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India may plan airstrikes in Muridkay

i believe this time they will use iaf.i believe they have no option but to target pakistan.we should get ready.strike corps should get ready.paf should get ready.we should escalate.identify all targets inside india.use standoff weapons.
they wanted to attack in 2008 but uncle sam prevented them
Indian airforce is in very bad shape for next 2 years. I doubt they will use aircraft. They might use missiles though.

We can preempt them attack first their airforce is at its weakest in history since 50 years. We can really hit them hard.
Said it earlier today

Whole Pakistan military should be imminently ready for action

Missiles out
Guns cocked

The indians are cowards but such a tight slap will burn them so they have to get surgical strike 2 movie ready

This is where you get them

If war is coming then let it come, we have NO EXCUSE not to be ready
Doing airstrikes is not a problem ..the problem is retilation ...both countries can do strikes on purpose
I dont think we can reply as much... we can defend well but can we reach dehli? it will be again like pathankot, amritsar etc... i think we can't reach Srinagar like before....
India will use its proxies to cause terrorist attack in balochistan direct attack seems difficult
India will use its proxies to cause terrorist attack in balochistan direct attack seems difficult

direct attack is a possibility.azad kashmir will be their primary target as usual but they can escalate it to multiple fronts.they probably use iaf to infiltrate inside pakistani air space like they did in 2008.
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