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India may plan airstrikes in Muridkay

Indians are not that stupid, they can create all the hype and make stories to convince their public but in reality they only know well that even an Indian Quad-copter can't enter Pakistan and forget about tall claims of dozens of Indian soldiers entering Pakistan to mount the so called surgical strikes and going back unscathed, in reality, a solitary Chandu Lal, gets picked up within minutes.
Again surgical strike........
Now this joke dont even make us laugh .
10 years 100 threats 0 action . Sick n tired of these indian jokers .
restoration of the Dehli sultanate.
I always had an intuition that you are a brainwashed individual with some romantic idea about the subcontinent.
Your country was taken over by Greeks under Alexander, would you want to be Greek state now...? You are delusional. History is past and many things have happened in it, and some Mongolian wishing for the restoration of Genghis Khan is just plain stupid and delusional.

You and your kind are a threat to everyone including Pakistan itself.
Hahahahaha :rofl::lol::rofl::rofl::rofl::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Another round of fake “surGIKal stRiKes” and “AiR AtTaCKs” too...

This shit is not even funny to us anymore. Last time indians did drama of surgical strikes, Pakistan army responded by its own border raids, beheading of Indian soldiers, and bleeding them on LoC.

And now what? Fucking entire platoons bombed to slitherns?? Almost 50+ soldiers killed in one attack, and we can bomb indian mainland at will at this point.

What can india do? NOTHING. :lol:

indians are humiliated and reminded again and again that they can not use “coercion diplomacy” with Pakistan EVER. We are a regional power of South Asia just like india and there’s nothing india can do to change that

According to some defense sources Indian Airforce is planning a retaliatory strikes in Muridkay bahawalpur on training camps of militants

Nice. Do it with Rafael. We need them for next of our design. Samajh tu gaey hongy aap.
I always had an intuition that you are a brainwashed individual with some romantic idea about the subcontinent.
Your country was taken over by Greeks under Alexander, would you want to be Greek state now...? You are delusional. History is past and many things have happened in it, and some Mongolian wishing for the restoration of Genghis Khan is just plain stupid and delusional.

You and your kind are a threat to everyone including Pakistan itself.
Lol, i think i touched a nerve.
i believe this time they will use iaf.i believe they have no option but to target pakistan.we should get ready.strike corps should get ready.paf should get ready.we should escalate.identify all targets inside india.use standoff weapons.

Definitely ... We should get prepared ourselves for any eventuality. Even get our all option open to strike back, if India thinks of any misadventure.
The movement of Kashmir will become more violent as occupation forces are brutally involved in human rights violation.
Further ... the present development is indeed a false flagging in reference to the timing of MBS visit.
They can do air raid but there is also risk of love losing jets that would negate the political benefits then their is also danger of retaliatory strikes and so war can escalate
And India has bigger military but difference isn't as much in their favor as they propagate

They can do air raid but there is also risk of love losing jets that would negate the political benefits then their is also danger of retaliatory strikes and so war can escalate
And India has bigger military but difference isn't as much in their favor as they propagate
Mate why do you tune in to indian news channels? They first mince and then burry us every day on their talk shows :lol:
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Real strike ki to himmat nhe ha is liye comments mn bhonk rhe hn
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