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India may never be a super power: LSE study

my parents are russian but i born in iran

I have a friend, who was born in Iran.
He is: Russian, Irani, Pakistani, Chinese, and Canadian...:tup:

I myself was born in Saudi Arabia but partly: White, Chinese, Black. Mostly: Pakistani
Because my blood is mostly Pakistani, i am from Pakistan:D
It's unfortunate that the study's authors put the word superpower in the title. It derails the discussion because being a superpower is not the point. That's not the point at all!

Would somebody care to comment on their repeated focus on social issues which, they claim, are actually getting worse. Far from a "rising tide lifting all boats", India's growth is exacerbating existing social problems.

Well for starters social division is not gonna be easy to get rid of with the older generations. The infamous Indian caste system is very much prevalent among the rural folk as compared to the people living in cities. Same goes for religious rifts. However UP home to almost 200 million people has had a Dalit chief minister for quite some time now. (I think she lost the recent elections though). Inequalities among the rich and poor are there just as any other country, don't know too much about the gap though. But I do know that $2 a day in India can get the average working class food, groceries and a rickshaw to work. I've eaten at food joints all around India that serve food with the cost of less than a penny.
The insurgencies are also undoubtedly alive, but in a much smaller scale than say in the 60's through the 80's. Hell Kashmir has cooled down compared to what it's been through before.
It's unfortunate that the study's authors put the word superpower in the title. It derails the discussion because being a superpower is not the point. That's not the point at all!

Would somebody care to comment on their repeated focus on social issues which, they claim, are actually getting worse. Far from a "rising tide lifting all boats", India's growth is exacerbating existing social problems.

Cant talk about other things because we don't have the statistics but insurgent violence has actually reduced greatly in India particularly compared to the previous decades .

Kashmir and north east are much quieter . Same for naxal violence . Punjab insurgency effectively ended a long time back .

Also income inequality has increased but poverty levels have also gone down and overall standard of living has improved .These things are all proven through statistics .
I am not so concerned about the caste system -- hopefully it would diminish over time with better education and integration. However, the bigger problem is corruption and nepotism combining to maintain economic stratification. This problem is not confined to South Asia, it seems to be endemic in most developing countries.

There was an article by an Indian lady claiming that entrepreneurship was stifled in India because the established players quickly quashed any competition. I am not sure what the government can do, other than zealously enforcing antitrust laws.
It's unfortunate that the study's authors put the word superpower in the title. It derails the discussion because being a superpower is not the point. That's not the point at all!

Would somebody care to comment on their repeated focus on social issues which, they claim, are actually getting worse. Far from a "rising tide lifting all boats", India's growth is exacerbating existing social problems.

And how did you concluded that the social issues are getting worse? Any facts or data?

Take my example. My parents are not educated neither rich, and I am from a small village of around 2000 people and 20 KM away from Dantewada, the epicentre of so called Naxal movement. When I was young, forget about about the education, we did not even had electricity. Liberalization herald a opportunity for all people across India. The same happened to my Village. We have lot of amenities now. We have scores of people from my village doing engineering, medicine, studying abroad, and working in world class companies. The same happened to my family too. My brother went to study at Stanford and now working in Google, and I am doing my MBA from London Business School, one of the best in the world. These things are not thought of just 10 to 15 years back. Most of us never even went beyond our district.

What ever newspapers say, I know the truth and first hand experience. The rate at which poverty is declining, literary is growing, and social barriers are blurring is never so fast in the history of independent India.
Well this paper says this another that- only time will tell. It gets more ridiculous when only yesterday I was reading a paper written by UCL that India will become the largest economy in 2053! We just don't know who to believe.
That's what the study's authors' are claiming. And they all seem to be Indian.

No Indian on PDF has ever claimed that we don't have any of these social issues. We claim that the rate at which these issue are addressed at is unprecedented. India is vast and very heterogeneous and any hypothesis can be proved or disproved based on the sample you take for the study.
I guess people here didn't like these 'studies'..and it can be studied/predicted if a country can become a super power??..
No one predicted 2012...that India and China would slow down that much!
Same way there are scores of studies/articles predicting India to be a super power by 2020 2030 20xx,All BS.
Because future can't be predicted,specially when it relates to economy.
my opinion>

USA and Europe are losing power

till 2030 china may emerge as super power and till 2040 US may lose status of superpower

Russia will be further weakened ( just guess )

Britain and France too will be less powerful.

if we manage to maintain good economic growth till then ( 3 to 4 trillion dollar economy ) our economy will be in Top 5

and if we till then manage to develop and deploy very good BMD, SSBNs and large ICBM force consisting of Agni 6, Surya 1 and 2, India will emerge as second superpower

then China and India may be will form G 5 ( China, Brazil, Japan, South Africa and India ) but its my opinion that only china and India will have veto power

just speculation
So, do the Chinese think they've become a Super Power? Unless and until there is complete democracy there, China can never hope to become a Super Power. It's not just a fat bank balance that makes a country a super power.

China will never get a democratic form of government as it goes against the very fundamentals of a communist system. Therefore, despite China’s "impressive" rise, its ambition to be a super power may remain just that—an ambition.
I am getting tired of all this super power bullshit .....it may be a good thing that i dont have power for most of the day here in tamil nadu as i dont have to read about india being a "super" power yet again......first give me the power let the "super" come later :lol:
So, do the Chinese think they've become a Super Power? Unless and until there is complete democracy there, China can never hope to become a Super Power. It's not just a fat bank balance that makes a country a super power.

China will never get a democratic form of government as it goes against the very fundamentals of a communist system. Therefore, despite China’s "impressive" rise, its ambition to be a super power may remain just that—an ambition.

where in this article said china want to be a superpower ? stop trolling this thread is about india dont bring china into every thread
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