Carrying oversized loads to strategic ranges. The main problem of the IL76 is the cargo hold size, which has width and height limitations compared to modern transport aircrafts. A C17 for example can trasport 2 rows of trucks besides each other, while the IL could only carry 1. Also the payload is an issue, be it for long range transports, where IAF already stated how they can carry loads now with a single C17 to support troops in UN missions, where they otherwise would had needed 2 IL's. Just as the payload limitation in high altitude areas is higher for the IL, while the C17 could still carry larger payloads. So for strategic operations with heavy and oversized payloads (not only MBTs), the C17 is the better aircraft for IAF. The problem is, that it also makes IAF too dependent on using the C17 even for small loads within India, when the width of the payload is too big for the IL 76, which than is a waste of money and resources.