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India may plan airstrikes in Muridkay

Indian airforce is in very bad shape for next 2 years. I doubt they will use aircraft. They might use missiles though.

We can preempt them attack first their airforce is at its weakest in history since 50 years. We can really hit them hard.
They're not the only ones with a weak air force. Ours isnt at all on the top of its fighting ability like it was in '65 with world class equipment, we can provide adequate defense but not sufficient to guarantee a command of the skies in a war like scenario, being realistic here.
They're not the only ones with a weak air force. Ours isnt at all on the top of its fighting ability like it was in '65 with world class equipment, we can provide adequate defense but not sufficient to guarantee a command of the skies in a war like scenario, being realistic here.

we can launch missiles and destory there remaining forward base aircraft while even with in their hangers. they don't have effective air defence against cruise missiles.

All i am saying is. before india attacks us , we should destroy their offensive capabilities Pre-empt them when they expect the least.

I fail to understand why their media is allowed to pump up the crowd into a frenzy when they don't plan to do anything substantial. Why get yourself backed up into a corner where you may have to do something that hurts you more than it helps?

we can launch missiles and destory there remaining forward base aircraft while even with in their hangers. they don't have effective air defence against cruise missiles.

All i am saying is. before india attacks us , we should destroy their offensive capabilities Pre-empt them when they expect the least.
I see, but you do realize the actual alarm that will create and how it would take away from Pakistan, the footing established and respect established so it could be trusted to bring Afghan war to a closure? India would probably want such a harsh response from Pakistan - I think we should definitely respond harshly to India if they do anything foolish but we should let them be the aggressors while deflating the pressure by the West on Pakistan to withdraw the 'moral' support they are providing to the Kashmiris.

I fail to understand why their media is allowed to pump up the crowd into a frenzy when they don't plan to do anything substantial. Why get yourself backed up into a corner where you may have to do something that hurts you more than it helps?

India is well established country media is owned by some rich peoples who own the politicans and who own the business of the country

India wants to keep it people entertained so domestic issues don't pop uo..for next 1-2 years people will forget their misery
They're not the only ones with a weak air force. Ours isnt at all on the top of its fighting ability like it was in '65 with world class equipment, we can provide adequate defense but not sufficient to guarantee a command of the skies in a war like scenario, being realistic here.
I can guarantee you , if IAF crosses pak borders thy are up for a big big surprise evn pak air defence ill enough to smoke IAF those days of 65 war are long gone when pakistan was dependent on others for its defence but whts the proof its done by pakistan just a audio any one can make
I see, but you do realize the actual alarm that will create and how it would take away from Pakistan, the footing established and respect established so it could be trusted to bring Afghan war to a closure? India would probably want such a harsh response from Pakistan - I think we should definitely respond harshly to India if they do anything foolish but we should let them be the aggressors while deflating the pressure by the West on Pakistan to withdraw the 'moral' support they are providing to the Kashmiris.

if we let them attack first they will have an upper hand and then we will have to nuke them. this way we only elminate their airforce and forward attack forces without going nuclear.
all of this because india was worried about afghanistan, and modi losing and election. this is going to undo peace in afghanistan and may very well destroy pakistan's image.
Pakistan shud keep a strike package handy... Include all eastern airforce bases in it... Just in case
all of this because india was worried about afghanistan, and modi losing and election. this is going to undo peace in afghanistan and may very well destroy pakistan's image.
Tera abba America is coming for talks with yours sincerely Taliban in a few days in pakistan. Afghanistan will be stabilised no need to blow your load as off now
Tera abba America is coming for talks with yours sincerely Taliban in a few days in pakistan. Afghanistan will be stabilised no need to blow your load as off now
uk main bhaag kar khud bethay ho aur usa ko mera abba bana rahay ho?
The problem is with the Muslim Brahmins of Kashmir. From Iqbal to Adil Ahmed Dar.

Non Brahmins like Gilanis do nothing but talking.

Muslims hate Brahmins hence they use Bhatts, Dars of Kashmir as cannon fodder.
Yahan b caste system le ao
Personally, I think the Government's stand of condemning the attack has been adequate. They haven't done anything or said anything to feel any form of guilt - because realistically its a Indian (internal) issue.

Even better that our media has kept a distance from the issue by just bringing it up in the hourly headlines on various channels.

On the flip side, you see the exact opposite in India. They are screaming (literally) at the top of their lungs...'Pakistan'.
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