistan has any item where india going to loose in international market???

Really, so did Pakistan try to contract Indian venders directly for wheat? I really have a hard time believing that.
we are not dying without indian trade,they can go to the hell for me
Indeed, Italians can definitely live without Indian trade. They have the rest of the EU rite?

Spare us your crap, we are not dependant of India nor do we need their goods, ofcourse, economic ties are good for both countries, but Pakistan can do without.
Indeed, Italians can definitely live without Indian trade. They have the rest of the EU rite?

I seriousally dont understand what are you trying to prove here. If economic ties with Pakistan are snapped by India, Pakistan really does not cares. Its not like we are dependant on India; sure the Indians like to think we are dependant on them but the truth is different.
Back to topic, I wonder if snapping business links is still on the table given this:


I suppose it will depend upon whether India agrees to provide evidence to Pakistan to actually prosecute the culprits for Mumbai.
A court case can only be built on an investigation conducted by Pakistani authorities in Pakistan, given that it is where most of the incriminating evidence lies. India obviously does not have the jurisdiction to conduct investigations beyond it's borders. The US, UK, India (and presumably Israel) has ample evidence intelligence on the responsible individuals and institutions (LeT or what have you); this however will/can not be introduced in court or even made public in its totality because doing so would compromise the intelligence sources. But the GoP will be given enough cues to pursue leads and their progress will be evaluated to see if they're being sincere enough.

I don't know how far this entire venture will go. Pakistan's history when it comes to prosecuting made for export terrorists (in the indo-pak equation) and the general competency of the judicial system itself leaves much to be desired; albeit the level of international attention that this event has garnered creates some level of unchartered territory. And there is always the hope that given the seriousness of this event and the subsequent international attention more earnest efforts will be undertaken. I must say however that the initial attempts to obfuscate the issue regarding the identities of the gunmen was a big setback for the Pakistani establishment who essentially dug their own credibility grave.

I have a feeling that as time goes by, this particular court case will only be one factor in a list of many that will shape India's policies (which I'm assuming will have some US component as well). The increasingly prominent one will be to see if Pakistan can actually cease to be the spiritual and logistical base for organized terrorism and insurgency directly aimed at India.

In terms of trade and travel links my guess is that it is going to take significant time and progress on the Pakistani side before any decisions are made. Pakistan's performance in this investigation will certainly be the first step, which if positive can open up some select avenues like cricket. But I doubt if there will be an move in India to even consider opening up the border for open trade and travel unless the imminent terrorism threat from Pakistan ends in its entirety, and that may take a long time.
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